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Is the series dead, now that the reviews hated RE6 for being too action?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by News Bot View Post
    The plot point regarding Raccoon City, which is really not a plot about the city but a plot point focusing on the U.S. government's collusion with Umbrella, has been hanging since BH3. They've just decided to close it so they can move on entirely. Adding a character retroactively was done to explain those elements of the plot, just like Sergei in Umbrella Chronicles. It was probably the only part of the story that was genuinely good and should have been the main focus, as it was being built up for over a decade.

    Simmons was awesome, but like the rest of the game he was liquid shit thanks to the Spoiler:
    And this, what, the third time someone's been added into Raccoon City? First Wesker was really involved around the edges, mostly helping Ada, then Sergei, and now Simmons? Once you can pull off as semi effective story telling, IF you were smart enough to leave a few hints that could mean just about anything in the plot, but three times? It just smells like Capcom feels any villain needs some connection to RE2 to make them a real villain. I half expect the shocking revelation that the next villain is the mayor's daughter, brought back to life by the G-Virus after being stomach-shanked by William and now intent on revenge on humanity for making her suffer...or something. many games have they had set there? RE2, RE3, Outbreak (We'll call it one game...'cos it should have been), ORC, Both Chronicles ( game, Capcom)...and a few mobile phone games and stuff, I seem to recall. That's, what, a quarter of the series? A fifth? It could be worse, but they don't want to seem to let that story die. It's five odd main games later and God alone knows how many spinoffs, movies and shitty phone games - Raccoon City should not, still, be the most important plot point in Resident Evil.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
      And this, what, the third time someone's been added into Raccoon City? First Wesker was really involved around the edges, mostly helping Ada, then Sergei, and now Simmons? Once you can pull off as semi effective story telling, IF you were smart enough to leave a few hints that could mean just about anything in the plot, but three times? It just smells like Capcom feels any villain needs some connection to RE2 to make them a real villain. I half expect the shocking revelation that the next villain is the mayor's daughter, brought back to life by the G-Virus after being stomach-shanked by William and now intent on revenge on humanity for making her suffer...or something. many games have they had set there? RE2, RE3, Outbreak (We'll call it one game...'cos it should have been), ORC, Both Chronicles ( game, Capcom)...and a few mobile phone games and stuff, I seem to recall. That's, what, a quarter of the series? A fifth? It could be worse, but they don't want to seem to let that story die. It's five odd main games later and God alone knows how many spinoffs, movies and shitty phone games - Raccoon City should not, still, be the most important plot point in Resident Evil.
      Are you really surprised given the amount of people crying to bring the series back to Raccoon City?

      To be fair, for most of them, at least they all did something different with the same setting. BH2 was barely in the city in general, focusing on isolated in-door areas. BH3 was the first to actually feature the city openly and had a new theme of desperately trying to escape as opposed to solving a mystery. Outbreak was ordinary people caught on a zombie infested shithole interlocked with short stories that gave more details on the city itself. ORC is, well, ORC. The Chronicles games were re-tellings and didn't actually have much to do with the story in the city at all, they sure as hell didn't add anything to it, and were pretty much filler to give them an excuse to make a shorter new scenario and enable them to re-use as much assets as possible to save time and rake in that money.

      Raccoon City is the most important plot point in the series, like it or not. It is the "turning point" and almost everything else is influenced either directly or indirectly by it. It wasn't exactly a minor event, though I do agree that it has been over-saturated.
      PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


      • #18
        Oh, yes, it should always be a major event...but not THE major event, at least not for so long. Umbrella's gone, the US administration at the time is gone, the T-Virus is now about half as dangerous as the Flu virus...but it's still the most significant plot point in the whole game. Capcom needs an event that will at least equal it in significance, which might happen in RE6 for all I know.

