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G4TV is officially dead to me. (Rant enclosed)

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  • G4TV is officially dead to me. (Rant enclosed)

    I'm not going to go into that old chestnut of a rant about how they used to rock when they were "TechTV" (They did), about how shit went sour after Comcast bought them out (which it did), or how they've lately become the sole provider of "Cops" reruns. About four years ago there were still two shining beacons of awesome on G4, Attack of the Show when Kevin and Olivia were the presenters and X-play with Adam Sessler and Morgan Webb (I love Morgan Webb. A lot. XD).

    Of course, over time, AotS became just as useless as the network as a whole with the departure of Olivia Munn and the general shift from being a zany show "from the internet" to trying to be a "serious" news outlet rehashing information that I read on IGN (Or what have you) several days ago. Even though AotS was limping, at least they still had Kevin and the network still had X-play. Unfortunately X-play had taken a turn for the worse as well, becoming a more straightforward game news delivery outlet versus the show's original format which included game parodies and copious amounts of banter between presenters. They also managed to lose Chris Hardwick which confuses me deeply. O_O

    As of last year, the two faces that where most synonymous with how the network used to be were those of Kevin Pereira and Adam Sessler. Well, this year they managed to screw Adam Sessler over when he went to renew his contract and he ended up leaving. Now Kevin is leaving the network, more than likely for a similar reason. Now there is no one left on that network worth a damn other than Morgan Webb... And maybe Sara Underwood... But not for the same reasons obviously.

    All in all, G4 is officially the worst network on television and once they boot Morgan Webb, I shall disavow any knowledge of it's existence. Hopefully someone agrees with me here, unless I'm the sole person on this forum aware of G4TV. XD

    /rant over

  • #2
    When it was Tech TV it was alright. There were better shows than Xplay though. And I never found Morgan Webb or Olivia Munn as amazing hosts or "gamers". Nearly every woman involved with this channel was merely eye candy for nerds which is not uncommon with TV but immediately silly when taking into account their discussion on tech and video games.

    After a while the channel became the poor man's MTV and turned into something completely different. I've stopped watching it for a while now.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Smiley View Post
      When it was Tech TV it was alright. There were better shows than Xplay though. And I never found Morgan Webb or Olivia Munn as amazing hosts or "gamers". Nearly every woman involved with this channel was merely eye candy for nerds which is not uncommon with TV but immediately silly when taking into account their discussion on tech and video games.

      After a while the channel became the poor man's MTV and turned into something completely different. I've stopped watching it for a while now.
      Yes, Olivia and Webb were eye candy for the most part, but eye candy makes sense when it can accompany content that's actually interesting all on it's own. Hell, it's a bonus. But once they started using eye candy for the purpose of distracting you from the woefully inferior content, that's when it was a problem. No one complained about Morgan Webb back in the TechTV days nor did they complain about Munn when AotS was awesome.


      • #4
        I remember when the entire lineup, basically 24/7, was shows about video games: Electric Playground, Arena, Judgement Day, etc. It's a shame that it became SpikeTV-lite (and with none of the good stuff).
        A man chooses...a slave obeys.


        • #5
          And now, because of their anti-Nintendo bias, G4 has been banned from broadcasting Nintendo's E3 conference. Disgusting.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Canas Renvall View Post
            And now, because of their anti-Nintendo bias, G4 has been banned from broadcasting Nintendo's E3 conference. Disgusting.
            Maybe Nintendo should put out something good then. They've mostly released watered down shit this gen and games that belong in the 90s. They've made a killing on cheap shit like Wii Sports Resort, Wii Fit, Wii Music and other garbage that probably had next to no budget with how recycled and lacking in content they all are. Instead of putting that money in more core games they release more of the same and they few core series they did release they either watered down into garbage, like Metroid, or ruined with more gimmicky crap that was not needed like Skyward Sword. The other option would have been to moneyhat a few games or offer incentives but they had no interest in doing tha either. Is why for the last 3 years there have been 1 or 2 games only per year worth owning for the Wii. 3DS has a drought of games, what were some of Nintendos biggest efforts for most of last year? Rehashes of N64 games. Nintendos comments throughout in regards to complaints have been insulting in reply quite often.

