This question is posed to anyone with some familiarity with how these games were made:
I realize that the background masters are 640x480 (4:3), but how feasible would it be to re-render them in 1920x1080 (16:9) from the original assets? Were the environments arranged in such a way that showing more area on the sides would look particularly strange or out of place? or would it simply include more relevant detail and improve the sense of immersion? Expanding RE:CVX to 16:9 in the HD remaster looked very natural and appropriate, but since it didn't rely on pre-rendered backgrounds, it wasn't too much of a leap to simply render extra polygons on the newly-revealed periphery. In fact, I hope Outbreak Files 1 & 2 receive the RE:CVX treatment, framed in 16:9 with up-scaled textures (and maybe surround sound as well). Certainly, the online factor would be greatly improved as a consequence
Depending on the ease and feasibility of re-rending the original assets of REmake and RE0, we could potentially have an amazing game or two on our hands some day. Even with the PS3 and 360, using uncompressed 24-bit RGB 1920x1080 bitmaps as backgrounds would be laughably easy. This would allow tons of processing power to be saved, which could then be allocated to the rendering of super-detailed objects and characters. There would also be plenty of space for a loss-less or uncompressed 7.1 soundtrack taken from the original digital stems without down-sampling. All this could also, I'm sure, fit on a single disc (at least in the case of PS3). Hell, maybe REmake AND RE0 could fit on a single disc (MGS HD Collection anyone?).
What do you guys think?
I realize that the background masters are 640x480 (4:3), but how feasible would it be to re-render them in 1920x1080 (16:9) from the original assets? Were the environments arranged in such a way that showing more area on the sides would look particularly strange or out of place? or would it simply include more relevant detail and improve the sense of immersion? Expanding RE:CVX to 16:9 in the HD remaster looked very natural and appropriate, but since it didn't rely on pre-rendered backgrounds, it wasn't too much of a leap to simply render extra polygons on the newly-revealed periphery. In fact, I hope Outbreak Files 1 & 2 receive the RE:CVX treatment, framed in 16:9 with up-scaled textures (and maybe surround sound as well). Certainly, the online factor would be greatly improved as a consequence

Depending on the ease and feasibility of re-rending the original assets of REmake and RE0, we could potentially have an amazing game or two on our hands some day. Even with the PS3 and 360, using uncompressed 24-bit RGB 1920x1080 bitmaps as backgrounds would be laughably easy. This would allow tons of processing power to be saved, which could then be allocated to the rendering of super-detailed objects and characters. There would also be plenty of space for a loss-less or uncompressed 7.1 soundtrack taken from the original digital stems without down-sampling. All this could also, I'm sure, fit on a single disc (at least in the case of PS3). Hell, maybe REmake AND RE0 could fit on a single disc (MGS HD Collection anyone?).
What do you guys think?