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What is the Scariest Movie You've Ever Seen?

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  • #16
    The scariest movie I've seen is Insidious...

    You might thing is not that scary, but it reminds me when I was 13 and my family and I lived in an apartment when strange things happened...

    We saw a lot of horrible things, for example a shadowy figure of someone comitting suicide by jumping off the balcony; spying on us... We also heard things... It was horrible...

    Recently, when i talked to my aunt, she told me that a men was killed there... ._.
    Last edited by RE-Hiro; 10-06-2011, 09:26 AM.


    • #17
      Originally posted by alexdz View Post
      Since I discovered about it being made up years later I was disappointed because I thought it was a really cool dino.
      I was disappointed when I found out that velociraptors are actually only about 3 ft tall.. Damn you Stan Winston!

      Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
      I have no idea what my favorite scary movie is. I watch a lot of them. I'll have to think about it.
      Doesn't have to be your favorite, though feel free to share that, just what movie has scared you more than any other.

      Originally posted by Canas Renvall View Post
      Jacob's Ladder.
      Oh! That was a good one! What a trippy movie! I love the ending.

      Originally posted by Vogue_Dirge View Post
      I saw Pet Semetary when I was little and it scared the shit out of me.
      I remember being scared by a woman in that movie.. It wasn't any of the animals or the little boy, but an old woman.. She was freaky. ..

      Originally posted by RE-Hiro View Post
      The scariest movie I've seen is Insidious... You might thing is not that scary, but it reminds me when I was 13 and my family and I lived in an apartment when strange things happened...
      Haha, was Darth Maul there too? Did you wake up in the middle of the night and hear Tiny Tim music? That would be scary! ..


      • #18
        I like this thread. A couple of months ago I was searching the web for this topic.
        Originally posted by Enrico Marini View Post
        The french film Martyrs. Pretty much by the end of it I was disturbed. Pretty much the only film I will never rewatch, not because it was bad, but I'd not want to put myself through it. The film is brutal.
        Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
        I haven't seen Martyrs, but from what I've read the description is pretty nasty. Any movie that involves flaying...but there is something yet more terrifying! A Hollywood remake is in the works, from the Producer of Twilight.
        Yeah, I've heard that this film is on the top horrifying list.
        Originally posted by Canas Renvall View Post
        Jacob's Ladder.
        More psychological than scary, I love this kind of film. Psychological horror at its best. Definitely one of my favorites.
        Originally posted by Pikminister View Post
        I remember that the 'Faces of Death' flicks were popular in the neighborhood at one time. I didn't find them scary. Just disgusting.
        Sick stuff. Not really films. I regret ever knowing about these, and I refrain others from checking them out (I know saying that will make you in all probability check them out).

        When I was younger, Chucky from the Child's Play films always scared the heck out of me.

        Freedom of Information.


        • #19
          Dawn of the Dead original/Candyman - not scary now but saw them when I was around 10 or so.. the first night I watched DotD I remember sleeping with a hot water bottle (not sure why, it was my only time), and I was thinking about those bikers getting ripped apart by the zombies... when I read interviews with Shinji Mikami, his experiences seem quite similar.. seeing humans act like this is obviously not normal.. almost life changing.

          Candyman had some creepy ass music and the mirror concept scared the crap out of me for ages.. especially the ending when the woman came back.. damn...


          • #20
            Originally posted by Canas Renvall View Post
            Jacob's Ladder.
            I was going to mention that movie in my first post... But I changed my mind about it cuz I actually found it very fascinating rather than scary. It was like a very cool Twilight Zone episode.

            The only thing I remember about watching "Candyman"... is Virginia Madsen in that tub. And the fact that she reminded me of Dana Scully from the X-Files.

            Tony Todd was awesome in that one, though.
            Stuff to remember: Avoid forums if you're having a bad day.


            • #21
              Jacob's Ladder had some great dialogue, made you really think about things - especially the demons/angels thing. Not scary though.. sort of a non-scary version of SH1.

              Virginia Madsen at the end of Candyman, burnt and bald, scared the crap out of me! I didn't sleep that night.. and it was Halloween which was always spooky..


              • #22
                For me, Jacob's Ladder was one of my favorite movies as a kid, but the only movies that still actually "scare" me are [REC] 2/Dawn of the Dead Remake. Audition is just creepy as fuck and Dog Soldiers is just awesome.
                Last edited by REmaster; 10-06-2011, 06:07 PM.
                "One can only match, move by move, the machinations of fate... and thus defy the tyrannous stars."
                Resident Evil/Castlevania/ Silent Hill/Onimusha/Tekken /Dark Souls


                • #23
                  I thought Audition was creepy...but no where near as amazing or epic as everyone made it out to be. :.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Trent View Post
                    When I was younger, Chucky from the Child's Play films always scared the heck out of me.
                    That SOB scared the shit out of me too when I was little.

                    I'll add this one to the list:

                    As an adult, I love It (Pennywise), but as a child I was really afraid of sewers because of this dude.

                    "I miss the days when we just cared how cool an enemy was rather than critiquing and analyzing everything to death." - Shield Key


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Beanovsky Durst View Post
                      I'll add this one to the list:

                      As an adult, I love It (Pennywise), but as a child I was really afraid of sewers because of this dude.
                      He used to scare me too! But after watching Nostalgia Critic's review of the film, I feel stupid for ever being scared..


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Scream View Post
                        Jacob's Ladder had some great dialogue, made you really think about things - especially the demons/angels thing. Not scary though.. sort of a non-scary version of SH1.
                        I didn't really like that movie, and I think it was mainly because I couldn't get the sound quality to work well. I remember having my television (a newer, HD television mind you) up to nearly full volume and I still had trouble hearing parts of the movie. And, of course, the DVD did not have subtitles. It seemed interesting from the video, but yeah, I'm sure I missed some things because of the sound. Meh.

                        As a child, Jason always scared me, but Michael Meyers never did. Go figure. Something that could really happen (I.E. A mental patient escapes from an asylum), but something completely farfetched as a reanimated, slasher corpse bothered me. Freddy Krueger never bothered me either I think because he looked so fake to me even as a child. Now, the remake Freddy Krueger actually bothers me slightly because he looks like a real burn victim.

                        The ultimate, scariest movie I've ever seen...


                        This movie is absolute hell for me. The horror...The singing...Oh, dear Satan, the singing!


                        • #27
                          I rewatched It two or three years ago, it was sort of boring and not like how I remembered it. The odd thing was that the date in the movie was the exact date I was watching the movie (other than the year of course). That was rather weird..

                          As for Jacob's Ladder, I saw it after playing Silent Hill, if it was the other way round I'm not sure if I would like it/understand it as much..


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Scream View Post
                            As for Jacob's Ladder, I saw it after playing Silent Hill, if it was the other way round I'm not sure if I would like it/understand it as much..
                            I saw Jacob's Latter as being sort of like Hellraiser, but without all the blood (Especially during that one part when he's running through a hospital with all the creepy doctors/nurses).

                            I need to watch the movie again, and see if I can rig something for the sound quality.


                            • #29
                              Nah, its a LOT different to Hellraiser.. it has an actual story..

                              If you're frightened of dying, and you're holding on, you'll see devils tearing your life away. If you've made your peace, then the devils are really angels, freeing you from the Earth.


                              • #30
                                I remember The Ring freaked me out when I saw it when I was quite a lot younger. I always felt uncomfortable leaving that static-ness on the TV before you put a program on, kept thinking Samara would come out.

