It doesn't work because there's "poorly executed fan service" written all over it, nothing more. It is obviously the same lab, the layout and even the camera angles are exactly the same. Why would they even bother digging another gigantic hole in the ground for Birkin's lab if there's already one out there in the forest ? And why would Marcus have two labs ? His lab was the one under the church, that's where he worked. Birkin had his own lab too, and there is also the mansion's lab. So the question is : who would have worked in this one ? Why would they abandon it to build the exact same thing for Birkin 3 years later ?
This whole part in Zero sucks no matter how you look at it. Even if we are to believe that it's just a nod to RE2 and not actually the same lab, it sucks anyway. The cutscene with Enrico makes zero sense not only because he should not be there, but also because he just leaves Rebecca alone like that to look for a dangerous criminal by herself, this is ridiculous.
This whole part in Zero sucks no matter how you look at it. Even if we are to believe that it's just a nod to RE2 and not actually the same lab, it sucks anyway. The cutscene with Enrico makes zero sense not only because he should not be there, but also because he just leaves Rebecca alone like that to look for a dangerous criminal by herself, this is ridiculous.