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My Updated RPD 1st floor and basement maps

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  • #31
    Okay, here is the annotated version of the RPD map:


    I didn't bother labeling small things like corridors since those are pretty obvious...


    Also, below is a draft of the "master map" that I'm working on (which will eventually be interactive):


    As I've said before, the RPD map is my best guess but the Factory and Lab maps are 99% accurate. As for the Sewer, that's something that I hope we can all work on together since it's damn-near impossible to solve without more legitimate information and media. That challenge can be tackled in the Sewer thread though.

    Does anyone know what the northwest room in the Factory is? I'm pretty certain of its shape, but I can only guess what lies inside... my best guess being either a power room (to supply electricity to the hallway switch-box) or another useless office. This is probably what I'm most curious about at the moment.
    Last edited by Enigmatism415; 01-08-2013, 08:44 PM.


    • #32
      My guess was that it was a Save Room. In my old YouTube video series I had it doubling as a storage room for the Loading Office (i.e. the "wraparound office"), so the player would have found old files, discs, etc., and the RE-standard Save Typewriter (my series had them, I'd be happy to explain why if anyone cares). Why a Save Room? Process of elimination. Where else in the Warehouse District could a Save Room be located? It's the one room we don't know about, and Capcom rarely (if ever) shows Save Rooms when promoting their newest RE game. It's just a guess, though, nothing more.


      • #33
        Interesting theory; I had assumed that the "wrap-around" office was the save room since it has computer terminals. The electricity puzzle may indeed be as simple as lowering the breaker in the hallway, but I thought there might be more to it. In Code Veronica (which featured a few recycled "puzzles" from BH1.5), I recall having to go to a power room before I could flip the light switch. I suppose the most likely options then are save room or power room...


        • #34
          I don't agree with some of your maps, but that is your opinion. And not to be a nuisance, but I don't Believe you made the lab maps from studying images from the Re2 trial disc. You used my maps as reference, which is fine, but be honest. Also, I didn't get all the map ideas from the RE2 trial disc. There was 1 or 2 complete mapped rooms for the labs that are definitely from RE1.5. I mentioned it on Bioflames a while ago, and it is on the RE2 beta 2 disc.

          I was hoping you were working on a playable game. I guess maybe I should make one instead of expecting someone else too. But I don't want to read all the flack from annoying members here.
          Last edited by Black~Crow; 10-16-2012, 07:31 PM.
          I have received 135,000 infractions at The Horror Is Alive!


          • #35

            To be honest, the reason I even began my map project was that I couldn't find nor had I ever seen your B2 Lab map. When I first joined THIA, I remember asking where I could find the latest versions of your maps, and you linked me to a zip file; I assumed that its contents were exhaustive, and that if you withheld anything it would be for a reason.

            After watching the recently-released BH1.5 mod video "Laboratory Lost Corridor" by SeiyaK0u (, I went to your map collection to see where this corridor might fit in. Then I read in the video description that you had marked the area as "?????" on your map. I realize that it's an older map and that you've probably updated it since then, but it was the only version I had access to. I wanted to solve the mystery and find a location to place the corridor, and then I noticed that I couldn't find a B2 Lab map from you. Rather than pester you a second time about sending me maps, I figured I would use the RE2 Trial backgrounds to create my own maps by modifying the RE2 retail maps. If you compare my maps with those of this site:, you'll find that even the pixels of the grid line up perfectly (though I moved the compass).

            It's no secret that I've been a fan of your maps since you started making them, as I had said a while back. However, in the case of the maps I've presented above, they can be justified by the available media alone. Certainly your maps have influenced me in a general sense, but I think that it's more accurate to say that they've inspired me. I think the fact that you disagree with my maps is a testament to this.

            Speaking of which, of all the people who could give me feedback on my map theories, you rank pretty high. So please tell me what you disagree with and why, if you care to.


            • #36
              Well, I will release the RPD 2nd floor map to point out what I think is wrong with yours. I am reluctant to release the 3rd floor because I am not happy with it because of lack of images. But the 2nd floor map look similar to yours with only slight differences. The lab maps, I think I discussed my theories to Alzaire relating to that lost corridor. So, I did update some of the lab maps before, but didn't release them because was way too busy.

