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Resident Evil 1.5 WIP Build - Bug Report and Resolution Thread (Patches, etc)

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Gemini View Post
    Quite the contrary: there's a huge chunk of additional code & data to be found in memory (around 0x800C0000), which suggests this version contains more stuff than the vanilla build. The crashes are more than likely caused by missing or unimplemented code CAPCOM simply didn't include, like for the weapons. Many of those procedures jump to memory address 0, which could never hold game data as it's used by the PSX BIOS, triggering crashes / freezes.
    So chances are the build that was released is in several ways possibly more stable/playable than whatever is to be considered the vanilla build?


    • #32
      Originally posted by Lanzagranadas View Post
      Not sure if I understand, but you don`t need to select the knife in 1.5, your knife acts as a sub weapon and will be equiped automatically when you unequip your equiped weapon. If you mean replacing the knife slot with another item, it doesn`t work for now, but you can use default knife or create one in another slot on inventory and should work without any crashes.
      Does that mean there are other side weapons that can be equipped instead of the knife? The pipe? Or maybe grenades can go there?


      • #33
        Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
        So chances are the build that was released is in several ways possibly more stable/playable than whatever is to be considered the vanilla build?
        Personally, I don't think so, but I don't know the ins and outs of every detail. You can see by making comparisons between the PSM video and playing the Magic Zombie Door build that curator was able to do many things that right now cause the game to glitch or hang on the player. For example, curator can climb and drop down ledges, can pick up items such as the Parubellum Rounds in the west office without activating the Air Jesus glitch (I am aware it is still possible in the MZD build), as well as many other minor things that are problematic for us right now. But you have to remember, the PSM build is official Playstaion software and should work as intended on Playstation consoles, something the MZD build probably can't say for its self in its current state.

        The only thing I question is just how much damage the disc has suffered over the years, how much data has been lost and how much restoration work has went in to fixing the problems loss of data might have caused. That's the big contrast I see between the two, one build is purer with no modifications but likely glitchy from bit rot, the other has been modified and fixed in many ways but glitchy from said modifications. Ultimately imo the PSM build is likely the more stable of the two assuming we're talking about a clean 1:1 image, the MZD build has went through many major changes, some of which make the game more unstable that it appears it used to be. Both are still a mess.
        Last edited by Guest; 02-23-2013, 07:47 PM.


        • #34
          If nothing, the fact that they've fixed air jesus should be indicative of how the experimental part of the hack should turn out in the end. Think of a translation hacking: it starts out as a working game, with bits of it not suitable at all for the target language, then the hacker begins hammering the code and most of the text routines becomes unstable (read: severely crash prone) until only much later. Finally, when all aspects of the hack are done, the game goes back to working as it initially did, but better and with all the routines suitable for the intended job. So even if this build might have a few quirks, I'm sure the final product will be many light-years superior to what the broken vanilla prototype really was.

          Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
          So chances are the build that was released is in several ways possibly more stable/playable than whatever is to be considered the vanilla build?
          The reimplemented flamethrower, font hacks, and expanded text banks are a big hint on that. Not to mention FILE and CHECK implemented submenus: those seem to work pretty much well, except for a few quirks, but both are probably experimental features that haven't been tested entirely (FILE loads text data from a cached bank of memory) and they provide a nice proof-of-concept, just like the Battle Coliseum in the latest footage.
          Last edited by Gemini; 02-23-2013, 11:55 PM.

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          • #35
            To be honest, I think the only thing that the team truly "broke" (aside from a few cosmetic glitches) is the climb up/down function. They mentioned that the Air Jesus glitch is also present in the vanilla build. If you rewatch the part of the PSM video where the HG bullets are picked up, you'll notice Curator is actually positioning Elza precisely before he picks it up ( He doesn't simply walk up to it and stand right next to the table since he knows he'll trigger the glitch that way. Also, the broken and crash-inducing weapons in this build would explain why we only keep on seeing Elza/Leon use the starting handguns and shotgun in all media before the final era.
            Seibu teh geimu?


            • #36
              Originally posted by jam287 View Post
              Does that mean there are other side weapons that can be equipped instead of the knife? The pipe? Or maybe grenades can go there?
              I guess the Pipe and the knife (wich are the two first weapons before the handgun), grenades can`t be because the sub weapon slot doesn`t have quantity digit, and grenades do have. Anyway, no matter what you put in sub slot, your character still has a knife at this time.

              Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
              If you rewatch the part of the PSM video where the HG bullets are picked up, you'll notice Curator is actually positioning Elza precisely before he picks it up (
              I don`t think that handgun bullets could give the levitation problem in the build from PSM, since we can pick up it in the playable demo, wich is an earlier build, without problem.
              The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase


              • #37
                Some of the weapons only work in specific "levels". One was fine in the 6-- range, crashed in 1--.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Lanzagranadas View Post
                  I don`t think that handgun bullets could give the levitation problem in the build from PSM, since we can pick up it in the playable demo, wich is an earlier build, without problem.
                  You can only pick it up if you position the character in some very specific angles, one of which is exactly the same angle the item is picked up in the PSM build. Quite curiously, trying to pick up the item while directly facing the table (as anyone will commonly try to pick an item up) will result in the air jesus glitch:

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	PSOGL2_022.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	114.7 KB
ID:	402656Click image for larger version

Name:	PSOGL2_023.jpg
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Size:	80.9 KB
ID:	402657

                  And as far as I'm aware, this appears to be the same build as the one Curator reviewed (which is the common assumption), albeit a tad bit more broken due to the team's restoration-related experiments on it. Honestly, the game just appears to be nicer, less-broken, and more retail-like in the PSM coverage since the video was heavily edited.
                  Last edited by biohazard_star; 02-24-2013, 12:02 PM.
                  Seibu teh geimu?


                  • #39
                    Yes, I was wrong about that. I never missed before the handgun bullets, but checked again and it happened LOL. I checked again the beta and found any item is possible to grab if you try from the correct angle: I was able to grab the Pliers in Garage with Elza (this leads to the first cutscene between Elza and Sherry!) and also the Enzyme and other items in the Vaccine Room. Unfortunately, there is no place yet to use these items.

                    Click image for larger version

Name:	Captura.JPG
Views:	1
Size:	72.7 KB
ID:	402658

                    It seems this beta has many random issues, as example, I was able to use the Redhawk with Elza now, which have been crashed my game before.
                    Last edited by Lanzagranadas; 02-24-2013, 12:51 PM.
                    The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase


                    • #40
                      The Super Redhawk only seems to work in specific rooms for both characters. I tried it out in the P-4 Lab a while ago, the game will freeze if you try to shoot a zombie, but it will unfreeze a few seconds later. Best way to figure out which rooms it will work and which ones it won't is to map out the "Turn off frame limiting"/fast forward option to a keyboard shortcut. Make a save state beforehand.

                      As for the key items. The game gives a clear indication on where some of them are used in the form of dummy prompts. You'll short out the morgue shutters' control panel even without the pliers in your inventory, use the keycard on the warehouse door without a keycard, etc. I believe there are also some key items which haven't even been added into the item list yet. You pick up a screw driver in the firing range that doesn't get added to the inventory.
                      Last edited by biohazard_star; 02-24-2013, 01:41 PM.
                      Seibu teh geimu?


                      • #41
                        The lobby fan in Elza's scenario doesn't show, it's working fine in the PSM video.


                        • #42
                          Has Mr.B and his team said anything about a timeline to a completed version? Or at least the next build? I would assume a completed version would be end of the year, at best.


                          • #43
                            They haven't given a specified date but I hope to see it by July at least. That's 5 months off from now and I hope they can accomplish everything by then. Then again, how much have they done to this build? One never knows..
                            My Head-Fi Page


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
                              They haven't given a specified date but I hope to see it by July at least. That's 5 months off from now and I hope they can accomplish everything by then. Then again, how much have they done to this build? One never knows..
                              Is that just wishful thinking from you, or was there some kind of indication from the team that a summer release would be realistic?
                              It's not that I wouldn't like it to happen, but I honestly don't expect a release until the end of the year, if the MZD build is any indication of how much content is missing from the 40% build compared to the 80% one...
                              Last edited by Upaluppa; 03-02-2013, 06:58 AM.


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Upaluppa View Post
                                Is that just wishful thinking from you, or was there some kind of indication from the team that a summer release would be realistic?
                                It's not that I wouldn't like it to happen, but I honestly don't expect a release until the end of the year, if the MZD build is any indication of how much content is missing from the 40% build compared to the 80% one...
                                "40%" and "80%" are just vague expressions entablished by the fan community and don`t represent any way the real status of the beta, they should not be considered as a real fact or even as parameter on how much work lefts.
                                Besides that, MrBZork said that the released demo doesn`t represents the current progress of the project, they were at a much more advanced stage from what we see in the moment of the demo release.
                                Last edited by Lanzagranadas; 03-02-2013, 08:52 AM.
                                The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase

