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  • TheBatMan
    Originally posted by Wrathborne View Post
    Well, 3 weeks to go until the film comes out. Moderately excited to see it, the one person I wish would see it was the late Dan O'Bannon who was the writer of the original script. He also wrote 'Return of the Living Dead' and 'Total Recall'.

    Not the greatest writer, but a hard working one. Poor guy passed away in 2009 from Crohn's disease. I know for certain he'd definitely have wanted to be a part of this movie
    Yeah, a shame though O'Bannon has done well out of Alien considering. His original script 'STARBEAST' is god awful. David Giler and Walter Hill turned it into the masterpiece that it ended up being. Even Ronald Shusset was the one who came up with the chestburster idea, not O'Bannon.

    O'Bannon was very bitter about Giler and Hill's re-write of his script. They added the Ash android subplot and all the stuff about 'The Company' and he hated it.

    Giler and Hill also created Ripley's character.

    I think O'Bannon's greatest contribution to the series was introducing Ridley Scott to HR Giger.
    Last edited by TheBatMan; 05-14-2012, 06:42 AM.

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  • Darkmoon
    Melted vanilla ice cream too.

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  • REmaster
    Pretty pumped for this. I bought Alien and Aliens on blu-ray to get ready for it, watched it on a HD tv and holy shit...Alien looks amazing. I could never appreciate all the brilliant shots and little details until I saw it in this quality. Aliens had always been my favorite of the series, now it's hard to say.

    Aliens is one of the best action movies ever, but Alien is just so damn beautiful and I've always been a fan of the ship's retro interior with padded walls and big clunky buttons.

    By the way, did Bishop turn anyone else off milk?
    Last edited by REmaster; 05-14-2012, 04:34 AM.

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  • Darkmoon
    Well, rehunk has taken a brief holiday, and will hopefully calm the hell down now...and so will everyone else.

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  • [STARS]TyranT
    Also it's ridiculous to say I followed a movie/topic whatever before any of you when there is no proof, evidence or fuck all to back it up. How sad this thread has been completely derailed.

    Saw the UK 30 advert today, some new footage, can't believe it's just less than 3 weeks, got tickets for the 1st so it cannot come soon enough.

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  • Wrathborne
    one of the best final character scenes ever, just sayin.

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  • nemesiswontdie
    Well that felt good. See you guys in another few months.

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  • Canas Renvall
    The proper people have been given their infractions, so let's all just calm down and get back on topic please. No more arguing or more infractions will be handed out.

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  • nemesiswontdie
    Originally posted by rehunk88 View Post
    I had heard so many great things about blade runner so i finally gave the movie a shot .. but come on its so freaking boring.. the acting isent anything to yell hurray for the music is so crappy the story is nothing special either there is 10 versions of the movie all of them is just as shitty
    so yeah i hated that movie and i really gave it a shot after all the great things i heard about it but in the end its just a slow ass boring movie that are way overrated.

    You know if you read your post and think of Avatar, it makes more sense than you talking about Blade Runner.

    I didn't see BR until last year when Spencer recommended it to me because I liked the game Snatcher.

    Now just because I have so much anger built up from personal problems I'm going to take it out on you. Why? Because I don't visit this site much any more and I feel like it.

    *pops neck*

    You are seriously one of the dumbest fucking members on this forum. Much like Spencer said, I gave you the benefit of the doubt on some of your post, but you really are so fucking stupid.
    "I wasn't talking to you"
    No you were talking to EVERYONE because you posted on a fucking PUBLIC forum you dip shit. Seems like a lot of people really don't like your presence here. Fuck, I'm NEVER on here any more and I can already tell you're not well liked here. I don't have a problem with anyone on this forum besides you because you're just so fucking stupid.

    Some of your posts just don't make any sense either, I'm not going to dig for the ones because I don't feel like it, but yeah, you're posts just don't make sense 98% of the time.

    It's one thing to say you don't like Blade Runner, that's fine actually. I don't care. A lot of people like Batman and I don't like Batman, but at least I give a reasonable reason as to why I don't like Batman instead of just listing off a bunch of bullshit like you do.

    Blade Runner has a underlining message in the movie about life, it's part of the reason I like it, but you don't seem to catch any of it because your mind seems to be warped by shit movies like Avatar.

    You thought Alien was slow, but you like it. Yet you bitch about Blade Runner being slow and you hated it. Fucking logic, man. Use it.

    Terrible acting? Are you fucking kidding me? The acting in Blade Runner is amazing. Harrison Ford is probably one of the best actors alive right now.

    As for the music? I don't think the music is bad. However it does fit the movie. Synthesizers are sci fi movies best friends. No doubt about it. I love the things you can do with a synth and like I said, the noises of a synth fit the movie very well. So once again, your opinion is pure 100% grade A Dumb.

    I really want to know why you're still here. Seriously. You seem to be the dumbest fucking member on here and there are a lot of dumb members on here.
    Your posts of idiocy just blow my fucking mind, and not in a good way either.

    You and your post have no effect on my life whatsoever, but reading your posts gives me a headache just because you're so fucking stupid.

    I was just thinking about if you were in the debate club in school and your argument to the opposite side would be "BECUZ IT IS STOOPID! IT SUCKS!".

    I'm done here.

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  • Wrathborne
    Well, 3 weeks to go until the film comes out. Moderately excited to see it, the one person I wish would see it was the late Dan O'Bannon who was the writer of the original script. He also wrote 'Return of the Living Dead' and 'Total Recall'.

    Not the greatest writer, but a hard working one. Poor guy passed away in 2009 from Crohn's disease. I know for certain he'd definitely have wanted to be a part of this movie

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  • rehunk88
    what the hell are you talking about ? now darkmoon ? all i said was i have followed this movie long before any of you
    i never said anything about i saw it what are you talking about you crazy person XD

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  • Darkmoon
    Originally posted by rehunk88 View Post
    i was looking forward to prometheus long before any of you ;)
    I was unaware you had a time machine, allowing you to see the movie before anyone else...or something?

    Now seriously, can people stop trying to piss each other off and talk like the adults I have to assume you are?

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  • rehunk88
    i was looking forward to prometheus long before any of you ;)

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  • alexdz
    Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
    You mean the next movie you'll find boring, rushed and with bad acting?
    There were some explosions in the trailers, he'll probably like it.

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  • Mr. Spencer
    Like I said, I have no problem with people criticising Blade Runner. Hell, even I have a few issues with it. Majority of people have legitimate reasons, like with having an opinion on ANYTHING. More than happy to discuss what you did or did not like. Except in your case, you just made some half-assed trollish comment that you did for attention. So not butthurt actually, just shaking my head at another display of stupidity from you.

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