Never bothered to care much for the plotlines (too confusing & ridikulas), so my focus has always been on the gameplay.
So base on that, I have to say that RE6 is one of the two RE games (the other one is Gaiden) that once beaten, it didn't made me wanna replay it all over again. Usually when I beat a RE game I start replaying it right away. But this one made me feel like I was being punished for playing it. Those damn QTE's.... jesus, man. It's like the waggle on the Wii. Exactly the same. Annoying shitplay.
IMO much of RE6 is like a beat-em up in terms of gameplay. Like Final Fight. Its fine for a while. But if you play it for hours, then it quickly gets very tedious and boring. I mean you enter a section of the game and you pretty much have to 'clean' the place up from enemies. Doing the same old attacks from point A to point B. And you do that until the next cutscene comes along. Which I think its suppose to be some sort of reward.
I know most folks here center their thoughts on the plotline and related stuff. But in any game, for ME, that can only take me so far. Its the gameplay that is suppose to make you keep coming back for seconds. The skills thingy was nice. But its not enough. The co-op stuff is good, though.
Maybe I need to stay away from it and come back to it after a long while. With a fresh mind. I do hope the next game has better gameplay than this one. And that it gets rid of those QTE's. And that it allows players to actually PLAY the freakin' thing and stop taking the control away from us. These are videogames, dammit.
About the plot... I didn't mind Jake or most of the characters. But DEREK (what a name) Simmons... he was a homage to Michael Bay's transformer films in the flesh. PLEASE let him stay dead and never come back.
I remember those days. When we took everything like a SPONGE. But we can't be 8-12 years old forever.
So base on that, I have to say that RE6 is one of the two RE games (the other one is Gaiden) that once beaten, it didn't made me wanna replay it all over again. Usually when I beat a RE game I start replaying it right away. But this one made me feel like I was being punished for playing it. Those damn QTE's.... jesus, man. It's like the waggle on the Wii. Exactly the same. Annoying shitplay.
IMO much of RE6 is like a beat-em up in terms of gameplay. Like Final Fight. Its fine for a while. But if you play it for hours, then it quickly gets very tedious and boring. I mean you enter a section of the game and you pretty much have to 'clean' the place up from enemies. Doing the same old attacks from point A to point B. And you do that until the next cutscene comes along. Which I think its suppose to be some sort of reward.
I know most folks here center their thoughts on the plotline and related stuff. But in any game, for ME, that can only take me so far. Its the gameplay that is suppose to make you keep coming back for seconds. The skills thingy was nice. But its not enough. The co-op stuff is good, though.
Maybe I need to stay away from it and come back to it after a long while. With a fresh mind. I do hope the next game has better gameplay than this one. And that it gets rid of those QTE's. And that it allows players to actually PLAY the freakin' thing and stop taking the control away from us. These are videogames, dammit.
About the plot... I didn't mind Jake or most of the characters. But DEREK (what a name) Simmons... he was a homage to Michael Bay's transformer films in the flesh. PLEASE let him stay dead and never come back.
"I miss the days when we just cared how cool an enemy was rather than critiquing and analyzing everything to death." - Shield Key