              The B1 and B2 maps, I do not think they are correct, especially the B1 map! I strongly believe the parking garage is in that area I put on my map. You can see from the outside backyard on the 1st floor, the van has crashed through the wall. I believe the van came from the exit from the parking garage on that side of the RPD.And the Exit/Entrance of the parking garage is on a slope. So a vehicle speeding to get away and making a wrong turn, is not impossible. This is what I discussed with Alzaire when I showed my RPD map of the parking garage exit/entrance. He is the one that pointed out to me there was another corner, so that is why the final map doesn't look like the one where I circled entrance in red.
              Last edited by Black~Crow; 10-16-2012, 08:46 PM.
              I have received 135,000 infractions at The Horror Is Alive!


              • #37
                Where do you fit in the following images in your RPD 2nd and 3rd Floor map?

                Click image for larger version

Name:	bh2.rpd.2ndfloor.0hallway01.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	43.2 KB
ID:	401798 Click image for larger version

Name:	bh2.rpd.2ndfloor.0hallway02.jpg
Views:	3
Size:	53.9 KB
ID:	401799 Click image for larger version

Name:	bh2.rpd.3rdfloor.3tower01.jpg
Views:	6
Size:	44.0 KB
ID:	401800

                BioHazard YouTube Channel
                BioHazard 2 Prototype Database Project


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Kegluneq View Post
                  Where do you fit in the following images in your RPD 2nd and 3rd Floor map?

                  The first two images are of the Media Corridor. Elza is seen standing in front of the door to the main 2F hallway.

                  The third image, along with the image on the screen below, represent the 2F or 3F elevator halls. I think that they probably have the same basic design, for a lack of available media.

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	demo15pic.jpg
Views:	5
Size:	51.3 KB
ID:	401801

                  My guess would be that your third image was taken in the 3F elevator hall, since the crows from the helipad are nearby and are seen attacking Leon. If he were to walk towards the camera far enough, you would probably see the angle shown in the above image (the windows line up).

                  EDIT: image 1 = RED, image 2 = YELLOW, image 3 = ORANGE, image 4 = PINK

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	CAex2.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	51.1 KB
ID:	401802Click image for larger version

Name:	CAex1.jpg
Views:	2
Size:	48.5 KB
ID:	401803



                  Your theory of the Parking area is certainly a convincing one, especially after examining the screenshots showing the access ramps. Up until fairly recently, I had thought the exact same thing, but the manhole placement issue kept bugging me I guess...
                  Last edited by Enigmatism415; 10-16-2012, 11:52 PM.


                  • #39
                    If memory serves, Kelguneq, your first image is supposedly of Elza running down the 2F Main Hall coming from the Media (or Conference) room back towards the main hall junction (with the sign). The sign would be just around the corner and to Elza's right, with the fire doors to the stairwell on her left and the double doors to the Medical Room directly ahead. The second image is the "stairwell side" of the 2F Main Hall fire door. If Elza were to turn around and go through the double doors, she'd be facing the 2F Main Hall sign directing her where to go. The third one ... well ... it's disputed by some of us.

                    Alzaire identified the third image as part of RPD 2F, and it best fits the short turning hallway leading back to the stairwell and elevator. In other words, if Elza were to keep going straight ahead in the second image, the next camera angle would be the third image. The only flaw in this is the style of the walls, which is a better match for the first floor (RPD 1F). That initially led me to believe this was the back turn in the RPD 1F West Hallway (the one that's "unknown") and the indentation to the left leads to the door of the unknown (Save?) room in that hall. The problem with this are the windows, which we don't see in the corresponding exteriors of the RPD - where the Burning Van would be located. They would better fit the location on RPD 2F. I've since conceded that the wall texture might be due to changes in the various betas and so on - but that back turn in the RPD 1F West Hallway is the only other location in the RPD that would fit that image.

                    Regarding my theory about the Save Room at the end of the "green hall," consider this image (from Kelguneq's RE15 sewer thread:

                    I think most everyone here believes this to be from somewhere in the processing plant of the Sewers. However, if you were to disregard what everyone else has said and take that image purely at face value ... well ... it might be that "green hall" Save Room. Why? The door. It's a match in both location and style for the one in the "green hall." It would certainly fit my personal theory. I don't believe this to be case, though. That door's used in a lot of places in both RE15 and RE2, and others more knowledgeable than I have fixed this still as belonging to the Sewers. I do this to point out the problems a lot of us have trying to piece RE15 back together given the limited data we have in certain places. It's so easy to read into it what you want to see.


