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Thanksgiving 2011 Megathread

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  • Thanksgiving 2011 Megathread

    Hey everyone, Thanksgiving is next week and I don't know about you, but I can't wait. I just had a Thanksgiving dinner with my grandma who is in a nursing home, which reminded me to make this topic for everyone here. I plan on having another Thanksgiving dinner with my uncle who lives in the country of Jonathanland. I'm not sure if my mom's side of the family is doing anything this year because my other uncle is in the hospital. So what is everyone doing for Thanksgiving this year? Also, be sure to share any Thanksgiving related pictures you take in this thread!
    Fission mailed.

  • #2
    Two words; Rayman Origins


    • #3
      There's a Jonathanland? I have my own land now? Well, as it should be...


      • #4
        Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
        There's a Jonathanland? I have my own land now? Well, as it should be...
        It's a country bordered on all sides by the United States. Similar to how Lesotho is surrounded entirely by South Africa.
        Fission mailed.


        • #5
          Having ham instead of big deal, it's only important because we are getting together with a close family, friends of ours. They don't have a we always try ot help them and invite them to holidays. =)


          • #6
            Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
            There's a Jonathanland? I have my own land now? Well, as it should be...
            Does your lust for power know no end?


            • #7
              Well, no. But on the other hand, there's no end to my power...


              • #8
                Turkey is such a bland meat compared to say, chicken. I don't know why we reserve it for special occasions when there are far better poultry products out there, and don't tell me "because it's bigger" because there's nothing to stop you from buying more than one chicken.
                See you in hell.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Mr. Spencer View Post
                  Turkey is such a bland meat compared to say, chicken. I don't know why we reserve it for special occasions when there are far better poultry products out there, and don't tell me "because it's bigger" because there's nothing to stop you from buying more than one chicken.
                  Can't have a Turducken without Turkeys my friend


                  • #10
                    But we don't need them!
                    See you in hell.


                    • #11
                      So are shootings and pepper sprayings in Black Friday a regular occurance?

