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My Updated RPD 1st floor and basement maps
Originally posted by biohazard_star View PostIt is an area in the sewers. Apparently, a break room like the one in final
I came across this map, and I think its accuracy should be re-evaluated:
Although Black~Crow makes a very convincing case with his B1/B2 bifurcation, I have yet to be fully convinced, because the above map has excellent points.
While the "B1" label certainly implies that there might be a B2 (otherwise why number it?), the lower staircase leading there would most likely be placed directly next to the higher staircase. However, the image shows that the floor of the B1 stairwell is at-grade (level) with the landing of the visible staircase. It might be possible that the lower staircase lies under–rather than next to–the upper stair case (so that the exit also faces east), but the corridor next to the visible staircase is completely unlit, which is inconsistent.
The above map also shows a second stairwell in the north-east section of the RPD 1F, connecting to the eastern hallway. This is highly possible because:
- Stairwells tend to be paired with hallways (which is the case with the only other hallway on the first floor of the RPD (western), as well as the basement hallway to which it leads).
- As Alzaire pointed out, each door leading to a stairwell is marked by a light. This is the case with the basement stairwell door, the western stairwell door on the first floor, the door across from the helipad staircase landing (third floor), and the door found in a hallway that you consider to be located on B2.
- In fact, this second basement stairwell might very well lead to that mysterious room connected to the eastern hallway on the first floor (which you hypothesized to be a save room). It makes sense because this hypothetical stairwell is on the complete opposite end of the first floor, where another stairwell would probably be needed.
- The shape and size of the known western stairwell is identical to the size of this mystery room. In fact, when you rotate one of them by 180 degrees, it becomes the other (door placement and all); this is clearly shown by the only known map from the game itself:
- Having only one basement level makes the manhole situation a lot simpler too.
Oddly enough, the elevator (most likely) only goes up from the first floor and doesn't reach the basement (based on the location of the morgue, and the southern corridor's eastern turn at its L-junction, away from the elevator. Perhaps the stairwell reaches the second (and maybe third) floor as well? Perhaps something is blocking it and the elevator is the only remaining option?Last edited by Enigmatism415; 09-14-2012, 06:05 AM.
Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View PostThe Radio Room? It seems odd that it was grouped with the Factory images then... also, the door depicted looks like a door typical of the Factory area.
Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View PostOddly enough, the elevator (most likely) only goes up from the first floor and doesn't reach the basement (based on the location of the morgue, and the southern corridor's eastern turn at its L-junction, away from the elevator. Perhaps the stairwell reaches the second (and maybe third) floor as well? Perhaps something is blocking it and the elevator is the only remaining option?
Originally posted by Kegluneq View PostAs you pointed out, the door texture doesn't seem to match anything seen in the 1st, 2nd or 3rd Floor of the RPD. I'm more inclined to agree with biohazard_star and say that it's definitely from the sewers.
I really can't wait for the secretive development team to show off some new angles!
Here is my carefully chosen wish list, it only has one entry:
(I know you're monitoring this forum guys. If you can't release a screenshot, that's fine, but if you told me what was around that corner I would believe you!)
Reading through these comments, I have thought of many possibilities, this is what drives me crazy when trying to come up with maps based on guess work. I did think that maybe the Firing range, weapon storage room, kennel, and Holding cell area, are on the 3rd floor, but how would the chiefs office fit in? I thought maybe it is like a penthouse and it is on top of the 3rd floor. So, coming up with many theories, I decided to make a map fast and that could be plausible.
In my 2nd floor map, not ready for release yet, I just put the known rooms in it (radio, medical, and media room). There's not too much I could do with the small amount of images and information about this floor.
So, maybe Curator will make another video that shows the areas I made a mistake. I think that is what he did with the first video. It clearly showed where I made mistakes on my basement and second floor map. Curator did sell his game, but that doesn't mean he doesn't have a copy of his own. Anything is possible.I have received 135,000 infractions at The Horror Is Alive!
