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My Updated RPD 1st floor and basement maps

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  • I wondered when somebody would remember that second roof vent. ;)


    • Geez, we know so little about the sewers its scary..


      • Originally posted by Darkness View Post
        Geez, we know so little about the sewers its scary..
        If anyone still wants to be completely surprised by the layout, the Sewer is definitely the place to look.


        • Back to the firing range, I didn't recall a vent there. But I do overlook things from time to time and think, WOW, how did I miss that. And some images aren't even clear enough to make out. If I seen that vent I would have considered it in my maps. And in the dog kennel, I thought that was a sign not a vent! Are you sure it is a vent? At the time, I thought it was a sign and it said something like"Do not feed the dogs after 8pm!"

          Also, the newly released RE1.5 video, is that the real layout of the B2 basement corner? Or is this a video of the mod? This is why I do not want to make another map. How do you know what is the original game or the enhanced one(mod)?

          By the way, I do not see the point in guessing the map anymore, since someone or some people are going to release the game in the near future. Like I said before, I want to be surprised since it would be like a new Resident Evil game. I know I made most of the maps before, but I thought the images from the RE2 trial disc was all we were going to get from RE 1.5. I never thought somebody would get the game and share it with us.

          I really don't understand why the thread "Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)" is 180 pages long? People just can't keep their excitement to themselves. I am happy too that someone FINALLY has one version of RE1.5 and is going to share it I assume. But come one, don't be impatient, just wait!
          I have received 135,000 infractions at The Horror Is Alive!


          • Originally posted by Black~Crow View Post
            Back to the firing range, I didn't recall a vent there. But I do overlook things from time to time and think, WOW, how did I miss that. And some images aren't even clear enough to make out. If I seen that vent I would have considered it in my maps.
            As was discussed earlier in this thread, the vent in the Firing Range was added in the PSM build. When you were first making your maps, you may have been looking at screenshots from the Famitsu build, in which there is indeed no vent. That would make sense, because I'm assuming that you made your first basement maps before the Curator Incident came into light. Here are three screenshots of the Firing Range, representing the Famitsu, PSM, and Inflames builds respectively.

            Click image for larger version

Name:	bh2.rpd.basement.5firing2.jpg
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ID:	401963

            Originally posted by Black~Crow View Post
            And in the dog kennel, I thought that was a sign not a vent! Are you sure it is a vent? At the time, I thought it was a sign and it said something like"Do not feed the dogs after 8pm!"
            No sign would be placed so high up as to render it illegible. If it were a sign intended for people of a reasonable height to read, it would either be posted much lower or written with much larger letters. Plus, it just flat out looks like a vent to me. Even c2keo, who studies background images with the highest scrutiny, had come to the same conclusion:

            Click image for larger version

Name:	kennel3.jpg
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ID:	401964

            Originally posted by Black~Crow View Post
            Also, the newly released RE1.5 video, is that the real layout of the B2 basement corner? Or is this a video of the mod? This is why I do not want to make another map. How do you know what is the original game or the enhanced one(mod)?
            It is most certainly the real layout. It would make no sense for the original developers to fully clad a room with textures but leave only two angles completely untextured, especially when it leads to the fully-textured Prison. Admittedly, some partially-textured anomalies like the Factory Entrance exist, but in such cases only minor details (a door at worst) remain untextured. I can't be 100% sure without a copy of the game itself, but all reason points to the B2 hallway having been a fully textured area. Even down to the tint, the newly revealed angles are congruent with the long-known ones.


            I want to be surprised too when the game is released, to an extent. As I said earlier, I think the Sewer will hold the biggest surprises. Besides, even if our maps were accurate, they say nothing about the actual contents of the unseen and seldom-seen rooms (especially on 2F and 3F). Take the 1F eastern hallway for example; we knew its exact shape ever since the legit 1F map was released, but were we not completely surprised when the first images of it were revealed? I know I definitely was.


            • Originally posted by Black~Crow View Post
              Back to the firing range, I didn't recall a vent there. But I do overlook things from time to time and think, WOW, how did I miss that. And some images aren't even clear enough to make out. If I seen that vent I would have considered it in my maps. And in the dog kennel, I thought that was a sign not a vent! Are you sure it is a vent? At the time, I thought it was a sign and it said something like"Do not feed the dogs after 8pm!"

