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The Sexuality Topic/Poll

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  • The Sexuality Topic/Poll

    Well, from what I've seen around THIA, I've noticed that there is a varied fanbase here, and out of pure curiosity, I decided to poll: are you straight, gay/lesbian, or bisexual? And is there any particular reason for the way you are?

    I just thought that such a touchy subject deserved a little touching. I myself am bi, but leaning a little more toward the guy side.

    Also curious: do you believe sexuality is a genetic thing by birth, or a conscious choice? I hear this one a lot actually, so I thought I'd ask.

    Otherwise, let this be a general topic about sexuality.

    (Also, sorry if this is a little risque, I can certainly have this deleted if it's crossing lines!)

    Also, if debates rise in discussion regarding sexuality, please try to be civil about it. This can be a very sensitive subject for some people.
    Last edited by Canas Renvall; 09-27-2011, 08:22 PM.

  • #2
    I'm straight. I have a few gay friends though and I do believe that you're born the way you are. I very highly doubt one day a guy is going to wake up and think to himself "Man I'm really in the mood for dick today, I think I'll be gay".

    I really don't see the problem with gays. I mean, yeah I kinda don't want to see a guy kiss his boyfriend in front of me but I'm with that with everyone, I prefer my friends not kiss their girlfriend in front of me either. Anyways, like I said, I don't have a problem with gays at all, though I'm sure I've offended a few dozen in my time by saying "faggot" and such but its usually just because that said person pissed me off.
    Last edited by nemesiswontdie; 09-27-2011, 03:02 AM.


    • #3
      Straight. Perhaps it was the way I was brought up. I don't really think children know or care what they're attracted to, but once puberty hit I looked at girls a little more closely. Over time I discovered what I'm attracted to, and at this point I can safely say that I'm still learning new things about myself.

      I can't really comment on if someone is born gay or brought up as one since I'm not gay and cannot make any kind of comparison. But I'll stand alongside them in hoping they get the same equal rights I do. My Uncle finally married his male companion and I'm proud to see that he's adopted children to raise who need the support of loving parents.


      • #4

        Not sure what determines ones sexuality and In all honesty, I don't care. In the end people are people and as long as people aren't fucking each other in public, sexual preferences shouldn't be an issue.

        Actually my best friend came out of the closet about 2 and a half months back and it was a bit of a shocker, but the only thing that's changed is that hes not my best friend anymore, he's a dirty sinner who will rot in hell for all eternit...I cant even finish that sentence and not laugh.

        He's still my best friend and the whole being 'gay= an automatic trip to Hell' concept has been a huge source of laughs for the both of us. There's a joke behind this, but I wont get into it.

        In all honesty my best friend has met someone who's made him happy, and seeing him happy makes me happy. I'm the type of guy who stands by his friends no matter what(cept in cases of murder, rape, or voting for the democrats ) Its kind of funny that he's Bi leaning towards men and a furry like you Canas, that may be more common than I thought.

        And Nemesis I'm with you on the 'friends not kissing their significant others' in front of you, bastards rubbing it in on us single guys making us feel sad about ourselves...Well actually I'm just kind of crazy and not really big on public intimacy
        Last edited by Wrathborne; 09-27-2011, 03:14 AM.


        • #5
          Bisexual. Yeah, I swing every way. I have no idea why I am the way I am. I've never been especially physically attracted to people - looks have just never registered for me. Which isn't to say I don't appreciate physical attractiveness - I do, and I find my wife sexy as hell. But looks are quite a way down the list of what I look for in people, with personality being so much higher that appearances are a complete non-issue for me.

          I know several gay or bi folks, and obviously have no issues with them (bar one militantly gay woman who thinks bisexual is just dabbling), my parents have no issue with me (they thought I was gay when I was teenager because I didn't show any interest in ogling things) and as long as I'm not suck copious quantities of cock now my wife is fine with it too. She knows I'm not going to go cheat on her with a guy anymore than I would a woman.

          And, yeah, the whole, 'You enjoy the love God gave you, go burn in hell!' thing makes me chuckle. I've heard all the reasons for's unnatural, beastly, whatever. It's a test to make us prove our devotion. All comes off as hollow. If it's a test, why do only some people have to suffer there whole lives? It's more natural to have sex with another person of the same gender than it is to fly in a device seven thousand feet in the air using invisible waves to communicate with people on the other side of the globe, too. I don't see most people declaring air travel and cell phones abominations.