Black~Crow, I think that your latest RPD B2 map looks quite convincing, but I'd like to share what I believe the B2 layout to look like (using your map as a foundation):
I understand that we may have come up with very similar ideas for an alternate interpretation, but I assure you that the only resources of yours to which I had access were the maps that you've posted in this thread. Nevertheless, I would be delighted to see what new alternate interpretations you've since come up with, however similar to mine. As for your RPD B1 map, I think it looks perfect and I wouldn't change a thing.
As I've asked the community before, please continue to provide critical feedback to any layouts presented in this thread; it really does help immensely. The closer the scrutiny, the better!
Although this thread concerns the RPD maps specifically, I thought I would expand the scope and encourage discussion of any and all maps related to BH1.5, just so we can have them all in one place. I hope this is okay.
Thus, for future reference purposes, I'd like to post my final version of the full Lab map here:
I believe this map to be 99.9% accurate, based on the background images ripped from the RE2 Trial disc.
EDIT: Ultimately, I would like to design interactive maps for the Factory and Lab chapters, whereby the user can view any background image by clicking on its location on the map. As we learn more about the RPD and Sewer layouts, those interactive maps could eventually be made as well.Last edited by Enigmatism415; 02-16-2013, 09:34 PM.
The image of the map you show of the RPD b2 map, mine is almost exactly like that. Then I thought of how the sewer passage would fit in. That is why I changed it. If you posted here to begin with I would have told you and showed you the maps.
NOw with the Lab maps, you wrote MY(Enigmatism415) final version of the full map here. This annoys me, because I spent HOURS on these maps. ANd for Someone like you just come along and make a few modifications on my maps, then claim it as your own, just seems like I did all the work and you take credit for it. I just want credit for my work on the maps. I would have updated the lab maps if you told me what you were doing in the first place.
The RPD B1 map was redone, because it didn't make sense to me anymore. I make the maps with images, because I will get many questions asking where did I get the information from? That is why it takes me awhile. I don't just put up a map like you did without proof. Images gives people a better idea of what the area looks like.
I don't know if I should put the 2nd floor map up? It is done, but I feel as though you will not give feedback but show your new version on the other thread.I do like to read feedback and work with people. The other thing is the 3rd floor map isn't much compared to the others. I guess I should put up the maps but later, right now I am busy at the moment but I am expecting you to be patient.Last edited by Black~Crow; 10-12-2012, 05:30 PM.I have received 135,000 infractions at The Horror Is Alive!
Originally posted by Black~Crow View PostThe image of the map you show of the RPD b2 map, mine is almost exactly like that.Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View PostI understand that we may have come up with very similar ideas for an alternate interpretationOriginally posted by Black~Crow View PostNOw with the Lab maps, you wrote MY(Enigmatism415) final version of the full map here. This annoys me, because I spent HOURS on these maps. ANd for Someone like you just come along and make a few modifications on my maps, then claim it as your own, just seems like I did all the work and you take credit for it. I just want credit for my work on the maps.Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View Postbased on the background images ripped from the RE2 Trial disc.Originally posted by Black~Crow View PostI don't just put up a map like you did without proof. Images gives people a better idea of what the area looks like.Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View PostUltimately, I would like to design interactive maps for the Factory and Lab chapters, whereby the user can view any background image by clicking on its location on the map.Originally posted by Black~Crow View PostI don't know if I should put the 2nd floor map up? It is done, but I feel as though you will not give feedback but show your new version on the other thread.Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View PostI would be delighted to see what new alternate interpretations you've since come up with
I will tell you my map making processes. I use illustrator to make the maps. I could hide and show layers with the rooms. These are just squares, rectangles and other shapes that I can easily move around. So I could come up with more than one version of a map.
Here in stage 1, I used the hall from the B1 map(blue area). I traced it with the pen tool and filled it in with blue.The other blue rooms, I used the B1 map from the RE2 final game, for the correct size. The Holding Cells and Weapon storage are basically traced and arranged on my map.
