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Your first Resident Evil experience

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  • #31
    Originally posted by ccrogers15 View Post
    consoles that actually matter: Ps3 and 360.
    they do not matter anymore. start to think on next gen now. u know what? these 2 crappy veedeo-games would handle remake and zero at 720p, that would already looks like garbage on everyone's 1080p kitchen's tv.

    does anyone knows what are the REAL deal on Remake and zero exclusives? is it contract, very hard to do or just lazy and fool capcom in not porting it?


    • #32
      Your a moron if your saying the PS3 and 360 cant output on 1080. PS3 can, not sure about 360.


      • #33
        Originally posted by ccrogers15 View Post
        Your a moron if your saying the PS3 and 360 cant output on 1080. PS3 can, not sure about 360.
        Most games are not 1080p, though. The majority are sub-720p.

        There's no contract between CAPCOM and Nintendo anymore, assuming there ever was. The "CAPCOM 5" was certainly more of a gentleman's agreement that CAPCOM backed out of immediately after noticing how big all five games would flop on the GameCube alone.
        Last edited by News Bot; 04-13-2013, 11:41 AM.
        PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


        • #34
          Well either way, i said ps3 and 360 matter because, well they do. Look how many top of the line games come out this year for just PS3 and 360. As the Rockstar games reps said, the reason they are worried about current gen consoles and not next gen, are because of the behemoth amount of people on them.

          There will always be more people playing PS3 and 360 then there will be people playing PS4 and 720, for good reasons.
          Cheaper, more games.

          Look at the current games on the PS4. Nothing really at all interesting aside from Infamous Second Son and Watch Dogs. Yet, watch dogs is also on PS3 as well.

          Also half of those "Launch" ps4 games are also going to be on PS3. So really, any new RE game thats made, or port, could still come to PS3 and 360. There would be no reason for them not to.


          • #35
            Well my first game was re3 it was a gift from aunt that came with other ps games and It was in Japanese so I didn't understand what choice to make but my nephew told me always pick the second answer because it's better so I did, oh And the water puzzle took me a whole summer holiday but I was only 7 and the nemesis scared me a lot.


            • #36
              Originally posted by News Bot View Post
              CAPCOM backed out of immediately after noticing how big all five games would flop on the GameCube alone.
              Actually, those games were too experimental and would've bombed even on the PS2.

              Killer 7 was one of those experimental ones and it flopped big time on both the PS2 and GCN. Another game from the C5 that was ported: Viewtiful Joe, did even worse on the PS2. The only one that did better on PS2 was RE4. But that one was obvious.

              At the time, several of their games (on ALL consoles of the time) were under-performing. They had a terrible financial year back in 2002-2003 and that's when Capcom implemented some new strategies to get out of that financial hole.

              On topic: I think that I answered this question before. My first RE was RE1 on the PSX and I played it back when it came out. With a bunch of friends at a BBQ. And I embarrassed myself as a n00b because I tried to kill all the zombies I would run into. Good times.
              Stuff to remember: Avoid forums if you're having a bad day.


              • #37
                Originally posted by Pikminister View Post
                Actually, those games were too experimental and would've bombed even on the PS2.

                Killer 7 was one of those experimental ones and it flopped big time on both the PS2 and GCN. Another game from the C5 that was ported: Viewtiful Joe, did even worse on the PS2. The only one that did better on PS2 was RE4. But that one was obvious.

                At the time, several of their games (on ALL consoles of the time) were under-performing. They had a terrible financial year back in 2002-2003 and that's when Capcom implemented some new strategies to get out of that financial hole.

                On topic: I think that I answered this question before. My first RE was RE1 on the PSX and I played it back when it came out. With a bunch of friends at a BBQ. And I embarrassed myself as a n00b because I tried to kill all the zombies I would run into. Good times.
                Which is why like many others, they should of went multiconsole at the time.

                Ill never know why outbreak was only on PS2. It would of sold amazing if it had been on PS2, Xbox and PC. Online gaming on PC was huge at the time, but on consoles it was pretty flat. If it was on PC it may still of had the servers running to this day. Shame.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by ccrogers15 View Post
                  Which is why like many others, they should of went multiconsole at the time.
                  Well that's an entirely diff issue.