              Also, the newly released RE1.5 video, is that the real layout of the B2 basement corner? Or is this a video of the mod? This is why I do not want to make another map. How do you know what is the original game or the enhanced one(mod)?

              By the way, I do not see the point in guessing the map anymore, since someone or some people are going to release the game in the near future. Like I said before, I want to be surprised since it would be like a new Resident Evil game. I know I made most of the maps before, but I thought the images from the RE2 trial disc was all we were going to get from RE 1.5. I never thought somebody would get the game and share it with us.

              I really don't understand why the thread "Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)" is 180 pages long? People just can't keep their excitement to themselves. I am happy too that someone FINALLY has one version of RE1.5 and is going to share it I assume. But come one, don't be impatient, just wait!
              Posting about it helps with the wait.


              • You can write down your thoughts on a piece of paper and read it over and over again. It is the same as that thread.
                I have received 135,000 infractions at The Horror Is Alive!


                • Originally posted by Black~Crow View Post
                  You can write down your thoughts on a piece of paper and read it over and over again. It is the same as that thread.
                  thank you 1.5 forum overlord!


                  • I forgot this thread is about the maps. So, lets stick to the topic and not get into a stupid argument.
                    Last edited by Black~Crow; 11-13-2012, 12:44 AM.
                    I have received 135,000 infractions at The Horror Is Alive!


                    • Any new ideas on the Sewers, Black Crow?


                      • RMandel, I haven't looked at my sewer maps in a while, because I was trying to figure out how the B1 an B2 maps could look like. There aren't that many images, so I used the RE2 retail version for reference. If I come up with a new idea I will post it.
                        I have received 135,000 infractions at The Horror Is Alive!


                        • Sounds good to me. I'll go with what I've got for now for my video series project, and let "da team" reveal the Sewers to us in their own good time.


                          • Originally posted by RMandel View Post
                            Sounds good to me. I'll go with what I've got for now for my video series project, and let "da team" reveal the Sewers to us in their own good time.
                            Look very carefully at the BH2 (retail) Sewers, there may be more in common than we had initially thought...


                            • Kennel Solved


                              After intense investigation and even a bit of mathematics, I am confident that I have solved the Kennel, to a point beyond reasonable objection.


                              Before I divulge the proofs, the general realization is that the Kennel in 1.5 is similar to that in retail. Only three major layout changes took place to transform the 1.5 kennel into the retail kennel:

                              1) The column of cells nearest to the entrance was erased.
                              2) The remaining column of cells and the juxtaposed hallway were shifted one cell-width toward the entrance (thus the hallway now perfectly overlaps with the footprint of the deleted column of cells).
                              3) The dead-end offshoot corridor was erased.

                              Other minor changes included deleting the vent to the Firing Range, adding the manhole, moving the wheelbarrow from the former dead-end corridor to the corner of the room, and moving the small storage recess closer to the wash-bin with its sliding doors removed. Throughout these changes, neither the wash-bin itself nor its adjacent pipe were ever moved.

                              Basically, c2keo's renders were spot on.

                              If you're wondering about the lack of cell walls in the Inflames image, I believe there to be two sets of backgrounds for the Kennel on the final beta: one set has the cell walls intact, and the other set has no cell walls at all for at least four of the cells; they are replaced by 3D versions that were never rendered in the final build. The reason for this, of course, has to do with the dogs breaking free.

                              Stay tuned for some mockups illustrating these points.
                              Last edited by Enigmatism415; 12-14-2012, 06:48 PM.


                              • ---

                                From c2keo:

                                Click image for larger version

Name:	c2keo_Kennel1.jpg
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ID:	402065Click image for larger version

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ID:	402066


                                Trial Kennel (untextured):

                                Click image for larger version

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ID:	402064

                                Notice the reused wheelbarrow (moved from the dead-end corridor to the corner of the room), as well as the unmoved wash-bin and pipe. The lighting placement is a bit curious as well...


                                Here's an alternate image of Leon in the Kennel:

                                Click image for larger version

Name:	biohazard101.JPG
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Size:	53.8 KB
ID:	402209
                                Last edited by Enigmatism415; 01-05-2013, 07:41 PM.

