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BIOHAZARD 1.5 Scenario Excerpts

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  • #31
    So, William and Annette were just ordinary Umbrella researchers, with William finding about about Umbrella's wrongdoings and subsequently, trying to stop them. Then William somehow got infected with G, and his wife went nuts and spread T to Raccoon. So Willam wasn't in bed with Umbrella like in retail, let alone their lead scientist. If this is true, then, who created the G-virus?
    It matters not to me which virus you wield. Yours is merely a pathetic attempt to master the powers of death. The power you seek is MINE, and with this insurmountable power, I offer a litany of oblivion even a virus cannot prevent..............and you cannot escape.


    • #32
      Originally posted by News Bot View Post
      I don't think any other villains in the series are suddenly repentant and decide to escape with the main heroes.
      Psssfthhh- Semantics my dear fellow, semantics indeed.

      Originally posted by towerofpowerx View Post
      So, William and Annette were just ordinary Umbrella researchers, with William finding about about Umbrella's wrongdoings and subsequently, trying to stop them. Then William somehow got infected with G, and his wife went nuts and spread T to Raccoon. So Willam wasn't in bed with Umbrella like in retail, let alone their lead scientist. If this is true, then, who created the G-virus?
      Chris Redfield. Yeah, that slick s.o.b. has been running this bio-hazardous shell game behind the scenes since day one. Just look at his damn desk in RE2 for confirmation- Just search it 364 times and shoot it with the shotgun twice, the entrance to his secret lair opens right up.
      Last edited by AsteroidBlues; 01-19-2013, 10:53 PM.


      • #33
        Originally posted by towerofpowerx View Post
        So, William and Annette were just ordinary Umbrella researchers, with William finding about about Umbrella's wrongdoings and subsequently, trying to stop them. Then William somehow got infected with G, and his wife went nuts and spread T to Raccoon. So Willam wasn't in bed with Umbrella like in retail, let alone their lead scientist. If this is true, then, who created the G-virus?
        Birkin was always the creator of the G-Virus. He is actually more or less a direct rip of John Clemens, Ada's boyfriend in BH1. Both were heavily involved in biological weapons research, but once their research started actually killing people (the whole point of their research) they decided to reveal everything to the world. Both died before they could and left it to their lovers.
        PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


        • #34
          I see it reminds me about what was spoken about in the Wesker Reports. Lemme find it......ah, here's the excerpt I was looking for:

          At the time, I was only a youngster so it didn't bother the
          president. The president understood what Spencer was thinking
          and didn't take notice of someone like me. While the three of
          us were on the elevator, Birkin kept his eyes on the research
          files. The files contained information about a new firo-virus
          found 2 years ago in Africa called Ebora. Even now there are
          thousands of people researching the Ebora. But the people are
          always divided in half -- one group dedicated to saving people
          from the virus, and the other to kill people with it.

          It is known if a person is infected with the Ebora, that the
          chance of dying is 90%. It has the quality to destroy the physical
          structure within 10 days and even now, a cure hasn't been found.
          If used as a bio-weapon it would display incredible destruction.
          But because making a bio-weapon is against the law we would not
          use the virus as a weapon. But I'm certain that someone out there
          would use this as a weapon. So to prepare for a case of that
          nature it is good to do research on it now. But the line between
          finding a cure and making a bio-weapon is thin. This is because
          the actual research conducted do not differ at all between the two.
          So one could say that they are reseaching for a cure and be making
          a bio-weapon.

          So the question becomes, were William and Annette aware their reasearch would be used to kill people all along, only to have their conscience's catch up with them when it actually happened? Or were they part of the group that believed they were researching a cure all this time? Because if you look at what the G-Virus initially does i.e. revitalizing dead cells continously to ward off death, the G-Virus could be construed as a "cure", albeit an incomplete one due to the rampant, uncontrollable mutations that took place afterwards. As I recall, in retail the G-Virus was classified as "nearing it's completion" (in the letter from William to Chief Irons), but William was taken out before he had the chance to perfect G.
          It matters not to me which virus you wield. Yours is merely a pathetic attempt to master the powers of death. The power you seek is MINE, and with this insurmountable power, I offer a litany of oblivion even a virus cannot prevent..............and you cannot escape.


          • #35
            Originally posted by News Bot View Post
            I don't think any other villains in the series are suddenly repentant and decide to escape with the main heroes.
            Who knows?! While we spend most of our time battling with William throughout the main stages of 1.5 perhaps Anette decides to inject her self on the train at the last minute and turn her self into the last boss. I imagine you'd have a lot better idea than me with all the developer research you've done, so it's just wishful thinking for a plausible ending on my part.

            One thing that can be argued, Anette escaping Raccon City would have absolutely set up a sequel for the series following 1.5. It would have even set up a possible "RE1.9" opportunity where the player could learn more about Anette following a side story, similar to like Capcom did with RE3. Anette surviving would have turned her into more of a super villain of the series, someone who ( assuming Capcom persued her survivial) dominates the story over multiple titles, like Wesker or Ada, as opposed to someone who dies there and then, and perhaps that's something that factored into their decisions at one point.

            Who was Ada in 1.5? Was her personality as strong as Anettes? Was her role as integral to the story? These sorts of decisions really paved the way for how a lot of the story would go in the future, it's understandable how you would want to reconsider how you portray your characters and who you want to introduce to the series on a long term basis. From this perspective I can really say they made a lot of right decisions in the retail game, they created iconic characters who fueled a hugely succesful series for next years to come, you can't fault that decision to do what they did.