                  My point was that the Capcom 5 were made up of mostly experimental/risky non-high concept games like PN03 or Killer 7 that would've have a hard time selling on ANY console of the time (even today).

                  Sure, it didn't help that the Cube didn't have a huge user base as the PS2 did have. But then as I mentioned before, ports of the Capcom 5 didn't fared too well on that machine either. Except for RE4, which sold great on both consoles. Only one game from the Capcom 5 was cancelled, Dead Phoenix.

                  Capcom had a terrible financial year & that motivated them to throw out Shinji Mikami's strategy of making such experimental games on their dime.

                  Mikami had said that if one game out of the five (RE4) had made it big, that alone could justify the development of the rest of 'em. Capcom disagreed. No more of that shit would be tolerated within the company.
                  Stuff to remember: Avoid forums if you're having a bad day.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Pikminister View Post
                    Actually, those games were too experimental and would've bombed even on the PS2.

                    Killer 7 was one of those experimental ones and it flopped big time on both the PS2 and GCN. Another game from the C5 that was ported: Viewtiful Joe, did even worse on the PS2. The only one that did better on PS2 was RE4. But that one was obvious.

                    At the time, several of their games (on ALL consoles of the time) were under-performing. They had a terrible financial year back in 2002-2003 and that's when Capcom implemented some new strategies to get out of that financial hole.
                    I know they would've flopped anyway, they just ported them to give them a chance.
                    PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                    • #40
                      And why Capcom should be interested on port two games from 2002 that only a small public bought? No matter if the deal between Capcom and Nintendo still remains or not, RE remake and Zero are games just suitable for old RE fans and most old RE fans already played them one way or another, on either GC, Wii or Dolphin.
                      The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Lanzagranadas View Post
                        most old RE fans already played them one way or another, on either GC, Wii or Dolphin.

                        i guess a few players enjoyed these titles. because all these years, all i see is people crying a lot but buying Playstations. lets see what will be capcom next move after revelashuns, they do not have any re-release despite these old ones.


                        • #42
                          In the last few years they have done 5 re releases so far.

                          RECV and RE4 came to PS3 and 360, RE darkside and RE Umbrella came to PS3 and revelations comes to PS3,PC and 360.

                          Personally i god hopely wish Outbreak will be next.


                          • #43
                            Yeah Capcom just might re-release the GameCube games since they already re-released a classic style RE game with Code Veronica on Xbox Live/PSN, so that tells me they're by no means opposed to re-releasing classic style RE games. The only problem I could see being how porting two cube exclusive games (that were never ported to ps2, pc, or xbox back in the day) might potentially be considerably more costly compared to Code Veronica. Plus I'm sure Capcom was more lax about things back in the 00'-06' years as far as fans service goes. Nowadays Capcom doesn't seem to cater much to fans since they started putting all their eggs into one basket with big budget releases like RE 6 (that fall beneath expectations sales-wise! XD), or by making petty rehashes like Street Fighter 4 Super Mega Ultra Expialidocious Edition(s)!!! That's not to say Capcom won't throw us a bone once in a while, so here's hoping.


                            • #44
                              The only re release id be interested in and would do a day 1 buy would be an Outbreak HD. Sure, id love to play RE1 remake on my PS3, but in my book, outbreak comes first.


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by yurieu View Post
                                i guess a few players enjoyed these titles. because all these years, all i see is people crying a lot but buying Playstations. lets see what will be capcom next move after revelashuns, they do not have any re-release despite these old ones.
                                Not a few people, RE Zero and Remake for GC sold above a million copies each one, sure that´s a small number for Capcom, but that´s not too far from RE3 or RECV sales and represents a big number of RE fans instead of the majority of casual gamers that we find these days. In adition we have the sales from Wii versions and also many people who play those games on PC.

                                If PS3 owners had the money for buying a PS3, they had the money to buy a GC or Wii (wich were in fact cheaper), but it was their choice to buy a PS3. With the same reason Nintendo owners could cry because they didn´t get RE5 or RE6. I see pointless to keep waiting for ten years or more for a game to be ported to PS3 (now we should say PS4), considering there are alternative and cheaper ways to play those classics.
                                The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase

