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My Updated RPD 1st floor and basement maps

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  • #91
    Originally posted by Darkness View Post
    Thanks to the mystery team that I now worship daily.
    Yeah, I really hope that they show off the B1, 2F, and 3F corridors in December, along with full walk-downs / walk-ups of both stairwells ... that would be an amazing gift! With those pieces alone, we'd pretty much know the layout of the RPD with reasonable certainty. Yes, Black~Crow has a point that it would ruin the surprise once the mod is released... but we've been waiting for so long!

    EDIT: Alternatively, if they just pressed the damn map button, they could reveal a dozen mysteries in one frame of video
    Last edited by Enigmatism415; 11-08-2012, 02:24 AM.


    • #92
      So would I. In the meantime, I'll keep going with what I have and adapt accordingly. It's all I can do for now.

      That 1F West Hallway is a recreation. A damn good one, but there's just too many little things that give it away. That poster of Claire, the lobby door not quite matching, the color of the walls, and so on. It'll be interesting to see if the untouched 40% build had either untextured backgrounds there or the hallway was incomplete (since we've never seen it before). BTW, I think there's room for a bathroom there, after rewatching the first Curator video, but - and here I go with the real-world thing again, and I hope "da team" is reading this - why not TWO one- or two-stall bathrooms? LADIES and MEN? You've got just barely enough room there, if I'm interpreting that side of the building right.

      Oh, well. There I go again. Best I shut up, wait paitently, and let them work their magic.


      • #93
        Originally posted by RMandel View Post
        You've got just barely enough room there, if I'm interpreting that side of the building right.
        There's actually a massive amount of room... enough for two restrooms and a custodial closet or something.


        • #94
          Or a programmer's room, that you can only access by bearing the Gray Dot.
          Last edited by RMandel; 11-08-2012, 05:22 AM.


          • #95
            Do...we know if 40% build has the map feature implemented?


            • #96
              Originally posted by Darkness View Post
              lol, no. It's a quirky easter egg from the team.
              I had no idea! How do you know what the team did and not do? Where is this information? So anytime a new video pops up, it is just a mod and not the actual game footage? I don't understand how some people here know more than others when there is no information on the video itself? I am beginning to wonder if this team are actually people on this forum .
              I have received 135,000 infractions at The Horror Is Alive!


              • #97
                Originally posted by Black~Crow View Post
                I had no idea! How do you know what the team did and not do? Where is this information? So anytime a new video pops up, it is just a mod and not the actual game footage? I don't understand how some people here know more than others when there is no information on the video itself?
                I think in the case of the eastern hallway, it was fairly obvious that the textures were custom, or at least parts of them were. The restroom door, the "painting of a beautiful woman," and of course the missing Claire poster gave it away. Also, it wasn't a huge surprise because we already knew that the eastern stairwell was a custom design. I can understand if it wasn't immediately obvious at first... they clearly have graphic artists who would make even c2keo blush.

                Originally posted by Black~Crow View Post
                I am beginning to wonder if this team are actually people on this forum .
                Careful, curiosity killed the crow ;-)


                • #98
                  Originally posted by Black~Crow View Post
                  I had no idea! How do you know what the team did and not do? Where is this information? So anytime a new video pops up, it is just a mod and not the actual game footage? I don't understand how some people here know more than others when there is no information on the video itself? I am beginning to wonder if this team are actually people on this forum .
                  It's pretty simple - we know Claire wasn't developed until RE2. At all. In anyway. Some of the game is original 1.5 stuff - some of it's a fanmod made to turn a 40% game into one that's nearly done. Since it's quite possible we'll get the 1.5 ISO at some point as well as the fan made game, it'll fairly simple to work out what was origionally playable and what's been added.

                  What was transplanted from the RE2 Trial and other beta sources, possibly including incomplete rooms that are on the disc but not working, will be somewhat more challenging. But I'd like to think the team involved has already considered this and intends to do something to avoid too much confusion.

                  And while the team members may or may not be present on the forums, I'd bet good cash that they're at least watching. I bet they do the same on BioHaze and the other forums. It's the only way for feedback to reach them, after all, beyond YouTube...and no one in there right mind takes YouTube comments seriously.


                  • #99
                    Amen, brother.


                    • Everyone please add your two cents, the Kennel is tantalizingly elusive.

                      [EDIT: UPDATED]

                      Last edited by Enigmatism415; 01-08-2013, 08:48 PM.


                      • That damn elusive kennel. I really like your map in question. I think you may have it.

                        Hmm...whats the pink door on the map on there for? I don't see anything there.
                        Last edited by Darkness; 11-10-2012, 07:00 PM.


                        • It's not a pink door, its a marker for the vent.

                          That seems correct Enigmatism415. Another thing we can extrapolate from this is that Beta or Era 3 (the Famitsu Build) did not have the kennel in place yet.

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                          BioHazard 2 Prototype Database Project


                          • That would explain how the cerebus hounds got in the Firing Range. I had originally thought a vent or such was hidden behind the sandbags, but I like you idea much better, Enig. And after that, two more got through the watch keeper's window (looks kinda like a vent in the stills) between the Range and the Armory to get in there, or something like that. They couldn't get out any farther because all the doors were locked. I like the way that works out.
                            Last edited by RMandel; 11-10-2012, 08:17 PM.


                            • Originally posted by Kegluneq View Post
                              Another thing we can extrapolate from this is that Beta or Era 3 (the Famitsu Build) did not have the kennel in place yet.
                              It certainly seems that way doesn't it? In fact, out of all the basement areas, there are three rooms that were only ever depicted by the Inflames set: the Kennel, the Power Room, and the Service Garage (the room proper, not the commonly-seen foyer). The latter two are less interesting to me because they don't have the same internal complexity as the Kennel, and we have a much better idea of their layouts.

