We've been calling for RE2 remake repeatedly in the past years and never actually happened, so why should it happen now ? so crapcom suddenly realized that RE6 is pure crap and they want to Compensates (i doubt) the fans by remaking a great hit ?
No announcement yet.
REmake 2 is only possible if the fans 'call' for it.
Originally posted by originalzombie View PostWe've been calling re2 remake for many years and never actually happened, so why should it happen now ?
* port all older games plus upscalle 4 and CV: done
*raccoon city shooter spin off, another story: done
*mansion and Raccoon city rail shooter, redone maps with a slightly different story: done
what they gonna do now? obviously, they will not stick with RE7 only.
The only thing left for them now is to ruin the old RE classics by remaking them into RE4 style to satisfy the miserable COD fanbase who can't handle the complicated tank controls, because its too hard for them since it takes a genius to move objects, solve puzzles and worry about lack of ammunition ! They make me laugh.
Last edited by Guest; 10-13-2012, 09:38 AM.
Originally posted by originalzombie View PostThe only thing left for them now is to ruin the old RE classics by remaking them into RE4 style to satisfy the miserable COD fanbase who can't handle the complicated tank controls, because its too hard for them since it takes a genius to move objects, solve puzzles and worry about lack of ammunition ! They make me laugh.
They were way simplier in the old games.
Originally posted by alinhoalisson View PostTank controls?
They were way simplier in the old games.Last edited by Guest; 10-13-2012, 11:41 AM.
Originally posted by originalzombie View PostI find it very simple as well, i don't know where this "tank controller" term came from anyway ? capcom were always complaining about remake&zero lousy sales, what did they expect when they released these two great games exclusively on the game cube which was very unpopular console at that time unlike the ps2 with its cheap modded games with cheap accessories, if i remember correctly no one i know were interested in buying the game cube because of its expensive games, crappy 4mb memory cards that can become corrupt at any time, lack of N64 backward compatibility and the majority of its games were filled with mario/zelda crap !
-and it was a better move.
If the PS2 was actually capable of running the remake or Zero, they would have just ported it like RE4. But seeing as RE4 got downgraded in some places, it's a long shot. Capcom just choosing not to make extra profits doesn't make any sense, not their style. But then you lost me at lack of N64 backwards compatability, something that wasn't an expected feature in those days. The old "it's just Mario" idea though, haven't heard that in a while, haha.
Capcom were actually very friendly with Nintendo way back, the likes of Oracle of Ages for example. Historically of course they were the major format outside the arcades with the older Megaman titles etc.
The term "tank controls" is a pretty acceptable turn of phrase though, seeing as in something like RE2 you have to stop and rotate the character or move in a big circle to turn a 180. It simply moves more like a vehicle than a person when you examine it.Last edited by Code_R; 10-13-2012, 05:48 PM.
Originally posted by Code_R View PostThe term "tank controls" is a pretty acceptable turn of phrase though, seeing as in something like RE2 you have to stop and rotate the character or move in a big circle to turn a 180. It simply moves more like a vehicle than a person when you examine it.
In RE1, you only needed R1, X, Square and Start. 4 buttons.
In RE6, you need all the 11 buttons of the controller.
I mean, who's the brilliant genius who decided to make this?
X = Open the door
O = Open the door with your partner
I would just like it to be known... Dunno if it was in all versions, but at least in the N64 version of RE2, they had a "third person" control scheme as opposed to a tank control scheme. (i.e. Leon/Claire move relative to where you tilt the analog stick, not relative to which way they're facing). So at the very least, the RE6-style of movement has been experimented with since RE2. Fun fact of the day!
Originally posted by Canas Renvall View PostI would just like it to be known... Dunno if it was in all versions, but at least in the N64 version of RE2, they had a "third person" control scheme as opposed to a tank control scheme. (i.e. Leon/Claire move relative to where you tilt the analog stick, not relative to which way they're facing). So at the very least, the RE6-style of movement has been experimented with since RE2. Fun fact of the day!
Didn't one of the older battle modes have something like that? Been a while.
Originally posted by alinhoalisson View PostI still think it's bullshit. I mean, better tank controls rather than impossible controls.
In RE1, you only needed R1, X, Square and Start. 4 buttons.
In RE6, you need all the 11 buttons of the controller.
I mean, who's the brilliant genius who decided to make this?
X = Open the door
O = Open the door with your partner
Originally posted by yurieu View Postdude, could you post a video of this, if it is noticeable?If I get some time today, I can dig out my N64 and hook it up, sure. The difference is pretty noticeable though; instead of holding right to turn all the way around then forward to run... downward toward the screen, for example, you just hold the analog stick down and boom, good to go. (Like I said, same as in RE6).
Edit: Code_R, not sure. I never really played older battle modes... I suck terribly at them to be perfectly honest.Last edited by Canas Renvall; 10-14-2012, 02:05 PM.