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Resident Evil 1.5 WIP Build - Bug Report and Resolution Thread (Patches, etc)

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  • #46
    Me personally I think Halloween 2013 would be a realistic date. The team originally wanted to release it on Halloween 2012 from what I know but the game wasn't finished in time (among other difficulties like leaks etc). Another years worth of work is a substantial amount of time and I think Halloween 2013 might not be too far off.


    • #47
      Originally posted by Lanzagranadas View Post
      "40%" and "80%" are just vague expressions entablished by the fan community and don`t represent any way the real status of the beta, they should not be considered as a real fact or even as parameter on how much work lefts.
      I did not base my assumption on those figures, I just used them because they are a convenient way of referring to those two builds.
      Let's just call them the PSM and Complete Disc/Inflames builds then, to avoid confusion.

      I was judging from what content is featured (or rather missing) in the MZD build, in comparison to what we know about the most complete build known to exist. On the other hand, though, since we have no idea how much progress the team already made since the MZD build, I guess it's kind of pointless to speculate about a release date, so let's just wait until we get an official announcement from bzork.
      Last edited by Upaluppa; 03-02-2013, 12:14 PM.


      • #48
        Originally posted by Lanzagranadas View Post
        "40%" and "80%" are just vague expressions entablished by the fan community and don`t represent any way the real status of the beta, they should not be considered as a real fact or even as parameter on how much work lefts.
        Besides that, MrBZork said that the released demo doesn`t represents the current progress of the project, they were at a much more advanced stage from what we see in the moment of the demo release.
        80% is a pretty confirmed state of the Complete Disc/Inflames beta. As stated in the "Research on Biohazard 2 Final Edition" book, 80% is the state of the game before it got scrapped.
        Choosing the main cast is absolutely awesome!


        • #49
          Originally posted by Alfred View Post
          80% is a pretty confirmed state of the Complete Disc/Inflames beta. As stated in the "Research on Biohazard 2 Final Edition" book, 80% is the state of the game before it got scrapped.
          Other sources suggest the percentages closer to 65% for the Playstation version.


          • #50
            Originally posted by geluda View Post
            Me personally I think Halloween 2013 would be a realistic date. The team originally wanted to release it on Halloween 2012 from what I know but the game wasn't finished in time (among other difficulties like leaks etc). Another years worth of work is a substantial amount of time and I think Halloween 2013 might not be too far off.
            many make such strange predictions based on these odd reasons. i think not anyone make say halloween for release.


            • #51
              Originally posted by geluda View Post
              Other sources suggest the percentages closer to 65% for the Playstation version.
              Which sources? The only one with that figure is Mikami from a Famitsu interview.
              PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


              • #52
                why all these numbers? even with project outline game development never become linear. is 10% reserved for polish?
                did filler like voice and video make it to percentage?
                is percentage a measure of narrative complete?
                a measure of assets present?
                maybe is just another way of say a month is 12%?
                maybe is talk of budget and it mean this many dollars left of spending?
                people do this talk of numbers without ever make understand of context weird.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by B.Zork View Post
                  why all these numbers? even with project outline game development never become linear. is 10% reserved for polish?
                  did filler like voice and video make it to percentage?
                  is percentage a measure of narrative complete?
                  a measure of assets present?
                  maybe is just another way of say a month is 12%?
                  maybe is talk of budget and it mean this many dollars left of spending?
                  people do this talk of numbers without ever make understand of context weird.
                  Very true. In said "80%" build, we don't know what that percentage even stands for.
                  My Head-Fi Page


                  • #54
                    Interviewer asked for a percentage of completion and Mikami said "80%" because it was a quick and convenient answer, with a rounded up and easy to remember number.

                    The only way to know the real state of a game is to having detailed info on how many rooms are finished from the total, how many backgrounds from the total, how many character animations, textures, light sets, real time FX, cutscenes, enemies, items, music, sounds, voices, and so more things to be mindful of.

                    Otherwise, a single number is inaccurate and almost useless.

                    You can have a game fully playable at 80% if the remaining 20% are things like textures, sounds, music and voices, or you can have a game unplayable if the remaining percentage are unfinished stages, or bugs and gameplay issues that prevent you from progress trough the game.
                    Last edited by Lanzagranadas; 03-03-2013, 07:08 PM.
                    The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                      Which sources? The only one with that figure is Mikami from a Famitsu interview.
                      That will likely be the one I'm reffering to. No idea how relevant that interview was.


                      • #56
                        Elza should be holding the SIG P228 at character selection screen.


                        • #57
                          From what I understand this so called 80% build everything was playable and apparently you could complete the entire game. I believes PSM stated this on their review. Chances are the other 20% was unlockables, unfinished textures, glitches, and unlockables.


                          • #58
                            And events, missing renders, videos, 3D models, and AI code. I seriously doubt you could complete the game, it's not like the '80%' build only needed polishing.

                            Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
                            , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


                            • #59
                              Alpha builds are generally playable "straight through," (as a 'standard' definition anyway, every company defines it differently of course) that doesn't mean it was almost done though, or 80-90% of the way.
                              Last edited by Borman; 03-06-2013, 07:49 PM.


                              • #60
                                I have found that it works just fine in a modded ps2, but has trouble working in a psone. It starts up just fine, but the moment you pick a character and starts to load, it simply stays black. I waited about a minute just to make sure it wasn't an absurdly long loading time. Do you think its the alpha's general instability? Because I think it could possibly be because the iso is only 140MB, which is really small. Ps1 and early cd systems have trouble reading data toward the center of the disc, so do you think it could be the lack of a dummy file? (update) After a ton of research, I've found that ps1 discs benefit from but do not need dummy files and are too difficult to do. Dreamcast on the other hand needs them. It hung a lot during thrill kill, so I've just determined it's laser is dying. The final product will probably be filled up anyhow.
                                Last edited by RiShooty; 03-13-2013, 10:44 PM.

