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They never said they were going to do Khan though, makes me wonder who else but me was paying attention when the rumors began, it sounded interesting yes...but in all seriousness the fact that paramount never said anything about the rumor kind of confirmed it wasnt going to happen. Lets face it, if they did do Khan, Paramount would have announced that shit ASAP due to how large the characters fanbase is.
More than happy to see Benedict Cumberbach as the villain,whoever he is.
Well, to be honest I only skim through all the info from the movies I have yet to see. Most of the time I stop at the headline. So I didn't try to find out more on that rumor. But the fact that they went after some Hispanic actors before they settled with Benedict, made me think maybe there was something to the rumor...
I'm pretty sure that Khan fans did not want him to appear in ST2. And I bet Paramount knew about the hate brewing within that base sparked by the rumor.
It would've helped if the rumor had been debunked a lot sooner.
Stuff to remember: Avoid forums if you're having a bad day.
The feedback the rumor got was almost universally negative in nature. DO NOT WANT was the most common reaction to having Khan in ST2.
Fans felt that Montalban had nailed the part and there was no point in going there anyway. I agreed.
Why not introduce a new bad guy? I mean, JJ has to add something to the series other than lenseflares. I mean, in 10 years from now and when you look back at his ST movies.... What did he added to the franchise other than a nice visual update. He needs to add some unique characters IMO.
The feedback the rumor got was almost universally negative in nature. DO NOT WANT was the most common reaction to having Khan in ST2.
Fans felt that Montalban had nailed the part and there was no point in going there anyway. I agreed.
Why not introduce a new bad guy? I mean, JJ has to add something to the series other than lenseflares. I mean, in 10 years from now and when you look back at his ST movies.... What did he added to the franchise other than a nice visual update. He needs to add some unique characters IMO.
The guy destroyed 40 years of Trek canon, he left his mark.
Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."
Wrath - Just making sure you are aware (I read it as if you did, but then had some self doubt about it), I was replying to Rick's weird response and not yours - it was just three more responses were made while I was writing mine. I totally agree with the reasons you noted in your response to me.
I wasn't sure if you were talking to me or not, through my dyslexic eyes... I get confused sometimes...in my restless dreams, I see that town..."Siltn Hlil".
He made an alternate universe that allowed him to do so, without affecting the original cannon.
Star Trek rules of time-travel voids that excuse.
In Trek if you travel back in time and change something you do not create an alternate reality, you create an altered reality.
Example of this, the TNG episode 'Yesterday's Enterprise'. The Universe is fine and dandy, but then a temporal rift appears and the Enterprise C that was destroyed defending Klingons 20 years prior emerges. The Enterprise C was plucked from the past and so never defended the Klingons, the moment it traveled through the temporal rift it caused the reality of the TNG universe to change, becoming an altered reality, not alternate. Guinan can sense the changes, something that would not exist if it was an alternate reality. At the end of the episode the ENterprise C returns to the past where it can defend the Klingons, changing the future back to how it was, altering reality, not creating another altnernate (third) universe.
Another example, the movie First Contact, in 'present' time the Enterprise is chasing a Borg Sphere to Earth, the Borg Sphere travels back in time, this immediatly has an effect on the universe that the Enterprise is in, Earth appears assimulated from here the Borg did it in the past, the only reason the Enterprise can witness this is that the time travel from the BOrg caught the Enterprise in its temporal wake, the Enteprrise follows the Borg through to the past, stops them from altering the timeline, returns to a future where the changes the borg made did not happen.
In the Enteprise episode 'Shockwave' near the end Archer is pulled forward several centuries, because he was removed from the timeline though the future he travels to changes from before he was pulled forward in time, his being absent altered the timeline, is only when he is able to return that it is restored.
From TOS we have 'City on the Edge of FOrever' where McCoy travels back in time and alters the future timeline, the few left in the future in the presence of an entity know as the Guardian of forever are the only ones left, the Enteprrise is gone, the Guardian tells them history was altered. It gets fix and altered back again.
There are many more examples, it is always like this, altered realities/timelines, not alternate. Alternate realities exist in Trek such as the mirror/dark universe, but they cannot be created from time travel.
Thus Star Trek 11 which starts by having events in the canon future, time traveling back in history and changing events is huge ways alters the future timeline, which covers TOS, TNG, DS9 and Voyager, as well as movies 1-10. If he had just gone and made an entirely new universe he could have claimed it an alternate universe and everything been fine, but no, he had to base it on a future in the main universe so he could destroy it instead.
Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."
Thus Star Trek 11 which starts by having events in the canon future, time traveling back in history and changing events is huge ways alters the future timeline, which covers TOS, TNG, DS9 and Voyager, as well as movies 1-10. If he had just gone and made an entirely new universe he could have claimed it an alternate universe and everything been fine, but no, he had to base it on a future in the main universe so he could destroy it instead.
Hes not destroying anything, hes expanding the universe Dracarys ;)
Thats a weird attitude to have. It's almost as if you've based your opinion on a film only for the basis of getting back at someone. If the film was the best thing possible then, what would you have said in reply? Silly comments.
Maybe I would have said I liked it instead? What's your point?
Yeah, I agree with Dracarys on this one too. I still enjoyed the film though. I just wish they had shot the Shatner cameo. That would have fit perfectly. They could also have thrown in a little Easter egg:
Young Kirk: Got any advice for the future?
Spock Prime: Stay away from the Enterprise B.
So apparently a bunch of French critics saw Prometheus. Their reactions are mixed.
Le truc cool a la projo de #prometheus, c'est que j'étais installé tout prêt de Brian de Palma
The cool thing is the # projo of prometheus is that I was all ready installed by Brian de Palma
#Prometheus Enfin un grand film de science-fiction, le premier depuis un certain temps (Moon? District 9?)"
Prometheus Finally a great science fiction film, the first for some time (Moon? District 9?) "
En terme de pure SF - esthétique, inventivité, références aux classiques du genre - #Prometheus est une vraie réussite.
In terms of pure SF - aesthetic inventiveness, references to the classics - # Prometheus is a real success.
ben... Visuellement top mais niveau histoire, c'est TRÈS mal traité ?#prometheus?
ben ... Top level visually but story is VERY badly treated: (? # Prometheus?
Bon... Très partagée à la sortie de ?#prometheus? (suis pas la seule)... La critique ne va pas être simple à écrire :/ cc
Well ... Very divided on leaving? # Prometheus? (am not the only) ... Criticism will not be easy to write :/ cc
#Prometheus? : long et chiant, avec tous les poncifs de la SF dont un scénario ultra-attendu et aucun effort de crédibilité. Grosse déception
Prometheus ?: long and boring, with all the clichés of science fiction scenario in which an ultra-awaited effort and credibility. big disappointment