            • #36
              I had a cool thought. What if during the fight with the final boss, Leon becomes badly wounded and a cinematic triggers. The only way to defeat a G monster is with another G monster, so Annette injects herself with the G-Virus and mutates into G-Annette. She then kills said boss, but then turns her attention to Leon. Now Leon gets back on his feet and you have to fight G-Annette.
              My Head-Fi Page


              • #37
                Meanwhile Sherry stands on the side lines and watches her parents brutally slaughter eacother lol. Kind of messed up Birkin family reunion.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Darkness View Post
                  Annette goes commando and decimates the U.S.S soldiers who are probably running around with the Assault Rifle in the Retail Cutscenes, the one you can actually use in 1.5, and that sweet looking white armor? I'd like to see her do that LMAO.
                  It would be hilarious if Annette decided to go Rambo on the U.S.S. Soldiers, grabs and MP5 and some Umbrella Body Armour, and just rushes through the labs, and in the same way Tony Montana did at the end of Scarface, just rampages through them, haha.

                  Originally posted by geluda View Post
                  Who knows?! While we spend most of our time battling with William throughout the main stages of 1.5 perhaps Anette decides to inject her self on the train at the last minute and turn her self into the last boss. I imagine you'd have a lot better idea than me with all the developer research you've done, so it's just wishful thinking for a plausible ending on my part.

                  One thing that can be argued, Anette escaping Raccon City would have absolutely set up a sequel for the series following 1.5. It would have even set up a possible "RE1.9" opportunity where the player could learn more about Anette following a side story, similar to like Capcom did with RE3. Anette surviving would have turned her into more of a super villain of the series, someone who ( assuming Capcom persued her survivial) dominates the story over multiple titles, like Wesker or Ada, as opposed to someone who dies there and then, and perhaps that's something that factored into their decisions at one point.
                  I do like the idea of Annette becoming a villain in the series, perhaps working with Wesker later on (Well, if they did plan on bringing him back, had 1.5 not have been cancelled). There could be the idea that maybe she betrays Leon and the group at the end, as the train leaves she lets William onto the train, then gets killed by William and then the final battle would take place? It would definitely make sense compared to her just deciding to be a good character after leaking the virus into the city.


                  • #39
                    Annette's not evil, she tried to get her revenge against the baddies and failed terribly. Just that. I don't she would be a villain after all.
                    Last edited by Guest; 01-20-2013, 10:59 AM.


                    • #40
                      The following comments are from one of the character, enemy and texture designers of BH1, BH1.5 and BH2.

                      Yes, that's it. The first piece (Spider Monster) was a picture by Oishi, the character designer, but I did the design. I drew the second and third (Monkey Monster). It became a gorilla, but I think it was a hamadryad (Papio hamadryas). Since it was long ago, I don't remember the name. I also don't think it was involved with the scenario.

                      Most of the enemies of 1.5 were frozen since they had a low degree of perfection. They were my responsibility. I don't know any of the enemy details anymore, it was a long time ago.
                      PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                      • #41
                        Cheers NB, it's a good thing that you're asking only 17 years after the fact and not 30+, otherwise who knows what the staff would remember!


                        • #42
                          BH 1.5 was a lot more cold and cynical than I thought.

                          Teaming up with the person who caused the outbreak and decimated an entire city out of spite and for revenge to survive is as hardcore as it gets.

                          It's not easy to sell that dark narrative. And quite frankly, I don't think that Capcom would be capable of delivering it. But such idea had potential if the execution would not be botched.
                          Last edited by Kegluneq; 01-20-2013, 06:26 PM.

                          BioHazard YouTube Channel
                          BioHazard 2 Prototype Database Project


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Kegluneq View Post
                            BH 1.5 was a lot more cold and cynical than I thought.

                            Teaming up with the person who caused the outbreak and decimated an entire city out of spite and for revenge to survive is as hardcore as it gets.

                            It's not easy to sell that dark narrative. And quite frankly, I don't think that Capcom would be capable of delivering it. But such idea had potential if the execution would not botched.
                            I think the new revelations on Annette are good. I think if done right, it could be a very dark story. So this time the outbreak was done by man, and not accidental. I like this. Getting revenge by destroying Raccoon City with the T-Virus. This would indeed deem Umbrella responsible and they would be gone in no time.

                            Missed potential IMO. A darker story in the BIO universe would have made for an epic game.

                            Now I wonder what The Team is going to do story wise. Are they going to stick the the initial story of 1.5, or are they going to revise it to flow better.. Maybe the new information will be most beneficial to them.
                            Last edited by Zombie_X; 01-20-2013, 06:13 PM.
                            My Head-Fi Page


                            • #44
                              striking size difference between the sexes (males are often twice as large as females), which is common to all baboons
                              I wonder if this means that the large ones you fight in the RPD are males, while the small ones in the factory production area are females.
                              Seibu teh geimu?


                              • #45
                                Forgot about this:

                                Same, I guess. RT @NewsBotPU: Makes sense. Did Birkin inject himself with the G-Virus for a different reason in BH1.5 than in BH2?
                                Though Kamiya doesn't remember much and evidently didn't actually write 1.5 as we've heard before. Or at least not its scenario.
                                PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium

