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Resident Evil 2 Speed Run Contest: Leon A

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  • #16
    Don't cancel me please LOL, i've changed my mind because i was frustrated due to to the stupid fraps issue, but now i'm ready and everything is set to begin ! but one more thing can i use auto aim with keyboard, man it's a real pain in the ass !
    Edit:there is no quality options in fraps, only fps settings which is 30,50,60 and custom, but i chose 100fps, maybe that's why the size is so huge, what do you think ?
    Last edited by Guest; 12-21-2012, 04:43 AM.


    • #17
      I think we should just keep it to the PSX version, preferably NTSC USA. I'm from the UK but the US version is on our PSN store. Also don't include GameCube because you can skip cut-scenes on that. Also I don't know if this is true, but emulation may effect the time. Though I suppose their wouldn't be much difference anyway. btw I see manual aim as an advantage in most situations, auto aim has gotten me killed quite a few times.

      Saying all that, sign me up! I'll probably use an emulator and play NTSC version since I can screen record. Oh I'll be using Psx emulator.

      EDIT: What about ranking? it pains me to get a B rank just to get a faster time. Like are we including the machine gun as a special weapon? Like if one person gets 1hr 20 B rank and another person gets 1hr 21 S rank, it's hardly fair.
      Last edited by EvilMarshy; 12-21-2012, 05:26 AM.


      • #18
        Ranking has no effect what so ever. Use whatever items needed in game. But no infinite guns and such.
        The only goal here is to get the best time on Leon A scenario.

        Anyways, I sketched the whoule En Route toghether whats need to be taken and so on and ended up with this:

        Click image for larger version

Name:	SLUS_007.48_21122012_134015_0567.png
Views:	1
Size:	80.1 KB
ID:	402109

        So this 1:24 is prettu much the starting time. I did quite fast IMHO. I am sure i can squeeze 4-5 minute smore as i played kind of sloppy and made some mistakes with items. But Gemini's 48 minute or whatever he sayd is quite questionable EVEN with Rocket Launcher. I hardly killed any enemies at all and shot down only bosses with magnum mainly. I skipped armory, and a lot of rooms, just took what is absolutely required in order to continue. My route of game is still not fixed in some minor places. Will have to check what is faster.

        Perhaps Gemini played version that allowed to skip cut scenes?
        ja i am made of dur butter and you are worth 2k monies


        • #19
          Are we gonna scrap uploading videos or something?(I'm really lacking Hard disk space and it makes it inconvenient if I have to record all my runs) I'm sure there are other ways of legitimately proving your time, like I believe your finish screen there, Marvin.


          • #20
            Yeah, but people could use the emulator's quick saves and get a real fast time, so the only way we can really prove they didn't cheat is through recording videos.
            Last edited by Guest; 12-21-2012, 07:59 AM.


            • #21
              yes, i think the video is needed. For sure.
              ja i am made of dur butter and you are worth 2k monies


              • #22
                But weird though i didnt skip the armory and i've gotten the same time as you are, and yes you are right about that clear time being suspicious, because one time i was able to finish the game with infinite ammo and dodging enemies which resulted in 00:59:21 clear time ! so they are likely lying about it, there is no way to beat the game in 00:48:00 unless you use the gameshark to jump from one room to another !
                Last edited by Guest; 12-21-2012, 10:17 AM.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by originalzombie View Post
                  But weird though i didnt skip the armory and i've gotten the same time as you are, and yes you are right about that clear time being suspicious, because one time i was able to finish the game with infinite ammo and dodging enemies which resulted in 00:59:21 clear time ! so they are likely lying about it, there is no way to beat the game in 00:48:00 unless you use the gameshark to jump from one room to another !
                  or you have some key items already deposited in your arms. like chess pieces and Heart Key for instance would gain enourmous speed.
                  ja i am made of dur butter and you are worth 2k monies


                  • #24
                    Also that plugin you told me about earlier is far superior than pete's openGL, it got more rich colors even when scanlines is enabled and a very smooth framrate unlike pete's laggy framerate ! one more thing can you give me the best settings for using freeze video capture with the smallest size possible ?


                    • #25
                      I support the PAL rule. PAL games runs in 25/50fps, while NTSC games runs in 30/60fps. Which makes NTSC-U players faster.
                      BTW, I've already finished my playthrough and I'll be uploading it soon.
                      Last edited by Guest; 12-21-2012, 12:31 PM.


                      • #26
                        I was able to get a play time of ~49 minutes using a cheat that gives you all the plugs at the start of the game. So ... yeah ... 48 minutes, legit, doesn't seem likely. Even with infinite ammo. If anything, in some situations infinite Rocket Launcher would only slow you down, such as against zombies, which you can take out faster with shotgun.

                        Regarding Fraps, well, no offence to people using it (whatever works for you), but personally I find it to be quite crap. It's terribly slow and a severe memory hog. I've been using dxtory since learning about it, and I've never gone back. And yes, the file sizes do save quite large. My first attempt at 1 hour 28 minutes recorded a video at 120 gigs in size. It's not really a problem for me, since I can record directly to my external hardrive, which has like a terrabyte of space.

                        Regarding the side pack, think how much time you are wasting. You have to go to the morgue, get the card key, fix the power supply, go into the armory and grab all the items. That's easily 3-5 minutes. It's not worth it. If you think about what you're carrying at any particular time in a speed run, it's always weapon, key item and maybe a healing item. You are NEVER carrying any extraneous items, so having the two extra slots is worthless. In my first test run, I only had whatever weapon I needed at the time, ditched the handgun once I got the magnum, and the rest of the space was for key items and healing items. The only tough spot is possibly juggling the plugs while saving time, but the first tme you are in the treatment plant, you can use the three plugs you found before right there. For the rest of the game, you'll only ever need one or two extra spots for key items. You shouldn't be picking up small keys/wires/more herbs than you need, so the spacec shouldn't really be an issue.


                        • #27
                          Since I figured I may as well try this, I have a few questions regarding what the game times: Cutscenes, Time spent in the Menu , Time spent in the Item Box/Stash.

                          Does the game's timer keep going even when you're in those screens? I never really tested it out during my play throughs, I skip movies sometimes; but I play to enjoy for the most part.


                          • #28
                            All you've mentioned does count, but im not sure about the cutscenes though, you should skip them anyway to make sure you dont waste time !


                            • #29
                              Finished converting, Uploading the video right now.
                              This is my score, if the PAL rule is considered, I've got 01:18:33


                              • #30
                                Regarding the PAL rule, isnt the clock also different?

                                dxtory - tell me more of this, i will dump Freez Capture as it wont record audio and I am not interested emulating some different mixing rewireing devices.

                                btw, nice work on using plug hack. I really doubt Gemini got ~ 48 minutes game time only using Rocket Launcher. :S
                                ja i am made of dur butter and you are worth 2k monies

