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Resident Evil 2 Remake being developed by fans (authorized)

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  • #91
    Originally posted by Mrox2 View Post
    Indeed, I always thought RE4 Could have done better on the PS2, Haunting Ground has in game / real time scenes anyway but Capcom were being lazy and rushy and the result is that Sourcenext ports the PS2 Version (CRAPPY) to PC instead of the GC because the PS2 one is crappier and has extras >_>
    I would've preferred having a GC port than PS2, Separate Ways won't be a problem, Hacking and Modding will do.
    HG has dinamic shadows. GC's RE4 has not. i do not understand why GC's RE4 has 2d circle shadow.
    Last edited by yurieu; 04-15-2013, 12:34 PM.


    • #92
      Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
      Besides added content, one of the reasons why the PS2 version's used as a basis for the PC port was because of how there are better conversion libraries for PS2->PC porting than GC->PC porting. Especially when it comes to graphical shaders and such.
      Did you seriously just contract "version is" as "version's"? lol

      Regarding the topic; I wonder what the actual statistics are of fan projects being completed? And by completed I mean are playable from start to finish with either no, or small/minor bugs. I wouldn't be surprised if that percentage is less than 5%. It seems, too, that more people that are brought onto a project, the higher the chance of failure. I guess failure isn't really the word, but developing a game, even a fan project, is more or less similar to a develop cycle for a commercial game, and as such, is a full time endeavor. Most people lose interest/move on to other things, especially as the years wane on.
      Last edited by doriantoki; 04-15-2013, 12:39 PM.


      • #93
        Originally posted by doriantoki View Post
        Did you seriously just contract "version is" as "version's"? lol
        Yes, and . . . ?


        • #94
          Originally posted by yurieu View Post
          HG has dinamic shadows. GC's RE4 has not. i do not understand why GC's RE4 has 2d circle shadow.
          There was some dynamic lights effects during certain scenes, like during a thunder storm. Those same effects were 'faked' in the PS2 versions (shadow maps).

          Either way, the GC was perfectly capable of doing those. Its just that it depends on what the devs want. If they want a game to run at a consistent 30 or especially at 60 fps, they usually keep dynamic shadow effects to a minimum.
          Stuff to remember: Avoid forums if you're having a bad day.


          • #95
            Click image for larger version

Name:	644254_637861202896328_1450826346_n.jpg
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ID:	402856


            • #96
              Where'd you find that image? I can't find those tweets even dating back to September on Twitter on their accounts.
              And I don't see why they'd be the ones to announce it, Capcom would be on it first.


              • #97
                Originally posted by Gradon View Post
                Where'd you find that image? I can't find those tweets even dating back to September on Twitter on their accounts.
                And I don't see why they'd be the ones to announce it, Capcom would be on it first.
                Was not able to find it either. Hence the pic cause i dont know if its legit. But this page has constantly shown things real:


                • #98
                  Originally posted by Sly View Post
                  That's not entirely true. First, Streets of Rage was re-released several times on platforms such as the Wii Virtual Console, XLA, PSN or Steam. Last year came out Sega Vintage Collection : Streets of Rage, including all 3 episodes, playable in japanese (yay !). But Sega was also working with third parties on several projects to resurrect the franchise, like these two :
                  Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

                  Their decision may be sad, but is also quite understandable under these circumstances, in my opinion.
                  Are you serious? Sega hasn't made a new Streets of Rage Game since Streets of Rage 3 back in 94.and yes the half*ssed console ports don't count.


                  • #99
                    Originally posted by Pikminister View Post
                    There was some dynamic lights effects during certain scenes, like during a thunder storm. Those same effects were 'faked' in the PS2 versions (shadow maps).

                    Either way, the GC was perfectly capable of doing those. Its just that it depends on what the devs want. If they want a game to run at a consistent 30 or especially at 60 fps, they usually keep dynamic shadow effects to a minimum.
                    Here's a good comparison of the thunderstorm scene:

                    Originally posted by Mrox2 View Post
                    Indeed, I always thought RE4 Could have done better on the PS2, Haunting Ground has in game / real time scenes anyway but Capcom were being lazy and rushy and the result is that Sourcenext ports the PS2 Version (CRAPPY) to PC instead of the GC because the PS2 one is crappier and has extras >_>
                    I would've preferred having a GC port than PS2, Separate Ways won't be a problem, Hacking and Modding will do.
                    RE4 could have SOLD better if it was a PS2 game from the start, but the gamecube's hardware allowed it to look the best.

                    I'd rather have an awesome looking gamecube game with a "decent" PS2 down-port, than a compromised PS2 game with a less impressive gamecube up-port.
                    Last edited by Darkangel; 04-16-2013, 03:31 PM.


                    • Originally posted by BrionIrons View Post
                      Are you serious? Sega hasn't made a new Streets of Rage Game since Streets of Rage 3 back in 94.and yes the half*ssed console ports don't count.
                      The fact is : they were trying to make a new one. But everytime it got scrapped for various reasons.


                      • Originally posted by Darkangel View Post
                        RE4 could have SOLD better if it was a PS2 game from the start
                        Nah, after REmake and RE0, I think it pretty much did the game a huge PR favor being GC exclusive at first. Gave it a lot of extra good coverage of the "Don't have a GameCube? Sucks to be you!"-type. Had it been PS2 from the start, it'd probably drowned a bit amongst all the other PS2 "must have" games.


                        • the main problem with the shadows it was the moving object. looks fair a shadow appearing when the thunder falling, the shadow is always the same. something that impress me on Haunting Ground was the fiona shadow moving to the ground and even on the wall when she move near to a candle. would like to see leon shadow moving on the gamecube, but it was an horrible blur on the ground... i cant complaing, RE4 for the GC uses all the nintendo hardware, due to its open world looking, they even used a black bar to render less.


                          • Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
                            Nah, after REmake and RE0, I think it pretty much did the game a huge PR favor being GC exclusive at first. Gave it a lot of extra good coverage of the "Don't have a GameCube? Sucks to be you!"-type. Had it been PS2 from the start, it'd probably drowned a bit amongst all the other PS2 "must have" games.
                            I dont think it would have.
                            RE1-Survivor were all on PS1 at the time and almost all adults with a ps1 played one of those 4 games on PS1.
                            If RE4 launched on PS2 first it would of been just as successful. The gamecube versions were always overpriced.
                            Remake and zero i could understand, but the 2,3 and CV GC ports being $50 new with barely any new features were just terrible, which is why they sold poor.


                            • Originally posted by BrionIrons View Post
                              on this subject,A game can have the best graphics in the world,but if the gameplay sucks,the game wll fail.plain and isn't everything.
                              For new generation retards, it is.


                              • Originally posted by alinhoalisson View Post
                                For new generation retards, it is.
                                Especially pea brain cod fans who cry about the game being $50 but pay $15 for 5 small map packs.

