^ Old one, but a good one.
Except, I would have to add on things like...
"Seriously, do people not know motherfucking English around here?"
"Really... You just... 'Did you want that Mario game for your 360????' *staring* How about you familiarize yourself with your stock instead of only speaking two languages - Call of Duty and Fifa and get back to me later on?"
"Oh, nice. You just put the wrong game in my case and are refusing to correct it. Typical. *Gets phone ready to lodge complaint* Oh, awesome. Note inside sleeve on the back of the case "Currently being played by [employee name]".... Wonderful. :/ "
"Oh great. It's that Canadian douchebag manager, oooop and they've smashed the glass accessory case AGAIN. Minus ten points for tripping and smashing it with your head bald Canadian douchebag! Plus five points for not smashing it like your assistant did a month ago trying to do muscle flexes on non-existent muscles."
"Oh great. Now you're trying to tell me that I somehow magically switched the game I just bought and opened whilst being in the store with a bootleg. Which you just sold to me. Does the Chinese writing on the case and the crappy cover not give you the fucking hint? Or how about the crappy cartridge?"
Which is reminding me when Smiley and I went to GameStop and they fucked up with the wrong discs. They didn't understand or were most likely pretending to not understand considering how wanker-ish their behavior seems at this particular store and I had to explain on the phone about how they fucked it up. Went back, nope. Missing one of the games we paid for. Wonderful.
It really isn't that hard to go through the alphabetized drawers, organized all per console to find something.