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Your first Resident Evil experience

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  • #16
    Resident Evil Outbreak.
    Basically what happened, was that i wanted a new horror game as i played other horror games i liked.
    Bought outbreak on launch day in 2004. Awesome game. Got me hooked on Resident Evil.

    Played online on outbreak from 2004-2007 and outbreak 2 from 2005-2007 under the name "camjam1995"


    • #17
      Was around 10 and at my brother-in-law's house being babysit and watched him play it. I was already a huge gamer but I didn't have a PSX or N64 so I was always watching him play these amazing new games. He let me watch him play RE a few times and even offered to let me play once but I was way too scared to touch the controller.
      Last edited by jam287; 04-09-2013, 02:37 PM.


      • #18
        I remember watching my dad play through RE3 and then the Mercenaries, many years later I tried it out then bought the other games.


        • #19
          Back in 98 I was 6 years old and dad bought my older brother a ps1 with Grand Turismo, Parappa the Rapper, and RE2 dualshock edt. I thought GT was boring, Parappa looked fun with the vibrant colors and goofy soundtrack, but i could never beat the first dojo level XD. As for RE2, I never got near it. I was so freaked out by it. To a 6 yr old, the groans, moans of the zombies coupled with the eerie nightmare inducing music, was like NOPE personified. I only ever beat it after it came out for the Gamecube by paying an arm and a leg for what was essentially a straight port of a ps1 game, totally worth it though. As for the RE1 remake, I don't think I had the gumption to pass it until the Wii came out.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Lead belly View Post
            As for the RE1 remake, I don't think I had the gumption to pass it until the Wii came out.
            At least on wii you can do it in 480p for the wii, because the improvement over the yellow cable is unbelievable.


            • #21
              It still looks worse on the Wii than it does on the GameCube. The GameCube component cables basically trump everything, but unfortunately neither REmake or BH0 support 480p on the GameCube.
              PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


              • #22
                Yeah I used the crappy Wii av cables on my crt tv back then. It looked okay since it was the only picture quality I was used to at the time. However, I recently replayed Remake on Dolphin in 1080p with some anti-aliasing. So damn purdy! Smooth as silk too. As for component cables idk about how much better the gamecube games look with them but if its anything like the Dreamcast's component cable quality, then no doubt looks 10x better.
                Last edited by Lead belly; 04-10-2013, 07:38 PM.


                • #23
                  This is why instead of being forced to play Remake on crap consoles they should try to broker a deal with nintendo to abort the contract and finally port it to consoles that actually matter: Ps3 and 360.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                    It still looks worse on the Wii than it does on the GameCube. The GameCube component cables basically trump everything, but unfortunately neither REmake or BH0 support 480p on the GameCube.
                    You just reminded me of how BH0 Wii doesn't have widescreen compensation when the Wii is set to Widescreen. (and how nice REmake looks on 480p when you set the Wii to 4:3 and use your own scaler to downsize the full widescreen frame to its proper 4:3). Anyway, I dunno why I see people complain about the Wii output on the WiiU, that thing's delicious on HDMI. Maybe it's a game-by-game thing? Skyward Sword looks amazingly cleanly scaled on my brother's 50".


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by ccrogers15 View Post
                      This is why instead of being forced to play Remake on crap consoles they should try to broker a deal with nintendo to abort the contract and finally port it to consoles that actually matter: Ps3 and 360.
                      There is no exclusive deal with Nintendo.
                      Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by ccrogers15 View Post
                        This is why instead of being forced to play Remake on crap consoles they should try to broker a deal with nintendo to abort the contract and finally port it to consoles that actually matter: Ps3 and 360.
                        Or you could emulate them on Dolphin and play at 1080p. It's been 10 years, give up.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Dracarys View Post
                          There is no exclusive deal with Nintendo.
                          You may want to look that up.
                          They DID sign a contract for RE1,Zero and 4. RE1 and zero were full exclusive, but 4 was timed exclusive.

                          Not sure if the contract expired though. If so, they need to get their heads out of their A**es and port them to PS3 and 360, and stop with this nintendo exclusive nonsense.


                          • #28
                            RE2 was my experience. I went to a friend of my moms house like almost 2 decades ago (give or take a couple year) and I guess her kid had a PSX and said I could play it well I saw RE2 out of all the games (only one I remember) and stuck it in the tray. I remember it like being thrown to a pack of wolves and had no clue what to do. I began button mashing to see how to shoot and I died with both character (I believe with Leon I got 1 shot off but didn't realize I needed to hold R1 then press the shoot button). When the 3rd came out I rented it (when I had more sense to read guides) and fell in love with the series and began to build my collection and obsession since.
                            Last edited by Ultimacloud123; 04-12-2013, 04:30 PM.


                            • #29
                              Mine was the original obviously, as I recounted in my guide on GameFAQ's from well over a decade ago - I saw the game in a store here which was running on an import console in the earlier part of 1996 after it's US launch.... and I wasn't actually impressed by it. Of course this was because I watched some guy walking Chris around the top of the dining room, and didn't see any enemies, guns, or anything.

                              Ironically I noted, but didn't mention this in the guide above, it's simularity to Alone In The Dark which I had tried and not enjoyed very much but somehow didn't counter the idea of any enemies - just figured it was some sort of puzzle adventure game like a 3D/3rd person version of something like Myst. It wasn't until a short while after friends of mine got the game when it launched here in August 1996 and were raving about it that I checked it out. I obssessed hard over it after that.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by ccrogers15 View Post
                                You may want to look that up.
                                They DID sign a contract for RE1,Zero and 4. RE1 and zero were full exclusive, but 4 was timed exclusive.
                                Christian Svensson said there is no exclusive deal stopping them being ported, so it clearly a money/resources issue.
                                Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."

