What was the first Resident Evil game you ever played? How did you feel when your first played it? Did you like it? Not like it but ended up liking it later?
For me, the first game I played was 2. I was somewhat sheltered growing up, and I absolutely detested violence in any kind of media. I never wanted to play any M-rated game, absolutely convinced it'd be a horrifying, gore-filled curse-fest. Yeah, "somewhat sheltered" is a bit of an understatement. Anyway, all of that changed when my friend/cousin brought over Resident Evil 2. I refused to play it, but he ultimately convinced me to try it, and if I didn't like it I'd never have to mess with it again. So I played... and didn't even make it out of the first screen before becoming a feast for zombies. That did, however, make me realize how silly I'd been, and it was thanks to that that I was able to grow up a bit. Even though 2 was my first game, though, I ended up borrowing the Director's Cut of Resident Evil from that same friend and beat that first.
For me, the first game I played was 2. I was somewhat sheltered growing up, and I absolutely detested violence in any kind of media. I never wanted to play any M-rated game, absolutely convinced it'd be a horrifying, gore-filled curse-fest. Yeah, "somewhat sheltered" is a bit of an understatement. Anyway, all of that changed when my friend/cousin brought over Resident Evil 2. I refused to play it, but he ultimately convinced me to try it, and if I didn't like it I'd never have to mess with it again. So I played... and didn't even make it out of the first screen before becoming a feast for zombies. That did, however, make me realize how silly I'd been, and it was thanks to that that I was able to grow up a bit. Even though 2 was my first game, though, I ended up borrowing the Director's Cut of Resident Evil from that same friend and beat that first.