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  • Dracarys
    I find the game, mostly Leons campaign breaks suspension of disbelief too much. I remember in RE4 when he stands on some giant cod-wheeled platform to get across an area and just thinking it is something out of a magical story where any old bollocks get thrown in. Leons RE6 chapters in Tall Oaks underground felt the same way, much of Ada's also. All that bollocks underground and what they travel through, zombies using contraptions, making fire, carrying lanterns, the Shark. Why are there even zombies that far underground anyway, and apparently C-Virus can bring hundreds of years old dead back to life.

    Also, I like how Sherry even existing is a closely guarded state secret yet Claire just blabs about her to Chris. Yet Chris doesn't know who Ada is.

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  • Bianca
    I found the shark part really ridiculous, as well, to be honest... It was just one of those moments where I had to stop and ask myself, "Wait, is this shit really happening?" Oh, boy.

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  • Det. Beauregard
    Simmons' actual transformations didn't bother me nearly as much as the fact that he kept returning to human form while in them. It was utterly ridiculous to see a Tyrannosaur pop down to the size of human and back to dinosaur again. Story-wise, it's the only part of Leon's campaign that I disliked.

    However, the multiple transformations were clearly an homage to Birkin's G-forms, which I loved. There were so many homages to the classic RE games (and even 4 and 5) in Leon's campaign that I stopped counting after a while.

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  • News Bot
    T-A.L.O.S. makes sense, even though it looks cooky as fuck.

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  • Wrathborne
    Originally posted by Bianca View Post
    I'm laughing pretty hard about the comments of Simmons' T-Rex transformation. It was both rage-inducing and hilarious... I want to be pissed off about how fucking stupid it is; but, then, I remember Birkin's G4 transformation was very dinosaur/dog-like, and I tell myself I can't get too angry... I also remember T-A.L.O.S. and, suddenly, every other absurd boss in the Resident Evil universe seems perfect.
    Birkins G type transformations had the perfect amount of WTF'ery as well as 'holy shit, I'm fucked' emotions mixed in though.

    Talos is just painful.

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  • Beanovsky Durst
    Originally posted by shanemurphy View Post
    But how is a dinosaur so silly when they are basically reptiles?? Dinosaurs were big ass reptiles it actually makes sense when you think about it.

    Reptiles can grow back limps which also makes sense with the regenerating C-Virus.
    To be honest I found the giant fly-thing sillier than the dinosaur. Simmons: More than meets the eye, I guess.

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  • shanemurphy
    But how is a dinosaur so silly when they are basically reptiles?? Dinosaurs were big ass reptiles it actually makes sense when you think about it.

    Reptiles can grow back limps which also makes sense with the regenerating C-Virus.

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  • Bianca
    I'm laughing pretty hard about the comments of Simmons' T-Rex transformation. It was both rage-inducing and hilarious... I want to be pissed off about how fucking stupid it is; but, then, I remember Birkin's G4 transformation was very dinosaur/dog-like, and I tell myself I can't get too angry... I also remember T-A.L.O.S. and, suddenly, every other absurd boss in the Resident Evil universe seems perfect.

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  • Det. Beauregard
    Originally posted by News Bot View Post
    Jake is a worthless character. Completely shoe-horned without bringing anything really interesting, and quite clearly a character designed to appease 12 year old ADD fucks.
    While I am enjoying his campaign, I couldn't agree more. Capcom did say that he was created for a younger audience, so it does make sense. I just hope he never shows up in a future game. If Jake is the future of this series, I'm done.

    Hopefully in time, feedback will show that Jake's scenario is the least popular of the main three.

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  • shanemurphy
    I'm glad a dinosaur is in the game, crazy shit like that from the japanese is what makes moments in their games stand out far after the game has released.

    Remember guys, Dinosaurs were mostly reptiles and we still got those today.
    Last edited by shanemurphy; 10-03-2012, 04:09 PM.

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  • News Bot
    Originally posted by Archelon View Post
    I remember when Devil May Cry was still Resident Evil 4, and Kamiya wanted to put a dinosaur in the game, but they wouldn't let him, because it was too far off kilter for a Resident Evil.

    I'm waiting for some Japanese guide or something to say that Carla used the genes of a sabretooth tiger and Tyrannosaurs Rex and uhh, a fly, in order to make that strain she injects into Simmons. I think I would give up.

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  • Archelon
    I remember when Devil May Cry was still Resident Evil 4, and Kamiya wanted to put a dinosaur in the game, but they wouldn't let him, because it was too far off kilter for a Resident Evil.


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  • ValentineLover

    When Derek C. Simmons was betrayed by Ada Wong following the Raccoon City Incident, it was the first time he had ever felt emotional stress. He felt that if he could not have the real Ada Wong serving him faithfully, then he would create one to do so. He decided he would use the C-Virus, a virus with unlimited potential to change the human body, on its creator, Carla Radames, in order to recreate his beloved Ada. No one knows how many lives Derek sacrificed in order to realize that goal. When he succeeded with Carla, he was overcome with joy, but Carla had not completely lost herself in the process, and she hated Derek for what he did to her. Eventually she would see to it that he was injected with a potent strain of the C-Virus, one that would cause his body to mutate painfully into hideous creatures without end. In the end, he was killed by Ada Wong.
    WTF, How old is the C-Virus?

    Originally posted by News Bot View Post
    Nope, they're just sarcomas.
    yeah but they grew because because Simmons intented to create bewbs

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  • News Bot
    Originally posted by ValentineLover View Post
    so the growths from the Lepotisalot are actually suposed to be....
    Nope, they're just sarcomas.

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  • ValentineLover

    After a human is injected with the C-Virus and turns into a J'avo, the virus will continue to mutate the host until its entire body is covered by a tough, cocoon-like structure. Inside this chrysalid, the virus will dissolve the host's body composition and reform it, thus giving birth to a completely different creature from the J'avo. These creatures are referred to as complete mutations. Derek C. Simmons sought to harness this mutation process when he tried to recreate Ada Wong, but ended with a number of failed mutations instead. (Lepotitsa and Gnezdo are two such examples of those failures: Derek preserved the female aspect, but little else.) Derek's researchers soon learned that by mixing the C-Virus with the DNA of living specimens, they could create complete mutations that preserved the strong features of reptilian and mammalian species. Being able to determine the final outcome for the complete mutation was a key component of creating reliable bio-organic weapons. This research was instrumental in stabilizing the C-Virus and creating something that would birth multiple bioweapons.
    so the growths from the Lepotisalot are actually suposed to be....

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