Originally posted by Lanzagranadas
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Your first Resident Evil experience
Originally posted by yurieu View Postthis is so true. all people should buy a 2nd hand wii, a GC controller, a videocomponent cable, the games and be happy, instead wait for capcom do something they CLEARLY dont want to do.Stuff to remember: Avoid forums if you're having a bad day.
I got RE1 original in 1996 - I was around 6 at the time.. Hated it - not scared funnily enough but I thought it was a horrible game (I don't think the original PAL version had auto-aim and had missing features)
Then I got the Director's Cut and LOVED it .. RE2 and 3 will still forever be my faves in the series - Outbreak I like only because of the classic feel.
RE4,5 and 6 made me nearly wanna drop the series for good - but hope of a reboot or that Capcom will come to their senses keeps me hooked. I loved the games on the Wii and the Remake/Zero - shows Capcom CAN do it, they just choose not to
Only part that scared my when I was 6 was the BGM music in the dormitory at Guardhouse, and the lab zombies and chimera's Arghhh LOL
EDIT: Yh I kept the gamecube games and my old Wii to play them on.. Although it looks not so good even with component cables on a 50 inch HDTV.
I was tempted to buy the Wii ports of 0 and 1 to play on my Wii U - as its fully HD as it's gonna get - RE: UC and DSC look fab.Last edited by RaccoonSurvivor; 04-17-2013, 09:07 AM."I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"
I do remember my first contact very well, it was RE2 and iit was 1998 I do remember, I was 15 at that time.
My good friend got playstation and he invited me to check it out, first he showed me Resident Evil 2. I was obsessivly hooked. And after obtaining console and RE1 too, I also experienced grade drops in schoolja i am made of dur butter and you are worth 2k monies
Originally posted by RaccoonSurvivor View PostI was tempted to buy the Wii ports of 0 and 1 to play on my Wii U - as its fully HD as it's gonna get - RE: UC and DSC look fab.
The Wii U has a proper HD video output chip and that's why Wii games look sharper and better than on the original Wii.Stuff to remember: Avoid forums if you're having a bad day.
Originally posted by Pikminister View PostThe original Wii had a lousy video output chip. That's why games looked all fuzzy and blurry even using component cables. That chip was even worse than the GameCube's.
The Wii U has a proper HD video output chip and that's why Wii games look sharper and better than on the original Wii.
wii videochip may be inferior than the gamecube one so.
Christmas 1999, ten years old, Resident Evil 3. I had only just gotten used to the MGS controls the year before, and I was frustrated because I had to learn entirely new controls. I remember getting up to the tram and then giving up for a long time because I locked myself out of the fuse room at the power plant. One day I went to my friend's house and saw him playing RE2 on N64, and for some stupid reason that led me to believe that RE2 was an N64-exclusive (cross-platform games? Impossible! The N64 and PS1 camps were sworn enemies of course!). Once I paid a visit to a local game store a year or so later and saw the Greatest Hits version behind the counter, I was amazed and excited, and I bought it right away. It was an amazing experience on par with RE3, so I thought "well gee, this RE: Director's Cut must be amazing too!" I bought it and it was a huge disappointment (shitty graphics! Too difficult!); it was only when REmake came out that I realized how amazing the first installment of the series truly is. At the time, I couldn't afford a Dreamcast, so I could only play a demo of RE:CV at the local Funcoland (now GameStop); when I got my first PS2 for my 12th birthday (November 2001), however, I finally got to enjoy it.
To this day, RE3 remains my most fond experience, although I admit that overall REmake is probably the greatest and most defining installment in the series.
1996, Resident Evil 1, 10 years old. A friend's older brother had rented it from blockbuster and he let me play and I remember two things vividly.
1. When his mother asked what he was going to let me play, he said,"That game I just rented, Resident Evil, the one with the killer frogs." Obviously he said killer dogs, but I misheard him, so the whole time I was playing, I was looking out for those "killer frogs".
2. I remember wandering around the mansion for days on end (I didn't have a memory card at the time) and being certain that once you got all the crests for the door, that would be the end of the game. I was of course, extremely wrong."One can only match, move by move, the machinations of fate... and thus defy the tyrannous stars."
Resident Evil/Castlevania/ Silent Hill/Onimusha/Tekken /Dark Souls
I bought the PC port of Resident Evil 2 in spring of 1999. I had already wanted to play the 1st one on the Playstation, but I didn't have a Playstation at the time, and I was shamefully unaware that a PC port of RE1 in fact did exist. So due to circumstances I skipped straight to part 2.
Anyway... I was already 18 at that point, an experienced gamer, so I did knew, from all the magazine articles and such, what I was getting myself into. And the experience, oh man. As a big fan of George A. Romero's zombie films, RE2 was right up my alley. A ruined city with it's streets and flaming buildings full of moaning zombies out for your flesh, and you almost completely alone smack dab right in the middle of it all, with barely any resources at hand. I had stumbled into a Romero-movie simulator, and I loved every second of it. The experience hit me in the head like Thor's hammer. So to answer the question "did I like it?". I most certainly did. And I wanted more, so from that point on, it was my destiny to find the other games as well, which I did.
Too bad it wasn't meant to last forever. When RE4 eventually came out, I was horrified by the stylistic change. With that game, Capcom basically threw away everything they had spent the past 10 years building. But for that little while, RE2 was my personal Game of the Year -99, and I wouldn't trade the experience for the world.Last edited by Northman; 04-29-2013, 05:31 PM.
I can remember when the PC port of the original RE1 first came out. I even remember picking up a copy in my local Best Buy and debating whether or not to buy it. I ultimately didn't because I would have had to buy a new graphics card to play it (this was back in the early ATI 3DFx Voodoo I days, folks) and I couldn't afford both. A few years later, I remember watching my brother play the US retail version of RE2 on his PSX and asking what I thought of it. I was impressed, but even then I didn't buy it or play it for long. Too busy with real life.
I got hooked solid, though, in 1999 when I was working part-time as a videogame reviewer for an online Dreamcast newsletter and got slipped an early copy of RE CODE: Veronica. I couldn't put it down. I ended up playing it all the way through from start to finish in about two weeks, and feeling both physically and emotionally exhausted by the time I reached the end. I hadn't felt like that from a "mere videogame" since my classic RPG days. I was flabbergasted that a mere videogame could look that good, play that good, have such a good story that kept you going all the way to the end, had such well-defined characters (and surprisingly good voice acting, given the RE franchise's reputation by then), and such a great BGM soundtrack. It made me want to go back and play RE2 all the way through ... which I did, and I was again impressed despite its by-then-dated graphics. I remember thinking to myself what I had missed by passing on it the first time. After that the original RE1 and then RE3 followed in short order, then the Dreamcast original of CODE: Veronica Complete (aka CVX) and ... well ... here I am today.Last edited by RMandel; 04-30-2013, 07:07 AM.
I cant exactly remember the very first time i was introduced to resident evil but the earliest clear memory i have of playing the series would be resident evil 3. The police station window scene where nemesis jumps in on you scared me so much i tried to run out of the room, caught my finger on a lock and ripped a chunk out of my knuckle. Still have the scar today! I was probably about 7 or 8 at the time
Officailly I played RE2 back when I was young, cant remember the year probably when it had came out, but the game that got me hooked to the series was RE4 and also my most favorite game of all time. ive got five copies of the game to prove that... ive played just about all of the resident evil games, I haven't beet 0 yet for some reason and I would love to play and beat the original but alas ive been busy with work and school for quite some time, MAIS C'EST LA VIE...sigpic