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Is the series dead, now that the reviews hated RE6 for being too action?

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  • #46
    Someone revived this.

    Anyway, RE is not dead, it´s just not in its better moment. If the next RE is something fresh and good and doesn´t repeat RE6 mistakes the thing should be fixed.
    The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase


    • #47
      Originally posted by Sven from Capcom Unity
      Sorry guys, I'm not able to comment on sales. All I'll say is that the teams in Osaka have a clear vision for where they are going with the brand.
      I assume they are already making a new game right now.


      • #48
        Originally posted by Grem View Post
        I assume they are already making a new game right now.
        Please let it be a Tennis game spin-off. Better yet, a kart racer... I've always dreamed about shooting Barry Burton with a kart mounted rocket launcher.
        Last edited by AsteroidBlues; 06-30-2013, 12:25 AM.


        • #49
          Originally posted by Grem View Post
          I assume they are already making a new game right now.
          im pretty sure, just like they always did with RE3,4,CV, remake and zero being created at the "same time"... and with 5 and 6... i believe as soon they release a main game, another is on the works.


          • #50
            Originally posted by Asteroidblues
            Please let it be a Tennis game spin-off. Better yet, a kart racer... I've always dreamed about shooting Barry Burton with a kart mounted rocket launcher
            lol Doubtful. Kawata recently said they were done experimenting with the series, so we won't see spin-offs coming anytime soon. If a game is being developped, it's most likely RE7.


            • #51
              Originally posted by Grem View Post
              lol Doubtful. Kawata recently said they were done experimenting with the series, so we won't see spin-offs coming anytime soon. If a game is being developped, it's most likely RE7.
              Got a link to where he says that? Need to see this with my own eyes before I get hopeful again, haha.

              A CAPCOM PR guy did say recently that they had a firm vision for the series now, though... but that's PR.
              Last edited by News Bot; 06-30-2013, 12:04 PM.
              PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


              • #52
                Originally posted by Grem View Post
                lol Doubtful. Kawata recently said they were done experimenting with the series, so we won't see spin-offs coming anytime soon. If a game is being developped, it's most likely RE7.
                I hope you realize I was being sarcastic...

                Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                Got a link to where he says that? Need to see this with my own eyes before I get hopeful again, haha.

                A CAPCOM PR guy did say recently that they had a firm vision for the series now, though... but that's PR.
                That translates to "We've got some shit in mind, but don't really know how to implement it yet, so we say this to make it sound much more organized." xD


                • #53
                  Originally posted by News Bot
                  Got a link to where he says that? Need to see this with my own eyes before I get hopeful again, haha

                  Originally posted by Kawata
                  Like you said, we've already done a lot of genre hopping in the series. It's not like it's always been one thing, so if anything I'd say it's time we started narrowing down the genre we want to be in and focus on that. Ultimately, it could come down to business reasons in the future, if we were to decide to bring Resident Evil to other genres. But experimentation for it's own sake is something we've already done.
                  As you can see, I don't think Capcom will make a new ORC or Chronicles anytime soon. It's still possible to see spin-offs in the future, but as of right now, I think they want to develop only main titles.

                  Originally posted by AsteroidBlues
                  I hope you realize I was being sarcastic...
                  lol Don't worry, I'm not that stupid. Even though it was a joke, what you said just made me think of the useless spin-offs that came before.
                  Last edited by Grem; 06-30-2013, 03:32 PM.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Grem View Post
                    lol Don't worry, I'm not that stupid. Even though it was a joke, what you said just made me think of the useless spin-offs that came before.
                    lol Thank God... I'm used to dealing with idiots and eleven year olds. xD


                    • #55
                      sorry for reviving this thread, i guess i was just worried about the state of the fan base. like i said its so hard to find people with enthusiasm for Resident Evil anymore and that kind of depresses me

                      also yurieu.. im not quite sure what your talking about

                      "ps1 graphics" did you just imply that the 3DS had PS1 graphics? exaggerate much? "a bunch of regenerators" the ooze enemies have nothing in common with regenerators/iron maidens except that they have gray skin. in fact i like the variety of types they come in (if they made a sequel to revelations i want to see more new variants of them) granted they are not technically zombies but they are A LOT closer to zombies than the ganados/majini parasites and thats enough to keep me happy. (i honestly think their design is quite interesting) but ill stop arguing about this for now

                      revelations doesn't suck at all, i get the feeling your just judging it and didn't even play the game.


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Joey3264 View Post
                        sorry for reviving this thread, i guess i was just worried about the state of the fan base. like i said its so hard to find people with enthusiasm for Resident Evil anymore and that kind of depresses me

                        also yurieu.. im not quite sure what your talking about

                        "ps1 graphics" did you just imply that the 3DS had PS1 graphics? exaggerate much? "a bunch of regenerators" the ooze enemies have nothing in common with regenerators/iron maidens except that they have gray skin. in fact i like the variety of types they come in (if they made a sequel to revelations i want to see more new variants of them) granted they are not technically zombies but they are A LOT closer to zombies than the ganados/majini parasites and thats enough to keep me happy. (i honestly think their design is quite interesting) but ill stop arguing about this for now

                        revelations doesn't suck at all, i get the feeling your just judging it and didn't even play the game.
                        ahah! i played the demo and obviously i follow the game. i believe the 3ds is stronger than the ps1. but the HD version is bland as hell, like those nintendo 64 textures. do not take me wrong, the 3ds has more graphics features than the hd version.