In stage 2, I thought how could this floor fit around the sewer passage? So in 3 I moved the Holding cell area and adjusted the shape. Then in stage 4 I turned the Weapon storage room and Firing range on the side to make space for the sewer passage. I hid the layer with theHolding cell area, for clarity.
So this is what I go through and believe me it takes hours. I have to use the images to get an idea of how the areas in Re1.5 should look.
After the blocking stage, I make the map, and then I start putting the images in. Sometimes after doing this, I may see something I missed, so I have to rearrange the rooms again and make adjustments.
Then when this is done, I give the map its colors, text, graphics and then I am done. And finally, the map is exported for the web and put on this site.Last edited by Black~Crow; 10-13-2012, 02:13 AM.I have received 135,000 infractions at The Horror Is Alive!
Last edited by Black~Crow; 10-13-2012, 02:38 AM.I have received 135,000 infractions at The Horror Is Alive!
Last edited by Black~Crow; 10-13-2012, 02:57 AM.I have received 135,000 infractions at The Horror Is Alive!
Since you made basically Version 1 of my final map of B2, I have made the Version 2 you have seen, and here are more recent ones
Version 3
Version 4
I made the hall wider where the Weapon storage area is and lengthened the hall at the end. I also want to make Version 5 with the kennel back like Version 2 has, but maybe later
Edit: I hope these images can be seen.Last edited by Black~Crow; 10-13-2012, 02:41 AM.I have received 135,000 infractions at The Horror Is Alive!
Last edited by Black~Crow; 10-13-2012, 03:11 AM.I have received 135,000 infractions at The Horror Is Alive!
For my 200th post, I would like to finally share my interpretation of the RPD layout in its entirety [EDIT: UPDATED]. I've been working on it night and day for about a week now, and it reflects a close examination of available media and, admittedly, a fair amount of assumptions to fill in the gaps. My Lab map is likely far more accurate, and certainly took less time to make, since not only did Capcom do some of the work for me (it was built upon existing maps from RE2 retail), we have access to all of the relevant backgrounds.
**Please note that without access to the background files, I have no way of accurately gauging the size ratios of each area/section, so I am using "quantized" sizes based on both careful observation and architectural consistency from floor to floor. I used the legitimate RPD 1F screenshot as my foundation, so my ratios generally reflect those**
For those of you who might be confused about my drastically different interpretation, let me explain my reasoning:
- The biggest change is my separation of the stairwells. After examining the RPD from the retail version of RE2 and comparing it to the BH1.5 RPD 1F map, I realized that while they look completely different, there are certain pieces of architectural and plot-related logic to the placement of key access points. In the retail version, the western stairwell can be accessed earlier in the game than the eastern stairwell; the western stairwell leads to the upper floors while the eastern stairwell leads to the basement. I simply applied this logic to the BH1.5 RPD layout. In both versions, the ultimate goal of the RPD chapter is to reach the basement (at least as far as Leon's scenario is concerned), because the next chapter (the Sewer) is directly accessible from it. Therefore, since we know that the eastern hallway in BH1.5 is accessed later than the western hallway, it is the eastern stairwell that connects to the basement levels and the western stairwell that connects to the upper floors. Also the fact that the upper floors have elevator access while the basement does not is a strong indicator; the elevator and its juxtaposed stairwell most likely reach the same levels.
- Both the B1 and B2 layouts were orientated to reflect the stairwell bifurcation, and to allow the rooms to fit more evenly under the main building (I realize that there are still areas that protrude outside of the RPD footprint, but the change of layout orientation minimizes this).
- I have two basement levels instead of one because I believe the recently-leaked stairwell images to be informed constructions. Also, having only a single basement level would be far too crowded and would overstep the building's boundaries by an implausible amount. [EDIT: Halloween Teaser video confirms a two-level basement arrangement.]
