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  • Det. Beauregard
    Originally posted by Pikminister View Post
    You know, when Jake shot that gun near Chris... I know Chris didn't give a shit, but he's gonna have a ringing inside his ear for at least a week.
    Lol, I thought the same thing! Based on some of the questionable, annoying things Capcom did with this game, I'm surprised they didn't add an obnoxious ringing tone while playing as Chris for the rest of the game...

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  • Pikminister
    Originally posted by MiLØ View Post
    And the scene with escape pod was kind of a homeage to Michael Bay's Armageddon, but at least nobody was crying like a bitch and yelling "I love you!" over dramatically.
    The whole game was a homage to Michael Bay! KA-BOOOM!

    You know, when Jake shot that gun near Chris... I know Chris didn't give a shit, but he's gonna have a ringing inside his ear for at least a week.

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  • Shield Key
    Don't worry, Piers was saying that to Chris in his own mind.

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  • MiLØ
    Chris's/Piers final boss battle with Haos is just awesome. I think it was one of the most memorable boss fights in my recent gaming years.
    Kinda reminded of the first Parasite Eve on PSX.
    Also I totally didn't see Piers would die at the end. And man does he deserve some credit for staying head strong till the end. It's a shame to see this character go, wouldn't mind to have him take over for Chris in the series. Lots of potential was there.

    And the scene with escape pod was kind of a homeage to Michael Bay's Armageddon, but at least nobody was crying like a bitch and yelling "I love you!" over dramatically.

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  • Archelon
    Her mouth is moving.

    Originally posted by News Bot View Post
    Would you be able to add them and the original Japanese text to PU? Would be a great help.
    Unfortunately, the site is down for maintenance right now.

    Originally posted by Bianca View Post
    Which file is this mentioned in?
    It's only in the version, but I can't remember which file specifically it was. And as I said above, since the site is down for maintenance, I can't check.
    Last edited by Archelon; 10-05-2012, 05:55 PM.

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  • Shield Key
    I haven't checked... but does Ada possibly just express herself through inner monologue, like Batman in the Arkham games? I never bothered to look to see if her mouth is moving every time we hear her "talk."

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  • News Bot
    Oh yeah, I generally hate in-game dialogue, though it does make sense for it to be there when you have a partner, unlike the complete silent treatment between Leon and Ada in BH2 that made their sudden love for one another seem even weirder. But when a character is talking to themselves (in this case, Ada) it's rather annoying.

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  • Pikminister
    Originally posted by News Bot View Post
    Outside of his transformation and obsession with Ada, Simmons was a promising villain. A lot of potential pissed away with the focus on Carla.
    Well yeah. It just didn't came together as well as they had hoped.

    Originally posted by News Bot View Post
    Actually, yeah, it can be explained away as that. It can also be explained as the result of Just Cause's own ad-libbing. At the very least, the script, dialogue and acting were miles ahead of 4 and 5.
    During the cutscenes, I agree with what you said. But I was thinking more of the dialogue that goes down during actual gameplay or during a QTE. Some of the stuff the actors dish out makes me do a face-palm every time. Like Leon wondering if Helena had her seat-bealt on while trying to escape some zombies. Some of the stuff is funny, but other lines are beyond cheesy or corny. They're just garbage. Like that little exchange between Jake and Sherry while they were inside a dumpster. It reminded me of this:

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  • News Bot
    Outside of his transformation and obsession with Ada, Simmons was a promising villain. A lot of potential pissed away with the focus on Carla.

    The script is really garbage, though. Some good lines here and there. But overall the dialogue is inane and downright stupid. And I don't think that can be explained away by saying that it was just a result of a lousy Japanese-English translation.
    Actually, yeah, it can be explained away as that. It can also be explained as the result of Just Cause's own ad-libbing. At the very least, the script, dialogue and acting were miles ahead of 4 and 5.

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  • Pikminister
    Originally posted by Archelon View Post
    Also, I may be crazy, but I think part of the music that plays during the battle with the giant shark monster is the Del Lago boss fight theme from Resident Evil 4.
    I noticed that. and I'm pretty sure that they recycled some of RE4's music, because I heard more of it in other parts of RE6. Like that crazy violin music you sometimes hear when baddies appear.

    Originally posted by HOTvirus View Post
    Yeah, he mutate like transformers, lol
    In fact, simmons is a biological transformer

    I like the idea of fight this monster in this stage, but too not the way he become this.
    Fighting him was kinda fun. But even so, its just ridiculous. Those were the most ridiculous series of transformations since Frieza's and Boo's in DBZ. And how he kept coming back... so annoying... and how he turned into Barney the dinosaur... LOL. Simmons is right up there with James Marcus as the most ridiculous villain in RE history. And to think some said he could've replaced Wesker. Nope.

    The script is really garbage, though. Some good lines here and there. But overall the dialogue is inane and downright stupid. And I don't think that can be explained away by saying that it was just a result of a lousy Japanese-English translation.

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  • Bianca
    Originally posted by Archelon View Post

    Sheva actually contacted Piers after Chris' disappearance to offer her support. No such mention of Jill.
    Which file is this mentioned in? I love this. I was hoping she'd get a mention.

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  • News Bot
    Originally posted by Archelon View Post
    I just unlocked all of the files and figures last night, and finally uploaded all of my data, so I'm going through the complete files now.
    Would you be able to add them and the original Japanese text to PU? Would be a great help.

    EDIT: Holy shit, there is a reference to 9/11. It's only in the Japanese text, removed in English. Comparison:

    Originally posted by Official English Transcript
    The bioterrorism we have seen in recent years has surpassed the level the organizations currently in operation can cope with.
    Originally posted by Official Japanese Text
    合衆国は9.11以降、長いテロとの戦いに未だ明確に終止符を打てていない。昨今はバイオテロという新しい 脅威にもさらされており、これらに旧来の組織体系で立ち向かっていくことは、難しくなってきて いる。
    Originally posted by Project Umbrella Translation
    The United States has clearly not yet put an end to the long war on terrorism following 9.11. On the contrary, nowadays it has been exposed to a new menace of bioterrorism, and it has been difficult to confront these in the old organizational framework.
    Last edited by News Bot; 10-05-2012, 12:38 PM.

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  • Vito
    Digging Sheva's mention but Capcom better have a good excuse for Jill not giving a fuck about Chris.

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  • Archelon

    Sheva actually contacted Piers after Chris' disappearance to offer her support. No such mention of Jill.

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  • biohazard_star
    I'm more annoyed at how you need to find the serpent emblems in order to unlock the files. Whoever thought that hunting down files, which are vital to the plot, was a good idea needs to be shot.

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