        I love RE2. I like RE3. I'm probably one of the few who even enjoys the Outbreak games. After that, though, Raccoon City really needed to be left alone. The quality of the games taking place there don't exactly help the cause, either. ORC is ORC, after all. But the city has been a smoking crater for, what, 15 years in game at this point? And there's not event it's equal still? No evil little US cover ops group going 'We'll just drop this virus on some Taliban and see what happens' event that could come to light? No US Military researched and built T-114 with former Umbrella scientists working away making Stars and Stripes monsters in return for there freedom, like the German scientists after WWII (Godwins INVOKED!) did to escape war trials?

        Nope, 'cos so far they've just gone and added, 'And they really in Raccoon City, making sure all the babies in the hospital were sent to the T-Virus infected animal shelter instead' to make sure they have and artificial reason to have hated them for years when they were actually written months ago.

        I just really hope that the next throwaway disposable villain doesn't have his cred built up by also being involved in Raccoon City.


        • #19
          I really want the series to be dead after RE6, but it won't be the case. It was a shitty RE in every way and Capcom clearly does not know how to approach the series anymore. They lacked vision so much for this game, it's scary. They better put an end to all of this, but they won't.
          Last edited by Grem; 10-05-2012, 09:44 AM.


          • #20
            It will continue for as long as it sells. Reviews don't mean anything.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Code_R View Post
              It will continue for as long as it sells. Reviews don't mean anything.
              Yep. Like the live-action movies. As long as people pay, more of it will come.

              RE6 was not perfect but it didn't deserve some of the low scores it got. A 3 out of 10 score was just silly. Jim Sterling lost a lot of credibility (what was left of it) with that one.

              Even so, I'm not exactly a fan of the games turning into a Michael Bay production. I mean, almost everything in RE6 exploded. Sometimes for no damn good reason. After a while, I was reminded of this:

              YouTube video:
              Stuff to remember: Avoid forums if you're having a bad day.


              • #22
                When I said the game looked like Michael Bay off his Ritalin I didn't realize how close I actually was...


                • #23
                  I am loving resident evil 6 right now. Obviously it's the smaller percentage of people who complain that try and get the most attention of it. Otherwise everyone else is enjoying it. A friend of mine says he wants to get it because now you can actually walk and shoot vs. always having to stay still to fire. It was a huge turn off for not being able to move and shoot. (dino crisis 2 did a good job of being able to move and shoot) Anyways, love the story and setting for Leon's scenario so far! A lot of fun.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Stars_g36 View Post
                    A friend of mine says he wants to get it because now you can actually walk and shoot vs. always having to stay still to fire.
                    Outbreak 2?


                    • #25
                      Dead Aim?
             The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium
                      Review and contributor for


                      • #26
                        Operation Raccoon City?

                        Had to do it. I'm sorry...

                        "I miss the days when we just cared how cool an enemy was rather than critiquing and analyzing everything to death." - Shield Key


                        • #27


                          • #28
                            Umbrella/Darkside Chronicles (sorta)?


                            • #29
                              As a fan of the series since the first game, what has now been dubbed the "old school fanbase", someone who utterly detested RE4 and 5 and thought the series was completely dead and past the point of saving, i have to say...i liked RE6 a whole damn lot. Well done Capcom, now keep going in this general direction, preferably in the direction of Leons scenario. People saying this has too much action is amazingly dumbfounding, from the same people that praised RE4/5 and stuck it high on a pedestal! Don't listen to the morons Capcom! You got it right, eventually, keep going this way and iron out the flaws learned from this (you managed to make QTE's more annoying, you deserve a medal there, and the characters crawl like arthritic nuns) and RE7 could be pretty darn hot!


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
                                Well.... You press the L button to move while shooting but you can't really control where you walk (you can't run). It's only useful when you want to shoot and move aside to avoid projectile attacks or to get closer or back away from your target.

                                So even if you can technically move and shoot, its not really the same as the typical run n' gun type of game.
                                Stuff to remember: Avoid forums if you're having a bad day.