                              So, if we're right in our conclusion that the Kennel did not yet exist in the ERA3/Famitsu build, then it might be untextured/unplayable in the PSM build (certainly no one possessing the PSM build felt a need to showcase it). However, the addition of the vent to the Firing Range was hardly random (it seemed to be the only significant change besides halving the number of stalls; why else would they add a vent there specifically?). Furthermore, given that the only logical location of the Kennel is where I have placed it on my map (B2 has been officially solved recently, and the Parking Lot is simply too large for the Kennel's address), then the Firing Range vent would have to connect with that of the Kennel (unless the Kennel features several vents, but it's unlikely that the Kennel is very large... being a Kennel and all).

                              The one thing that bugs me though is the fact that the Kennel door opens from different sides depending on whether you're examining the Complete Disc footage or the Inflames screenshot. The door-opening direction may have been changed somewhere in between those two stages, or maybe Capcom made a simple and minor mistake.


                              • After more closely examining some PSM screenshots, I've found some inconsistencies in my map which I will address and rectify here:

                                1) The Helipad Stairwell & Conference Room

                                The northern section of the Helipad is actually directly above some water tanks, machinery, and electrical boxes. If you look closely at these screenshots, you'll see that the Conference Room has its own hallway leading to its emergency exit, and does not occupy the entire underside of the Helipad as I had once thought.

                                Intuition tells me that the eastern section of the Conference Room features a podium similar to the one found in the Conference Room of RE2 Trial Edition...

                                Click image for larger version

Name:	helipad_stairwell1.png
Views:	1
Size:	138.6 KB
ID:	401953Click image for larger version

Name:	helipad_stairwell2.png
Views:	1
Size:	105.7 KB
ID:	401954Click image for larger version

Name:	helipad_stairwell3.png
Views:	1
Size:	97.7 KB
ID:	401955

                                2) The Northeast Roof & Media Corridor

                                The northeastern section of the 2F roof is actually twice as large as formerly depicted in my map. By increasing its size, the Media Hallway was commensurately compacted. This also allows for a direct ventilation connection between the 2F roof and the Media Corridor, which I depict on the map as a yellow mark. A similar ventilation connection also exists between the Radio Room and the northwest corner of the 2F roof, depicted in kind.

                                Click image for larger version

Name:	bh2.rpd.rear3.png
Views:	1
Size:	70.3 KB
ID:	401956Click image for larger version

Name:	bh2.rpd.1stfloor.5burningvan05.jpg
Views:	2
Size:	60.8 KB
ID:	401957

                                3) The Kennel & Firing Range

                                I've already discussed this issue earlier, but this change has been incorporated below as well. I added a green mark to represent the connecting vent.

                                4) B1 Hallway & Parking section

                                The southern portion of the B1 hallway extends too far on the old map; I've since truncated it. This forces the entire parking area to be shifted north. Here is a screenshot that I edited to show the southern end of the B1 hallway:

                                Click image for larger version

Name:	hallmod.png
Views:	2
Size:	104.1 KB
ID:	401958

                                5) Conference Room length

                                The height of the parapet surrounding the helipad depends on whether it rests atop an enclosed area; the parapet is higher when it is above an indoor area, and lower when it is above an outdoor area covered by the helipad surface.

                                Image A shows a glimpse of the northeast corner of the Conference Room, which seems to extend farther east than I had initially believed. This makes sense because of the room's purpose. In Elza's scenario, the Conference Room is analogous to the Parking Lot in Leon's scenario; both areas serve primarily as hosts to boss fights featuring two gorillas each. As such, the Conference Room would have to be large enough to house such a massive boss fight, which the Parking Lot is amply equipped to handle. The only direction in which the Conference Room can expand is east, as its other boundaries are solidified by plausible evidence. This is further supported by the fact that the Helipad parapet is higher at the precise point where the Conference Room boundary surpasses that of the Helipad. The attached images may speak louder than words, though.

                                6) Media Corridor length

                                Click image for larger version

Name:	bh2.rpd.rear3.png
Views:	1
Size:	70.3 KB
ID:	401956Click image for larger version

Name:	bh2.rpd.1stfloor.5burningvan05.jpg
Views:	2
Size:	60.8 KB
ID:	401957

                                The images above have made it clear to me that the vent represents an access point between the 2F roof area and the Media Corridor. Just as there is a crate beneath the vent outside, there is likely one inside as well. Thus, the Media Corridor likely extends farther west to allow sufficient space for both the crate and the door to the Media Room. This extension, of course, necessitates the lowering of the Radio Room's southern wall, which allows for an appropriately even alignment. The resultant shape of the Media Room appears to imply an internal partition of sorts, which is marked in green. Such partitions are almost never marked in actual in-game maps, but they are nonetheless provided here for clarity.

                                Intuition tells me that the Media Room was divided into the File and Evidence rooms found in retail RE2; if you try to fit them together, it even results in a similar shape...

                                7) Service Garage door

                                Well, thanks to GBitman, we can now clearly see that the Service Garage door is indeed a double door:

                                Click image for larger version

Name:	GB_B1Corridor1(small).jpg
Views:	3
Size:	7.7 KB
ID:	402339Click image for larger version

Name:	biohazard094.JPG
Views:	6
Size:	48.6 KB
ID:	402338


                                And of course, the updated map:

                                Last edited by Enigmatism415; 01-22-2013, 06:13 AM.