                        the game is totally ruined also by the broken aim.


                        • #57
                          Part of Resident Evil: Revelations appeal as a survival horror is the claustrophobia of the ship and that setting. Are there any other interesting locations like this that you have in mind for future Resident Evil games that might convey a similar level of horror?

                          I don't have any huge ideas for settings that I think would be good, but one idea that I've thought about in the past is setting it in ruins, like a ruined city or something like that. I think that would be interesting. But other than that, there's nothing I have in mind at the moment.
                          You could do so much cool things with this idea!


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by Joey3264 View Post
                            sorry for reviving this thread, i guess i was just worried about the state of the fan base. like i said its so hard to find people with enthusiasm for Resident Evil anymore and that kind of depresses me

                            also yurieu.. im not quite sure what your talking about

                            "ps1 graphics" did you just imply that the 3DS had PS1 graphics? exaggerate much? "a bunch of regenerators" the ooze enemies have nothing in common with regenerators/iron maidens except that they have gray skin. in fact i like the variety of types they come in (if they made a sequel to revelations i want to see more new variants of them) granted they are not technically zombies but they are A LOT closer to zombies than the ganados/majini parasites and thats enough to keep me happy. (i honestly think their design is quite interesting) but ill stop arguing about this for now

                            revelations doesn't suck at all, i get the feeling your just judging it and didn't even play the game.
                            I know how you're feeling. It is depressing. I've been searching for message boards over the past week that are popular and consistently posted in - I can't find any. The-Horror is probably the most active, but it has more or less become a 1.5 forum, which is great, fascinating and all that, but not really want I'm looking for. I had an account here once before but I've long since forgotten my details. Project Umbrella is also very good, definitely what I'm looking for but so painfully slow, with the same 3 or 4 members posting maybe once a day. Waiting for a reply often takes days.

                            Resident Evil Fan of which I've been a member of for years and spent most of my time and done most of my posting is now utterly dead. There are only a few veterans there now and they despise the series and have no intention of discussing it. There are a couple of guys there who still discuss the series, but most boards haven't been posted in, in several months.

                            There are several other forums out there with similar problems. What Resident Evil fans are out there are spread too thin. It's a pity we can't be united under one banner, in one place.

                            On-topic, I don't think the series is dead but it is starting to feel more like a relic of the 90s/early 2000s. CAPCOM are fighting to appeal to as many demographics as possible and coming out with bloated, unfocused games. I did actually enjoy RE6 fairly well and loved Revelations, but much of that is me being a huge fan of the series and wanting it to succeed, I think. I've been playing Resident Evil since 1996, and when you look at it logically, there is just much better games out there if you're a casual. Even though RE:R was a step in the right direction for us fans, to many it was just a "okay" game in which will probably end up in some Gamestop or gathering dust on a shelf.

                            Resident Evil 6 did fairly poorly review wise and the fact "Operation Raccoon City" was brought out on home consoles and heavily marked while RE:R was thrown on the 3DS with a lot less, just shows you what CAPCOM thinks about the series these days. Many of the original guys that created the series are long gone, and CAPCOM lacks ideas for the series. Games like RE:5 and Revelations are telling of this. I like a homage and a nod to previous entries as much as the next guy but Revelations had so many of these it became cringe-worthy. The "Keepers Diary"-like file in RE:5 made me roll my eyes so much they almost fell out of my face. (This one here,) in case you're wondering. Trying to recreate past glories, honestly. The last game that really done its own thing was RE:4, regardless of what people think of that game, it did, at the very least have some original ideas.

                            And it's a shame, because RE:5 ended with some exciting stuff with Lost in Nightmares and Alex and so forth. Tricell was a interesting possible antagonist, too. And then... nothing.

                            The series needs some new faces with longevity, the series needs a consistent antagonist who we hate. No one cared about Simmons, or any other of the one-off crappy villains in the past few games, I dare say. We didn't have a chance to. Give us a antagonist that lasts a few games, have them kill a main character, make us care.. Leon, Chris and Jill all need to take a slight step back, too. Just let them have a day off, CAPCOM.

                            Oh well, that's the end of my rant. The series is in a delicate place right now and the fanbase is far worse off. Talks of reboots or possibly letting it "take a break" for awhile at CAPCOM wouldn't surprise me.
                            Last edited by MikeSE; 07-03-2013, 03:19 AM.


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by MikeSE View Post
                              And it's a shame, because RE:5 ended with some exciting stuff with Lost in Nightmares and Alex and so forth. Tricell was a interesting possible antagonist, too. And then... nothing.
                              yeah, when i was playing lost in nightmares and saw that list of 12 possible wesker subjects who may be still out there... that was actually intriguing. and they were talking a lot about alex wesker working on a serum that made you regenerate your body so much that it basically made you immortal.

                              that was pretty fucking cool! i was even predicting at the time that RE6 was going be about Claire Redfield & Billy Coen fighting against alex wesker and the regeneration formula. (which sounds a lot more interesting than the actual RE6)


                              • #60
                                Can't see Billy coming back. Ever. (I liked Billy).

                                lol. But I would really really love to see Claire back.