                    • #40
                      I give my seal of approval to Enigmatism's maps. (b'.')b Pretty certain they are about as correct as you can get with available info.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Alzaire View Post
                        I give my seal of approval to Enigmatism's maps. (b'.')b Pretty certain they are about as correct as you can get with available info.
                        Cheers mate!


                        • #42
                          Thanks a lot for clarifying that, Enigmatism415. Here's what happens: Elza comes across 2 wounded police officers after she enters the Media Corridor. There's probably a cutscene involved. After traveling across the hallway, she finds out the Media Room. In there, she retrieves an item necessary to progress. After she comes back, she finds out that the 2 police officers have transformed and guns them down. This is why two bodies are laying on the floor when she is going back to the main 2F Hallway. Is that it?

                          It makes sense. In Leon's scenario, Marvin and Leon come across a similar event in the main 2F Hallway. With Elza's, it happens in the 2F Media Corridor.

                          By the way, the Conference Room is the place where Elza fights the Gorillas with John, right? You alluded in your translations that the Conference Room gave access to the Roof. There's been a bit of confusion regarding the Media and Conference Room in the community, and to be quite frank, I still have some trouble knowing which "opinion" is correct.

                          If memory serves, Kelguneq, your first image is supposedly of Elza running down the 2F Main Hall coming from the Media (or Conference) room back towards the main hall junction (with the sign). The sign would be just around the corner and to Elza's right, with the fire doors to the stairwell on her left and the double doors to the Medical Room directly ahead. The second image is the "stairwell side" of the 2F Main Hall fire door. If Elza were to turn around and go through the double doors, she'd be facing the 2F Main Hall sign directing her where to go. The third one ... well ... it's disputed by some of us.
                          Perhaps I'm misinterpreting what you're saying, but this door: Click image for larger version

Name:	bh2.rpd.2ndfloor.0hallway02.jpg
Views:	3
Size:	53.9 KB
ID:	401805

                          Gives you access to this door (the one to Elza's back)? Click image for larger version

Name:	bh2.rpd.2ndfloor.3hallway01.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	83.2 KB
ID:	401806

                          Alzaire identified the third image as part of RPD 2F, and it best fits the short turning hallway leading back to the stairwell and elevator. In other words, if Elza were to keep going straight ahead in the second image, the next camera angle would be the third image. The only flaw in this is the style of the walls, which is a better match for the first floor (RPD 1F). That initially led me to believe this was the back turn in the RPD 1F West Hallway (the one that's "unknown") and the indentation to the left leads to the door of the unknown (Save?) room in that hall. The problem with this are the windows, which we don't see in the corresponding exteriors of the RPD - where the Burning Van would be located. They would better fit the location on RPD 2F. I've since conceded that the wall texture might be due to changes in the various betas and so on - but that back turn in the RPD 1F West Hallway is the only other location in the RPD that would fit that image.
                          I never understood why it's thought that the third image is from the RPD 2F. There are crows fighting Leon and you can get a glimpse of the outside through the windows. The place looks like a watching tower. It just screws RPD 3F to me.

                          Regarding the RPD 1F West Hallway: Click image for larger version

Name:	west.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	19.8 KB
ID:	401807

                          I think this is it.

                          Regarding my theory about the Save Room at the end of the "green hall," consider this image (from Kelguneq's RE15 sewer thread:
                          What is this Save Room at the end of the "green hall" that you speak of? Is this it?

                          Click image for larger version

Name:	ROOM3XX090.jpeg
Views:	3
Size:	42.6 KB
ID:	401808
                          Last edited by Kegluneq; 10-17-2012, 10:58 PM.

                          BioHazard YouTube Channel
                          BioHazard 2 Prototype Database Project


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Kegluneq View Post
                            Thanks a lot for clarifying that, Enigmatism415. There's something that's bothering me, though. If the door to the back of Elza is the Media Room, why does she encounter 2 police officers after she comes back from the Media Room? Furthermore, the second image alludes to the transformation of those 2 police officers (two bodies lying in the ground). But if she goes to the Media Room, gets whatever she needs from there, finds those 2 police officers, why would she go back to that hallway?
                            You have it reversed. The door behind Elza leads to the main 2F Hallway. The door to the Media Room is at the other end of the Media Corridor. Your zombie reasoning actually further validates this theory. Here is the likely progression of events from the Inflames-exclusive images:

                            Click image for larger version

Name:	RPD_2F_progression.png
Views:	1
Size:	518.1 KB
ID:	401816

                            Elza enters the 2F Hallway from the Elevator Corridor and turns right heading south. She sees a "dead" police officer leaning against the wall. As she proceeds south, she shoots him before he gets a chance to rise. She then continues down the hallway eastward until she reaches the door to the Media Corridor. After entering, she sees two zombies getting up to attack her. She kills them, runs down the hall, and enters the Media Room at the end of the Media Corridor. She eventually leaves the Media Room and runs back through the Media Corridor, running past the corpses.

