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Heart warming thread...

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  • #46
    my heart, & my chest & pretty much everything are all warm & cozy right now from a relentless onslaught of blunts, bowls, & bongs..

    i am thisGin


    • #47
      i took a really feel good dump..

      also saw a really good punk, smut film that had me feeling fine.. not really even in a sexual way, although there was a tremendous display of naked sexual charisma.. but in a purely artistic way, the project as a whole is interpreted peaceably in my heart.. it's like master of the moon or some shit.. plus some great tunes.. pm me if you want the link..


      • #48
        for the past few months my depression symptoms have been ravaging me. for some reason i always felt since i was young that i wasn't meant for this world. but something happened a few days ago that lifted my spirits a lot. one of my online friends was going though a rough time, i felt like i needed to contact him on skype and we wound up haveing a wonderful conversation (and i haven't really talked to him in a while) after that i became giddy and derpishly goofy, i haven't felt this good in months! its funny how simply talking with someone you really care about can have such a positive effect on you.

        i guess my sadness kind of comes from feeling that im not very useful to society and that i have very little talents. it just feels like all my goals & all i look forward to in life is an impossible pipe dream, (like my dream becoming a game designer, not possible!) it makes me want to cry inside. im working very hard to better myself, get my damn drivers license (its so embarrassing to be 23 and still not have a license), obtain my accounting degree, getting better at drawing, and if im lucky i might find love along the way. i cant stand the thought of spending the rest of my life alone

        for me it seems i just need to continuously remind myself that im not going to be alone forever and that im not useless, and i have plenty of family and platonic friends that are there for me. as of now im just going though college trying to get my accounting degree.

        lastly i would like to attach an adorable video to help revive this thread, enjoy


        • #49
          Originally posted by Joey3264 View Post
          i cant stand the thought of spending the rest of my life alone
          Hey, don't worry about it . A lot of people have that same kind of worry-- but you're doing the right thing by working on your life. I find the more you don't worry or stress over something, the nicer life is and that's when all the happy surprises come xD


          • #50
            I don't know where this fits, but it's a really cool video. It's a video of a cute bird. My girlfriend didn't believe it's real but it is.



            • #51
              woah i was surprised towards the end with all the other noises he could make xD


              • #52


                • #53

                  As a guy who does some work for the blind, this is really quite cool.


                  • #54
                    that guy is so good humored, before i knew it--i ended up watching almost all his vids lol xD


                    • #55
                      Dad disowns daughter,Father disowns daughter for rejecting her gay son: Read the viral letter..Dad disowns daughter

                      This warms my cold heart.


                      • #56


                        • #57

                          cat behavior is very interesting


                          • #58
                            I've developed an interest in being a film actor, but it's hard to land roles in movies unless you kiss people's asses along the way. Last year, I was a zombie in a new movie called Redcon-1 that was filmed across the UK. There's a girl in the film named Olivia who lost her limbs in real life due to meningitis, but she can take her replacement limbs off in the movie, so the director suggested she become an actress. I'm looking forward to this film as I got to appear with a guy that was a soldier, who has fought Jackie Chan before...but it's taken *FOREVER* to come out. IMDb lists it as having been in post-production since October. Meh.

                            I'm going to hopefully be in a short movie next Wednesday called Flight, and Universal Extras will maybe contact me soon about Avengers: Infinity War. It's being shot next month in Glasgow, plus Edinburgh. There's surely gonna be a need for tons of people to play extras. I'm just wanting to be a human extra, though, and not one of those green alien things.


                            • #59
                              "Warning, video contains some freshly cut onions." =)

                              PS It's blocked by ABC, but I'll take your word.


                              • #60
                                Do you guys like my IMDb page?