          Truth is, we have no idea the why behind it's supposed to be a sin, only best guesses which usually don't work very well. So if it is a sin? Fine. You're allowed to sin, it's your choice. That's between you and God. Resolve it when you die. It does help that I don't believe in hell, of course.


          • #6

            I don't have any issues at all with homosexual people. If that's your thing and makes you happy go for it!

            "I miss the days when we just cared how cool an enemy was rather than critiquing and analyzing everything to death." - Shield Key


            • #7
              Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
              Bisexual. Yeah, I swing every way. I have no idea why I am the way I am. I've never been especially physically attracted to people - looks have just never registered for me. Which isn't to say I don't appreciate physical attractiveness - I do, and I find my wife sexy as hell. But looks are quite a way down the list of what I look for in people, with personality being so much higher that appearances are a complete non-issue for me.

              I know several gay or bi folks, and obviously have no issues with them (bar one militantly gay woman who thinks bisexual is just dabbling), my parents have no issue with me (they thought I was gay when I was teenager because I didn't show any interest in ogling things) and as long as I'm not suck copious quantities of cock now my wife is fine with it too. She knows I'm not going to go cheat on her with a guy anymore than I would a woman.

              And, yeah, the whole, 'You enjoy the love God gave you, go burn in hell!' thing makes me chuckle. I've heard all the reasons for's unnatural, beastly, whatever. It's a test to make us prove our devotion. All comes off as hollow. If it's a test, why do only some people have to suffer there whole lives? It's more natural to have sex with another person of the same gender than it is to fly in a device seven thousand feet in the air using invisible waves to communicate with people on the other side of the globe, too. I don't see most people declaring air travel and cell phones abominations.

              Truth is, we have no idea the why behind it's supposed to be a sin, only best guesses which usually don't work very well. So if it is a sin? Fine. You're allowed to sin, it's your choice. That's between you and God. Resolve it when you die. It does help that I don't believe in hell, of course.
              I always have to reiterate this from past sexuality topics, but.....

              Gay people don't just sit at home decked out in their robe drinking semen from a martini glass.

              I imagine it's no different for bi's as well. That being said, I'm glad you have an open sexuality with your partner. I'm of the mind that such an equal understanding would be good for children as they grow up and learn what kind of person they are. Coming from a very conservative family I can tell you that it's not easy leaving one's religion while still maintaining the moral standards you grew up with. You have to put up with people who are in denial that other people think and feel differently, and would ignore even their closest relatives or partners on the grounds that they no longer need to repress their true selves.
              Last edited by Smiley; 09-27-2011, 05:24 AM.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Beanovsky Durst View Post

                I don't have any issues at all with homosexual people. If that's your thing and makes you happy go for it!
                Same, I do chuckle when gays ponce about infront of your face though, i've never seen a woman act like at all so I don't know why they have to, I swear Louie Spence goes around with a vibrator shoved up his arse all day
                If he had a brain, he'd be dangerous.



                • #9
                  Yes please!

                  I'm mostly straight, but that's not to say I wouldn't play for the other team - albeit for a select few(Brad Pitt, Gary Oldman, Trent Reznor)or someone that would obviously have to be very special to me. I also believe your born with gay/bisexual tendencies, I've felt a little different since I was a kid in that department as far as not really caring about what I'm supposed to like and what I'm not. Some people's brains are just wired differently. What taste good to some people taste like shit to the next, what turns on one person makes the next person cringe.

                  Just because I haven't had sex with a man doesn't mean I haven't thought about it, who hasn't? Even if the very thought disgusts you, you still thought about it. Well, I'm going to go ahead and label myself as bi, even though I've never been with a guy nor do I find most men attractive.

                  I can see how one could be attracted to the opposite sex and I won't rule it out for my future. I've always tried to live my life to the creed, of doing whatever makes me happy regardless of what others think. Life is too short to worry about judgement, in this one or the afterlife.