                            Originally posted by Kegluneq View Post
                            By the way, the Conference Room is the place where Elza fights the Gorillas with John, right? You alluded in your translations that the Conference Room gave access to the Roof. There's been a bit of confusion regarding the Media and Conference Room in the community, and to be quite frank, I still have some trouble knowing which "opinion" is correct.
                            Yes, the Conference Room is where Elza and John fight the Gorillas. It is of my opinion that the Media and Conference rooms are two distinct rooms. The Conference Room features large windows, so it could not be where the Media Room is, as that room is surrounded by other indoor areas.

                            Originally posted by Kegluneq View Post
                            Perhaps I'm misinterpreting what you're saying, but this door: [ATTACH=CONFIG]7336[/ATTACH] Gives you access to this door (the one to Elza's back)? [ATTACH=CONFIG]7337[/ATTACH]
                            No; the first door connects the Media Corridor with the main 2F Hallway. The second door leads to the Medical Room as the hallway directory states. The Medical Room doors are also distinctly used for stretchers, as evidenced by their tell-tale bumpers, rather than knobs or handles.

                            Originally posted by Kegluneq View Post
                            I never understood why it's thought that the third image is from the RPD 2F. There are crows fighting Leon and you can get a glimpse of the outside through the windows. The place looks like a watching tower. It just screws RPD 3F to me.
                            I indeed believe that this image depicting Leon's fight with the crows is from the 3F Elevator Corridor. The windows are broken and the crows don't have far to travel from the Helipad. I believe that the 2F and 3F Elevator Corridors share a similar design, differentiated only in decoration and furnishings. As for the second known picture of the Elevator Corridor, it is difficult to say whether it belongs to the second or third floor.

                            Originally posted by Kegluneq View Post
                            Regarding the RPD 1F West Hallway: [ATTACH=CONFIG]7338[/ATTACH] I think this is it.
                            I think it is more accurate to say that this was the RPD 1F West Hallway. This image depicts an outdated version of this corridor that comes from the second major build of BH1.5 (Leon in civilian clothing). You can see here that the shutter was once flush with the wall (in the PSM build and later builds, the shutter recedes behind it). The most obvious change, of course, was that the door from the Lobby to the West Hallway was moved a lot closer to the Lobby Reception and away from the shutter.

                            Originally posted by Kegluneq View Post
                            What is this Save Room at the end of the "green hall" that you speak of? Is this it? [ATTACH=CONFIG]7339[/ATTACH]
                            The nature of this room hasn't yet been confirmed; we only know of its existence, location, and shape. Quite a few of us believe it to be a save room because, as was pointed out earlier by RMandel, it was possibly the only save room in the entire Factory chapter (though it is certainly possible that the Warehouse Foyer was meant to be a save room, since it directly precedes the boss fight with Birkin).
                            Last edited by Enigmatism415; 02-16-2013, 09:33 PM.


                            • #44
                              I like the theory but IMO it looks like the last two images leading to the conference room are reversed.

                              Take a look at this:

                              The hall way in the second image is NOT as long as it seems. Notice the floor joist at the intersection (green circle). It seems that the mapping was not completed here and the zombie is going through the wall in the distance. The only thing that is confusing is the camera (red circle). That must mean there is one camera pointing towards the main hall and another just around the corner. At first I thought it was the same camera, but no matter how you twist the halls to create orientation, it doesn't match up.


                              • #45
                                You can actually see the shutter floating above where it's supposed to slide down in this shot. Seems like a layer mask hasn't been applied yet.

                                Click image for larger version

Name:	west.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	19.8 KB
ID:	401807

                                As for the factory save room, I'm inclined to believe it is the messed up office room. There is a camera angle that seems to be for using the computer in the far back. There is also a camera angle focused on the empty space right between the first desk in the row and the set of piled up boxes where an item box can fit perfectly. I'm not sure about the other room, but it could very well be just another office room. The other room doesn't have a table/small private room for the factory boss, so I guess there's probably one in the room we're missing. That's just my guess though.
                                Seibu teh geimu?

