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Some entertainment while we wait for the real RE1.5 ....

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  • #16
    I thought it was a good idea to sit back and wait since there was a new Re1.5 video and I didn't want to know all there is to know about the game layout just yet.I know it is the opposite what I have done, like making maps, but I wanted a little bit of mystery left to RE1.5. I am not stopping anyone from doing their own thing, just putting my 2 cents in here.
    And I do not think anyone is going to stop because I suggested to wait. But you have to admit there are a lot of RE 1.5 fan made videos. I thought this thread was about something other than a fan made video.
    Last edited by Black~Crow; 11-12-2012, 04:08 PM.
    I have received 135,000 infractions at The Horror Is Alive!


    • #17
      Sorry to disappoint you. I know your work with the maps has been a big help to me. I just trying to help in my own way, too - mainly for the PMODders, but also to entertain the rest. And ... since we know "da team" is working with an incomplete build, well, maybe by sharing this I can do my part to help them out without getting directly involved - you know?

      I've had a lot of feedback from RE fans who appreciate me doing the best to connect the dots with all of the clips, snips, stills, and PMOD footage as best I can. Also, I've tried to set myself apart by addressing the one thing we know got the game killed - the story. I want it to feel more like the really good games in the franchise - RE2, RECV, and so on - instead of the kind of "action horror" title to which the RE franchise has now sunk. The original, as is documented elsewhere, didn't have that kind of story - leastways, that's what Shinji Mikami felt. That's why he ultimately pulled the plug on RE15 - it simply wasn't entertaining enough on the level he wanted. That's why we got RE2 instead of RE15. That's why I'm not just doing a simple fan video. I'm trying to rewrite RE15's story to bring it up to that level - if for nobody else's sake than the PMODders. They're free to do with my stuff whatever they want. I know the hardcore RE fans want the actual RE15, and I respect that (I'd like to play the original myself) - but it can be so much more. It has the potential to be, if I may coin a phrase, the last great old-style RE game in the true survival horror tradition. To do that, though, it's gotta have the story to match. Without it, we may as well be dealing with another RE5, - or, God forbid, an epic-scale, flash-and-dash, globe-spanning, shootfest-spectacle like RE6 that ultimately winds up being less than the sum of its parts.

      I'm sorry - I guess I care too much about this last treasure from the RE Classic Saga period. I'll get off my soapbox now.


      • #18
        Well, you didn't make the videos for me, but for the people that don't know a lot about RE 1.5. I just complain because I think there are too many RE 1.5 projects. I just want to see the real thing. You should continue to make your projects for RE fans. Don't take my comments as an insult, because I didn't mean them to be.

        And The 40% build of Re1.5 could just mean textures missing or sound or CGI etc. Doesn't mean the whole layout is missing. Remember when Playstation Museum guy put the game on Ebay and showed screen shots of the burning lab. I think most of the game levels are there. I am wondering if they will use the background images from the RE2 trial disc?
        I have received 135,000 infractions at The Horror Is Alive!


        • #19
          I missed that one. Damn. I got into the RE15 scene not long after, when work started on the RETV series back at the end of 2009.

          I see what you mean on the 40% game. From what I understand of the "final build" (the 80% build, or era 5 build per Alzaire), Leon's game was complete but still buggy. Elza's game was complete up to the escape from the Underground Lab, where it would crash (at which point, I dunno). That bodes well for the 40% - and it's now easy to understand why "da team" is taking so long. There must be SO many bugs ....

          My RE15 video project got started for two reasons - the RE15-based episode that we did for RETV, and my frustration at having all of these bits and pieces of video scattered everywhere with no context for connecting them. Colwin's original FAQ on Bioflames and SurvivHor's old video walkthrough were so old and dated as to be next to useless. I thought it was high time to update them - and in a way that would not only entertain, but at least point the way to the real game - and maybe a potential future remake.

          "Yeah, right - a remake! By CAPCOM?!?!? Like THAT's gonna happen, Richard."

          Well, one can always hope ... and if worst comes to worse, there's always the fans. How far would have RE15 gotten without them?


          • #20
            And finally ...

            Part 6 - Solutions

            This finishes the first major section of the story. Enjoy!


            • #21
              Click image for larger version

Name:	cerberusdiap.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	54.8 KB
ID:	401987


              • #22
                Mmm-hmmh! You picked up on that! (grin) Another little RE15 in-joke of mine, referring to the switching of the dog types during the beta development process. I deliberately avoided using the term "cerebus" or "cerebus hound," because the average TV viewer wouldn't know about it. You do, as an RE fan. Instead, I tried to present it strictly from Elza's POV. She doesn't know what they're called. Maybe John does ... (hint, hint).


                • #23
                  If I'm not mistaking, I think that K-9 were the name used by Dominion for his dogs.


                  • #24
                    Popping in just to let you know that all the links are down. I've pulled the show for now - partly for some minor revamping, and partly to clear the ways for "da team" and their anticipated Christmas news flash. After all ... why eat tofu when you get some real meat? Later ....