            It is not so much a anti-Nintendo bias, is that Nintendo has been pretty shit for the last few years and G4 clearly not afraid to say it. I don't watch G4, doesn't even air here I'm sure but every now and then some butthurt Nintendo fanboy posts a link to a video clip somewhere claiming hate, all I ever find is a completely reasonable opinion.

            I was a Nintendo fan until this gen, bought a Wii before anything else, I now hope the company goes the way of SEGA.
            Last edited by Dracarys; 06-02-2012, 07:13 PM.
            Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


            • #7
              And the Sony fanboy(or girl in this case) comes in for the insult, If Nintendo was as bad as you say they were then Sony wouldn't have bothered to follow suit and put in motion control in the PS3(Wii did it first), and touch screen options in the PS Vita(DS did it first. I remember a Sony exec said that touch screen on handhelds initially was just a gimmick.)

              While Nintendo does need to stop fighting online gaming, mature titles, and DLC, they still do treat their fans right and do go out of the way for them frequently(The dead pixel issue on the DS is a good example).

              Something Sony isn't big on.
              Last edited by Wrathborne; 06-02-2012, 07:24 PM.


              • #8
                I own all three consoles and as said I bought a Wii first. Sorry I don't do the console wars bullshit so please lets halt that line of discussion right now. Sony and all its business have nothing to do with the Wii or Nintendo and motion controls were never brought up at all, so can kill that line of discussion also.
                Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


                • #9
                  You just made a 5 paragraph post about 'why I don't like Nintendo anymore', that's fine.
                  I gave you a rebuttal and said why I don't like Sony.

                  Now you're getting iffy that I challenged what you said(even though I did agree with ya on some of it) but more so that I insulted Sony.

                  You just started the 'console war bullshit' -_-. You don't get to decide when things stop right after you start it, especially just by saying 'I own all three'.

                  Good Day to you Madam.


                  • #10
                    I'm just gonna ignore your posts in this topic, which is about G4, and Nintendo being banned for G4 coverage and the reasons for it are on topic. Sony and Nintendo comparisons are not.
                    Last edited by Dracarys; 06-02-2012, 07:58 PM.
                    Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


                    • #11
                      Clearly the stuff they've been saying, whether you agree with Nintendo's strategy of making more money than God or not, is really bad journalism though. One of the G4 articles said that one of the lead editors is expecting a price and release date, despite Nintendo themselves confirming they won't be announcing that until later at least a month prior. And Morgan Webb said that Skyward Sword won the fan-voted GotY due to cheating. Uh, what? Not to mention the editor that said they need more sophisticated titles. Like Halo. Yes. Like Halo. Sophisticated.

                      I think I made my point. G4 is so stupidly against Nintendo it hurts, fan or not.
                      Last edited by Canas Renvall; 06-02-2012, 09:49 PM.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Canas Renvall View Post
                        And Morgan Webb said that Skyward Sword won the fan-voted GotY due to cheating. Uh, what?
                        I remember someone posted about this somewhere I read, found the thread and what it linked to. This was all over G4 forum by people complaining so seems resonable G4 were aware of it.


                        "the gap is closing don't forget to vote in the other Death matches aswell and make sure you vote for the less popular games so SS has a better chance of winning GOTY "

                        "cmon guys! create some fake emails on and keep voting! "

                        Links to other places doing this also...but "OMG G4 are biased".
                        Last edited by Dracarys; 06-02-2012, 10:09 PM.
                        Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


                        • #13
                          People, people, it's not worth it to fight in a G4 topic.


                          • #14
                            You're all idiots.

                            Except for Smiley, DarkMemories and AsteroidBlues.
                            Last edited by Mr. Spencer; 06-03-2012, 04:16 AM.
                            See you in hell.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Mr. Spencer View Post
                              You're all idiots.

                              Except for Smiley, DarkMemories and AsteroidBlues.
                              You left out Spencer, you cant leave out Spencer. If you leave Spencer out he'll feel he's being ignored!