- I decided to place the Parking Garage on B1 because the ramps provide more direct access to the street level. [EDIT: Halloween Teaser video confirms that the Prison is located on B2]
- In the southwest corner of the B2 Power Room, an Inflames-exclusive image seems to indicate that part of the room might be used for elevator mechanics, and I believe the elevator's shaft-landing to be visible on the southwest corner in this image (the landing depicted lines up with the elevator shaft on the upper floors).
- I revised the shape of the Medical Room on the second floor, since my prior assumption was that it represented the "Autopsy Room" found on the RE2 Trial disc. However, it was mentioned on this forum several times by reliable sources that this is not the case, and that both the Autopsy Room and the linear sewer passage were merely created for demonstration purposes. Similar images were uncovered for REmake that were never playable, but merely "proof of concept."
- I believe the Media and Conference rooms to be two distinct rooms, so the maps reflect that. The shape of the Media Room reflects a "demonstration" setup, with a presentation area carved out (probably for a big projection screen), while the Conference Room is shaped more squarely to artfully surround the main table seen in the Inflames-exclusive images. Also, the Conference Room has big windows (clearly visible in the legitimate screenshots), while the Media Room's location cannot have any windows because it does not lie on the building's perimeter, but rather is enclosed on all sides by other rooms and hallways.
- I connected the Conference Room to both a generic hallway and the outdoor helipad stairwell (seen in detail on the PSM-exclusive video). The addition of this hallway is a perfect example of guesswork since no legitimate images of it exist to my knowledge, but I couldn't think of any other way to connect the areas. I assumed that the Conference Room has direct access to the Helipad stairwell because of the dialogue from an Inflames-exclusive image of the room. Until I receive an unmarked version of this image, only the first line can be discerned; John says: "Elza! Don't go to the rooftop!" 「エルザ!屋上に行っちゃダメだ!!」. Clearly this was an immediately pertinent issue for them. This line might have been preceded by something like "John! There's a door over there to the rooftop! Maybe there's a rescue helicopter waiting outside!"
- I designed the 2F and 3F stairwell/elevator corridors based on the only two known images of them. I simply used the same design for both floors since I have nothing else to go by.
- The orientation of the helipad reflects my theory that the stacked crates next to Leon in the game's opening block him from climbing straight down the ladder to the second-floor roof, right above the RPD 1F Lobby below. This would make it far too convenient to gain access to the western Sewer manhole so early in the game. Instead, I believe that Elza must work together with John to push the stacked crates aside, so that they can descend the ladder and ultimately reach the Sewer. Something that appears to be a ladder can be seen on several images of the second-floor roof area, along the RPD's southern façade to the east. It may look like a pipe, but it seems more likely that it is a ladder.
- I placed the Chief's office on the third floor because the Medical, Media, and Radio rooms were already crowding the layout. It would also make sense for him to be closer to the Conference Room. One of the Inflames-exclusive images depicts Leon standing next to the helipad gate engaged in dialogue; it is hard to make out exactly what was said, but the "chief" was mentioned, so the proximity makes sense. This would also make it easier to reach the Chief's Office from the Helipad without too much obstruction in earlier builds of the game, since these were some of the first areas to be built from what I understand.
- I placed the Firing Range near the Kennel because I believe that the dogs use the vents to ambush Leon and Elza there. The proximity of the two rooms makes this scenario more likely.
- I placed the Radio Room on the northeast corner of 2F because I believe that this is where Leon and Elza climb through the vent to the "burning van" area. Although, they might also be able to reach it from the Media Room corridor, which also has a vent. The difference is, the vent from the Radio Room is ajar while that of the Media Room corridor seems to be tightly fastened (based on the available screenshots of the area).
My next project involves designing "interactive" maps for the RPD, Factory, and Lab chapters. Hopefully, one day, the Sewer chapter can be added to that list as well. I will post annotated versions of the RPD and Lab maps shortly, for those less familiar with their respective directories.
I think that's all I can think of for now. If anyone has any questions or feedback, please shareLast edited by Enigmatism415; 01-08-2013, 08:40 PM.