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Resident Evil 2 Remake being developed by fans (authorized)

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  • Originally posted by ccrogers15 View Post

    I've searched on Google and the twit is real.
    But maybe Alyson is just supporting the creation of it.

    Remember "RE2 Remake will be only possible with fan support".


    • Anyone else remember the claim of Mikami saying that if RE4 went to PS2 he'd shoot himself due to the hardware not being able to capture his vision or something like that.

      On the other note while I don't think RE4 coulda look as good as the GC one I do feel they coulda done a little better I mean just playing it on an HDTV you can see all the faults


      • Originally posted by Deathlygasm View Post
        Anyone else remember the claim of Mikami saying that if RE4 went to PS2 he'd shoot himself due to the hardware not being able to capture his vision or something like that.

        On the other note while I don't think RE4 coulda look as good as the GC one I do feel they coulda done a little better I mean just playing it on an HDTV you can see all the faults
        Mikami said he would cut his head off if RE4 was ported to PS2 because he wanted to stay away from Sony. He was unsatisfied with developing for PS2 and wanted to get Resident Evil on Gamecube and Xbox.


        • Originally posted by alinhoalisson View Post
          Mikami said he would cut his head off if RE4 was ported to PS2 because he wanted to stay away from Sony. He was unsatisfied with developing for PS2 and wanted to get Resident Evil on Gamecube and Xbox.
          Nice slap in the face for us ps players that caused the 4th game to happen anyway eh?


          • Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
            Nah, after REmake and RE0, I think it pretty much did the game a huge PR favor being GC exclusive at first. Gave it a lot of extra good coverage of the "Don't have a GameCube? Sucks to be you!"-type. Had it been PS2 from the start, it'd probably drowned a bit amongst all the other PS2 "must have" games.
            lol As a staunch PC gamer, I'm a victim of this type of situation quite often.

            Originally posted by Deathlygasm View Post
            Anyone else remember the claim of Mikami saying that if RE4 went to PS2 he'd shoot himself due to the hardware not being able to capture his vision or something like that.

            On the other note while I don't think RE4 coulda look as good as the GC one I do feel they coulda done a little better I mean just playing it on an HDTV you can see all the faults
            The Playstation 2 was a good platform all around, but it just didn't have the technology to render the game in the way the the developers had originally envisioned (and implemented) for the GC. Nintendo was pretty damn proud of the the cube's processor... Hell, they were so proud of it they overclocked it and put it in the Wii. A horrible idea? Yes. A good indicator of how good it was in the GC days? I think so.


            • Originally posted by Gradon View Post
              Where'd you find that image? I can't find those tweets even dating back to September on Twitter on their accounts.
              And I don't see why they'd be the ones to announce it, Capcom would be on it first.
              They didn't announce it and those twits are real.

              They simply supported the idea of there being a RE2 remake, that's all.

              Originally posted by alinhoalisson View Post
              Mikami said he would cut his head off if RE4 was ported to PS2 because he wanted to stay away from Sony. He was unsatisfied with developing for PS2 and wanted to get Resident Evil on Gamecube and Xbox.
              Yeah I remember reading an interview or some comments Mikami made at the time. He was very salty about the PS2's capabilities. Saying how working on that machine had taken its toll on his team. Some were ready to give up. Mikami even said that Sony designed the PS2 to break down after a certain time.

              I wasn't surprised that he moved things to the Cube. But I was maybe expecting him to go with MS instead. The Xbox was a beast of its time.
              Last edited by Pikminister; 04-17-2013, 03:18 PM.
              Stuff to remember: Avoid forums if you're having a bad day.


              • Originally posted by Pikminister View Post
                They didn't announce it and those twits are real.

                They simply supported the idea of there being a RE2 remake, that's all.
                Oh I see, strange they never came up when I scoured his profile.
                Was this when Capcom said that if the fans demand it, it will be made?


                • Originally posted by Gradon View Post
                  Oh I see, strange they never came up when I scoured his profile.
                  Was this when Capcom said that if the fans demand it, it will be made?
                  The #RE2Remake hashtag was trending on Twitter at that time. And D.C. Douglas and Alyson Court noticed it and commented on it.

                  That was basically it.
                  Stuff to remember: Avoid forums if you're having a bad day.


                  • Originally posted by Pikminister View Post
                    They didn't announce it and those twits are real.

                    The Xbox was a beast of its time.
                    Yea... in weight. Pretty good way to stop a truck from rolling down a hill.


                    • Originally posted by ccrogers15 View Post
                      Yea... in weight. Pretty good way to stop a truck from rolling down a hill.
                      All this console gabbin' you doing here... you sure sound like a fugitive from last gen's console wars.

                      Its 2001 all over again, yo.
                      Stuff to remember: Avoid forums if you're having a bad day.


                      • Originally posted by Pikminister View Post
                        All this console gabbin' you doing here... you sure sound like a fugitive from last gen's console wars.

                        Its 2001 all over again, yo.
                        2001 all over again?! Quick, break out the N64, time to play some Wave Race!


                        • ^Dude! Just a few more months now and WaveRace for GameCube's out! You're so last gen it hurts! Jesus, don't you know all the fun of your precious N64 ceased to exist the very moment the PlayStation 2 came out?

                          Originally posted by Pikminister View Post
                          All this console gabbin' you doing here... you sure sound like a fugitive from last gen's console wars.

                          Its 2001 all over again, yo.
                          Fugitive? Bet his parents fought in the war, which I guess would make him a ... war orphan?


                          • Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
                            Fugitive? Bet his parents fought in the war, which I guess would make him a ... war orphan?
                            Well I guess that explains why its such an emotional subject to him. And why it seems so new to him as well. Worth talking about it this day and age.

                            And talking about orphans of that war:

                            Originally posted by AsteroidBlues View Post
                            2001 all over again?! Quick, break out the N64, time to play some Wave Race!
                            In 2001?

                            The N64 barely made it out of the late 90's alive, you whipper snapper.

                            The GC,PS2,Xbox console wars was at full steam even before 2001. I remember that like it was yesterday... SIGH... the good old days...

                            Stuff to remember: Avoid forums if you're having a bad day.


                            • Yikes. 2001 is something id rather forget for personal reasons. Lol


                              • Originally posted by ccrogers15 View Post
                                Yikes. 2001 is something id rather forget for personal reasons. Lol
                                Yeah me too.....When Sony was releasing small batches of PS2's overseas (US anyway) I went on a damn crusade to get myself one and went to like 6-7 stores just to find out they all got snatched up. I got pissed off and splurged at Fry's Electronics and waited for it on Christmas later that year or the next and my 1st game for it being.....(drum roll)... Resident Evil: Code Veronica X.
                                Last edited by Ultimacloud123; 04-18-2013, 03:46 PM.

