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BIOHAZARD 1.5 Scenario Excerpts

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  • #61
    Originally posted by Black~Crow View Post
    That is not the point. I thought Leon Kennedy was Irish, or half etc. Kennedy is an Irish name. When I read he is a descendant of Italian immigrants, I found it odd that he doesn't have an Italian last name. He should have been named Leon D'angelo or something similar. Video game characters history are not that deep, where they have a family tree. Usually, they have a short and simple history of their background. For a game character, the Capcom employee should have done their homework and researched correct last name to match the characters nationality.

    As for Carnivol's hair joke, I don't get? If you look at the famous kennedy's in America, Most of the men had thick healthy looking hair. Stereotypes are usually not accurate. Each person should be judge individually rather than as a group.
    Obviously I'm not suggesting Leon has a whole family tree. His Italian background doesn't mean he can't have an Irish name, that's the point I was making. There's nothing really wrong about it, historically it could have happened.
    Last edited by Guest; 02-04-2013, 05:12 PM.


    • #62
      It does happen. As I said, my wife has Native American blood but she doesn't have a Native American name - she had a German one. The other side of her family was Catholic Irish, but again, her father has a German name and so did she.

      There's no reason Leon's mother couldn't have had a Valetti as a last name. Or McSnooty Von PooPoo Pants. He'd most likely has his fathers name.


      • #63
        My point is a game characters bio is usually short and simple. It isn't that informative with a family tree. If it said Leon's mother's parents came from Italy, then I would see that his father is not Italian. But it says he is a descendant of Italian immigrants. I don't think any game character would have that much information about their roots anyway.

        I just think the Resident Evil team didn't do much research and rushed things to meet a deadline. I get what everyone else is saying about other possibilities, but it isn't stated, unless News bot left out more details?
        Last edited by Black~Crow; 02-04-2013, 05:37 PM.
        I have received 135,000 infractions at The Horror Is Alive!


        • #64
          Or we could just accept that it was a goddamn late stage draft and they didn't have it all figured out yet. Problem solved. XD


          • #65
            That is basically what I meant when I said it may have been rushed.
            I have received 135,000 infractions at The Horror Is Alive!

