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Your first Resident Evil experience

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  • Your first Resident Evil experience

    What was the first Resident Evil game you ever played? How did you feel when your first played it? Did you like it? Not like it but ended up liking it later?

    For me, the first game I played was 2. I was somewhat sheltered growing up, and I absolutely detested violence in any kind of media. I never wanted to play any M-rated game, absolutely convinced it'd be a horrifying, gore-filled curse-fest. Yeah, "somewhat sheltered" is a bit of an understatement. Anyway, all of that changed when my friend/cousin brought over Resident Evil 2. I refused to play it, but he ultimately convinced me to try it, and if I didn't like it I'd never have to mess with it again. So I played... and didn't even make it out of the first screen before becoming a feast for zombies. That did, however, make me realize how silly I'd been, and it was thanks to that that I was able to grow up a bit. Even though 2 was my first game, though, I ended up borrowing the Director's Cut of Resident Evil from that same friend and beat that first.

  • #2
    The first. The original version I played was a glitchy version of the Japanese version burned by a acquittance from the net. But it was pretty unworkable - I think the disc was messed up or some such. It wasn't until I was a bit older and played a copy of the English version at a friend's 13th birthday that I actually started enjoying it.


    • #3
      RE3, I was "holy shit what's going on, all these zombies and the place is on fire, this shit's crazy" then I got stuck because I didn't know how to jump over the crate blocking my way, so I gave up and just played again like one year later and it was pretty fun.


      • #4
        Originally posted by skyrunner14 View Post
        What was the first Resident Evil game you ever played? How did you feel when your first played it? Did you like it? Not like it but ended up liking it later?
        The first time I've seen it was when my brother bought RE3, I've tried playing it, but since I was a kid at the time, it was a horrible experience. I kept pressing Square and shouting at the screen "WHY SHE DOESN'T SHOOT??", and I've died. Didn't like it. But then, my cousin taught me how to play it and I actually enjoyed it.
        Last edited by Guest; 04-08-2013, 06:55 PM.


        • #5
          RE 3.


          • #6
            I saw some screens of 1.5 in a magazine and rented the first one. Been hooked ever since.
            "Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."


            • #7
              My first experience is with RE2 on the N64. Played it at a friends house and loved it. The following week my dad bought us a PS1 and RE Directors Cut Dual Shock.
              My Head-Fi Page


              • #8
                I started with RE2 in 1998, it was a non original japanesse copy with only Leon CD that someone gave me, and when I started the game, I died a many times before getting to Kendo Gunshop, because I was only 12 years old and the controls were too unfamiliar to me, not to mention I was really scared in middle of a street filled with zombies and with only 15 bullets.
                But I didn´t give up, and when I reach the RPD I discovered what was probably the best game I´ve ever played.
                Soon after I bought RE1, and also a complete version of RE2 with both CDs, then RE3 and years after I bought RE2 again for PC because of its hard mode and Extremme Battle.
                The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase


                • #9
                  when i rent RE2 in 1998. i spent a long time trying to figure how to aim and shoot. after that, was all fun. RE2 has an amazing start. the characters taking different directions, the truck on fire, the street full of zambies and then kendo gunshop and his death, all played with a perfect soundtrack.

                  i do not feel RE3 so cool as RE2. you start on small corridors disguised as streets and the game goes on with that.


                  • #10
                    Original game, back in 1996. I was 15 and surprised at how creepy and atmospheric the game was. The first time I blew off a zombies head with a shotgun I was shocked, in a good way. Never dreamed how ...stupid something I spent a solid decade loving would end up.

                    Makes me miss the 90s, and I hated the 90s.
                    Last edited by Wrathborne; 04-09-2013, 12:07 AM.


                    • #11
                      I played the very first RE in a demo booth about a month after release.

                      Was one of those 5 minute demo booths that resets the console every 5 minutes, so by time got through the lengthy PS1 system intro, then watched the game intro and first cutscene I was low on time, so panicked, couldn't work out how to attack and died to first zombie, then game reset.

                      The intro alone pretty much sold me on the game and even the PS1 system, which I didn't own at that moment, bought game and system about a week later.
                      Last edited by Dracarys; 04-09-2013, 02:24 AM.
                      Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


                      • #12
                        RE1 shortly after release, age 12. I and a friend used to go to my stepfather's brother's house to play his kid's (who wasn't really a kid) PlayStation. Doom and various demos. One day he came home with RE1. The "what the fuck is going on here, what the fuck is this shit" mystery thing hooked me instantly. We didn't have a memory card, and we could never get the last crest from the painting puzzle as English wasn't our first language, so we played up to that point every time we were there, and then it was time to go home.

                        Got a PS1 and RE1 Dir Cut when it came out, and beat it using a guide. The first time I finally got out of the mansion... amazing moment.
                        lostreleases // demopals


                        • #13
                          when i first bought my ps1, it did come with resident evil 1 although i avoided playin it bcuz i played it for 5 mins and i thought the controls wher jus awful

                          then i got resident evil 2, played the first 10 mins of that, got so scared that i locked the game in a filing cabinet lol but a few days later i was lik " i got to be brave..its gonna be alrite, take a few breaths and be a man lol"

                          then i loved the game, completed it and went bak to play resident evil 1


                          • #14
                            My cousins 9-10th birthday, I was 8 years old.

                            He got it for the Sega Saturn, we turned it on and were all pissing ourselves with fright. He died at the first zombie.

                            All of them went to get cake, but me?........I pressed NEW GAME and went right back into that mansion I didn't care for cake because I was hooked.

                            I also died at the first zombie but the infection was already growing inside me.


                            • #15
                              1996, I was 8 years old, a couple weeks before the English release date (which was in August I think), my oldest brother and his best mate came home and only stopped for about 10 minutes whilst my bro was getting something before they both headed out. His mate gave me a pirate copy of Resident Evil to play, for 10 minutes I was able to run around the dining room for a bit and then get mauled by the first Zombie before my brother and his mate left taking the copy with them.

                              When the game actually came out, my brother bought it and that was that. Hooked. The next year buying both the Directors Cut and the Sega Saturn version (which became my fave version of the original), then RE2 in 1998 blew the series wide open.