                  As Spike Spiegel once said, "What ever happens, happens.'
                  Last edited by REmaster; 09-27-2011, 07:48 AM.
                  "One can only match, move by move, the machinations of fate... and thus defy the tyrannous stars."
                  Resident Evil/Castlevania/ Silent Hill/Onimusha/Tekken /Dark Souls


                  • #10

                    Yes, I see some women can be attractive, I have no desires to go courting. The number of women I've actually been interested in could be counted on less than half a hand, and they turned out to be only interested in women. I have no sexual interests in men either. Its more than likely you are born with your tendancies, especially as nature likes to try random stuff out and see what fits. The more humans there are, the more of the non-standard base template appears, and there's nothing wrong with it. If you're happy and not hurting anyone, then why is it a problem?


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
                      Truth is, we have no idea the why behind it's supposed to be a sin, only best guesses which usually don't work very well. So if it is a sin? Fine. You're allowed to sin, it's your choice. That's between you and God. Resolve it when you die. It does help that I don't believe in hell, of course.
                      Leviticus 18:22 -'You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination.'

                      Speaking from a Biblical standpoint: The Bible condemns homosexuality as a sin because it is an abomination to the divine partnership of man and woman. God created two different sexes for a reason. Each gender compliments the other, not only physically but mentally. Woman was made to be a suitable partner for man and vice versa:

                      Genesis 2:18 ΒΆ Then the Lord God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone; I will make him a helper suitable for him."

                      I look at it this way. If we don't put a sort restriction or guideline on 'love', where does it stop? If 'All love is love' as many people like to believe nowadays, then does that make incest okay? Does it make bestiality, pedophilia, necrophilia, rape and orgies okay too? When you have that mentality of 'All love is love" it makes all those things above okay as well. That is why we need to draw the line somewhere, and thankfully God tells us where to do it. The fact alone that man and woman have complimentary physical and mental attributes should be enough to tell us that sexual love is only meant to be between them.

                      Now this is by no means a condemnation on the people who practice those things above but rather, a condemnation on the practice itself. God NEVER, EVER tells us to judge or condemn anyone. We are to hate the sin, not the sinner. Remember, we are all sinners and always will be!

                      Romans 3:10 "There is none righteous, NOT EVEN ONE."
                      Matthew 7:1 "Do not judge so that you will not be judged."

                      A lot of asshole Christians will judge homosexuality and even go as far as to say that they will go to hell because of it! That is absolutely wrong, there is nowhere in the Bible that says homosexuals go to hell, or any sin for that matter! The only sin that causes you to go to hell is the unbelief of Jesus Christ as your Savior.

                      John 6:47 "Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes has eternal life."

                      Just my viewpoint using a Biblical perspective.


                      • #12
                        PracticalAI, you have really good respectable rules that some ignorant Christians need to actually think about instead of preaching hate and pointing fingers.

                        Personally, I'm gay, and why am I? Because I believe that I am.
                        When I was growing up, I always had that incling that I was, that I already knew, it wasn't around about until I was 9 or 10 that I actually thought, I'm gay.
                        Yes, you may say that is VERY young for that understanding, but, I am right, and I have been since. I've never had the urge to be with a girl or kiss a girl, etc etc.
                        It's always been natural for me to just like guys, and I'm happy now with an amazing boyfriend, everything feels natural. Not 'gay', not 'straight', but just natural.

                        There's my story anyway, I always find these interesting haha. Sexuality is an interesting subject to get into, but I don't think anyone even knows why we like what we like and who we like.
                        That's just life though, isn't it?


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Gradon View Post
                          PracticalAI, you have really good respectable rules that some ignorant Christians need to actually think about instead of preaching hate and pointing fingers.
                          Thanks, Gradon. I would hope more Christians would actually read their Bibles too! Their lies and hatred not only hurt the people they are judging, but the other Christians who get generalized into the same group as them. What a mess!


                          • #14
                            All religious text is bs imo your already in hell you go to heaven when you die and your memory lives on to influence the next generation to not make the same mistakes of hatred towards one another, it's called education not religion
                            If he had a brain, he'd be dangerous.



                            • #15
                              To each there own opinion...which we shall each respect even if we disagree. Unless it's something dumb, like Hilter was awesome.

