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The Sexuality Topic/Poll

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  • Originally posted by Alexia_Ashford View Post
    I would class that as spam ^. If you want to promote yourself, obtain permission first and then make a separate topic for it, like Darkmoon did.
    ok then, sorry about that


    • Originally posted by Vogue_Dirge View Post
      The only gay vampires have actually been villains....

      As for Eric Northman, he only slept with Talbot to kill him. And you have to think about it as a vampire. You're immortal. You love forever. One gender could get boring.

      Also the civil rights struggle in True Blood does mirror the civil rights struggle of the LGBT community. So yes, there are parallels.
      See, you get what I mean. It's not that the media is demonizing gays. The typical "vampire" in the media has changed a lot and a lot of the time they're "sexed up", and perhaps it's a good thing that these deviations from society are open to explore their sexuality freely, like all people perhaps should feel like they can.

      And Spencer, do you like white silk scarves? I've always been fond of white silk scarves. They're useful for all occasions.


      • since we are on the topic of Gay/Vampires, i want to share an interesting article i found. basically the article explains how horror material often draws from societies anxieties and how vampire stories compared to zombie stories would potentially appeal to.. lets just say.. two very different audiences.
        i thought it was an amusing read (it always felt like there was a lot of liberals in zombie fandom.)
        ha ha, progressivist probably would prefer that instead of Dracula

        (the article has two pages and the second page was more fun to read)
        Last edited by Joey3264; 12-13-2011, 09:29 PM.


        • i wouldn't be surprised if that was how some conservatives actually viewed the topic, it would explain a lot of behavior from them..

          ..if they were actually convinced we were all real life vampires or something like that.. o_0


          • I have no idea what I just read, haha. The graph doesn't seem to indicate much difference no matter who is in power in America, it's a bit of both. I think the jist of the article is that people fear them because they represent anarchy and it doesn't fit with conservative ideals. I wouldn't really know because us English folk are all sexual deviants anyway.


            • it was kinda more like a 2-page article about deconstructing why vampire fiction may appeal to conservatives, and why zombie fiction would attract liberal minded folks. I figured the community of this forum would find it entertaining (funny how residents evil's villains are typically spoiled rotten rich folks, and in one case.. a power hungry cult leader)

              i don't think its meant to be taken too seriously i just love witty humor, always makes me chuckle


              • Oh right. In my experience, vampire fiction tends to appeal to young teenage girls. Oh, when I went into what-used-to-be-awesome Forbidden Planet and they had dedicated an entire floor to Twilight...

                I do, however, own an Edward T-Shirt!


                • ok, i've been wanting to ask this for a while.
                  isn't Pansexual just a prettier way of saying Bi?


                  • its amazing to hear a president actually say this!

                    if he doesn't get re-elected america is so screwed


                    • Dude, if he DOES get re-elected America is so screwed. He hasn't cracked down on the wall street bullshit, the big government expansion, hes got RIAA lawyer trolls in his cabinet, and the country is still turning into a totalitarian big brother sponsored police state.

                      President of the USA is just a figure head now. Obama's busy paying off the favors to whatever mega rich tiny cocks who helped him get elected in the first place.

                      While it is nice to hear a president say this, Hes only saying it to get more votes because its election year.

                      Still, the gay community has to take what it can get for political support. My best friend came out of the closet a year ago and I want him to have the same right to be miserable that I have.

                      But if Obama was really for Gay marriage, he would have said this when he repelled 'Don't ask, dont tell'. Its all a sick game thats gone on for far too long.

                      Wonder how many people know that America has already had a gay president?
                      Don't believe what Newsweek's cover tells you: The first gay president was James Buchanan more than a century ago
                      Last edited by Wrathborne; 05-17-2012, 04:21 AM.


                      • Politics on the Internet is stupid.

                        Originally posted by Wrathborne View Post
                        President of the USA is just a figure head now. Obama's busy paying off the favors to whatever mega rich tiny cocks who helped him get elected in the first place.
                        But I always thought that's what the republicans apparently do ... (like, while they're busy trying to direct the attention towards the faults of others, rather than focusing on how they'd gladly take one up the bum for their team as long as the cameras aren't rolling...)

                        Originally posted by Wrathborne View Post
                        While it is nice to hear a president say this, Hes only saying it to get more votes because its election year.
                        If you ask me, to most people this may actually seem like a shot in the dark that could hurt his chances more than actually helping him (as the ratio of "gays wanting to support Obama" is likely gonna be less than the ratio of "people who feel the sanctity of marriage is now raped forever by Obama and cock docking" and thus Obama==Satan). However, this is probably gonna do exactly what Obama's first election did; stirr up a whole lot of shit and get a whole lot of people who're not normally interested in politics and the election to engage themselves in stuff and end up voting for a candidate they feel supports their interests.

                        Not to stray entirely off-topic, but I guess it's time to bust out this one again

                        Now, besides the legal "rights" it kinda entitles you to as a couple and the kind of "approval" it gives you in society, I've never quite seen the need for gay couples to "get married." (But then again, I'm eternally thankful for them wanting to just adopt the concept of a traditional wedding, rather than constructing some ritual of their own; 'cause, quite frankly, their "spectator sport"-ish festivals are kinda a tad bit too ...)


                        • Republican and democratic party leaders are in the same party, 'The Business party'.

                          The whole thing about gay marriage being an issue, is that it should be an issue. Its ridiculous to see both side of the party over the years bitching about gay people, when they most likely have less interaction with gay people than the rest of the country.


                          • (aww crap) very sorry if i stirred up a few people about politics (i was afraid that would happen lol)
                            but i have heard a rumor that about 60% of americans think there isnt anything wrong about gay marriage so Carnivol is right, he probably is targeting the loads of people who don't vote.

                            its hard not to be skeptical about politics nowadays. but i am sick of all the damn conspiracy theories about obama "hes a muslim!/socalist!/terrorist! ect." ugg.. where are my pain killers

                            its like they cant think of a real angle to argue from. and i tend to disregard people who takes Faux news seriously


                            • I think the whole reason that gay people want to have 'gay marriage' is the idea of equality and the rights that they cannot obtain. I don't know if it's legal in America but in the UK gay couples can get Civil Partnerships which is close to marriages but a bit off. I'm in a relationship now and whilst I wouldn't get married anytime soon I am open to the idea of it and if that doesn't stride well - theres always civil partnerships. I think that Obama is looking for support from the gay community because that's where he can get those votes racking if he is open to equal rights, however whilst I admittingly know not much of his work as president, I have no right to comment on whether I think he is bullshitting for votes or genuinely rooting for them. In our current state, our current Prime Minister used to oppose homosexuality in 2004 or something, now he said he open to it and they hope by 2014 that Civil Gay Marriage will be legal in the UK. That's good news for everyone I think. The only thing that boils my blood is the reasons people oppose gay marriage, there is no reason other than hatred. It's hypocrisy and prejudice. I don't understand why anyone would look for reasons to stop someone who isn't them to be happy with their relationship and 'take it to the next level' like a lot of people who get married feel. Will I get married in the future? Most likely. But not until it's actually made legal. I'm not entirely bothered if its made legal or not, the only thing that bothers me are the bullshit reasons for said repressing of gay marriage.


                              • Ah, this old chestnut again.
                                See you in hell.

