i know your meant to post here when your drinking/drunk but fuck me am i hanging bad!!! my head feels like a cocnut thats just been slit open!!
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Originally posted by I_Am_Nemesis View Posti know your meant to post here when your drinking/drunk but fuck me am i hanging bad!!! my head feels like a cocnut thats just been slit open!!
Haha that's the spiritMore drink works wonders on hangovers... the sickness is actually from the alcohol leaving the body not "entering".
Right now I'm drinking Absolut and Coke Zero - it came packaged with Absolut Peach (a tiny 50ml bottle) which was quite pleasant to drink and didn't taste like paint thinner.. I find Coke Zero is a good change from regular coke and the fizz lasts a lot longer too.
Feeling great - just shared 8 beers + kaoliaong which was 58% alcohol - rofl I remember a friend saying "the Chinese know how to make a drink" after tasting that shit, indeed its hardcore but you get used it. The guys were navy, wouldn't believe the shit they said after some drinking.. got some awesome cap with four or five insignias on it.
I'll be in the UK next week. Mediating between Surrey and Kent.. anyone wants a drink just PM me.. How about it Spencer?I'll pwn you up bad boy style.
Just had a few beers with an old friend... good times - if I could do for most people what I do for friends.. take care of your own before any other..
Let me think where that is...
I don't know the south that well, but it appears to border Hampshire. Hmm...possibly, that is a very tempting offer. Though chances are I'll be working, hopefully! Not saying that as an excuse, I would love to have a pint with you or six. It's just that I've been looking for a job for so long now, haha.
Also, just got back from Chichester to pick up my birth certificate from my brother, which has been photocopied and handed in to where I want to work. My brother works at a wine shop as a manager, so I tried some wine while I was there since they have sampling machines. Admittedly, not a huge fan of wine but I'm rather fond of port.
Strongly recommend you try that, my brother accurately described it as 'Christmas in a glass'.
Very sweet, very rich and very warming. Lovely stuff.Last edited by Mr. Spencer; 12-03-2011, 01:01 PM.See you in hell.
^I've been meaning to try a port, but I would have to go to an actual liquor store for this. I believe anything above a 15.0% cannot be sold in a regular store. I used to get asked all the time at my old job where the port was, and then they'd get pissed because someone told them we carried it. Whatever.
Anyway, I'm having trouble deciding if I want to spend the night with the Gentleman...
...Or rummage through my wine case in the garage and see if I have something good in there.
It's just been one of those weeks. Personal situations being annoying.Last edited by Xander Ashford; 12-16-2011, 02:56 PM.sigpic
Good to see this topic still alive... thanks for the drink recommendation Spencer will give it a try sometime. Though frankly spoiled for choice at the moment... JD, some other bourbon, baileys, red wine, beer... I haven't been drinking much recently, but Christmas Eve/Day all bets are off! Good times.. I can even enjoy this retro 1960s theme THIA uses (good lord about time someone changed it?). Drinking some old samuels bourbon as well as a budweiser at the moment.. RE > j00! I remember logging into THIA after office work for some good times and relaxation... its a shame THIA has gone down the drain recently. Oh well, here's to the future - wherever that may be!