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Hopes for the N64 RE0 Leak sometime in the near future

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  • #16
    Me too, I`m 27, I should probably quit from the saga in a few years.

    Anyway, 1.5 and 3.5 interesting point is that they look as completely different games, BH0 for N64 appears to be the same game but for a different platform, also if I`m not wrong, the only thing that they showed from this game was the train part, so probably it`s not possible to go far from there in an hyphotetical playable beta.
    The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase


    • #17
      With Capcom it will be like waiting for Deep Throat to reveal his identity, or Brian Wilson to release his betas; when we're all old and grey.


      • #18
        1.5 is still alot, we got lucky with 1.5. Honestly asking for zero 64 is too much.

        No, but i would love this.

        But although you all know my flaming hatred for RE4 and the later games, i would absolutely love to play the hookman RE4 version if it leaks one day. Hookman beta is what RE4 SHOULD of been.


        • #19
          I think I would love to see Zero n64 recreated on the RE2 engine, even if just a short proof-of-concept demo and without the partner and item drop system.
          Seibu teh geimu?


          • #20
            Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
            I think I would love to see Zero n64 recreated on the RE2 engine, even if just a short proof-of-concept demo and without the partner and item drop system.
            So would I. Hint Hint 1.5 team, Hint Hint.

            Seems the 1.5 team is getting the hang of the engine. They have done a good job so far. Zero on the RE2 engine would be awesome.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Dracarys View Post
              The build is out there, good luck just waiting for it though.
              You mean, you think it's out there. There has been nothing that indicates this proto build has leaked and it probably never will. 1.5 is a different story all together, as it was a game quite far into production, pretty much done. RE0 N64 wasn;t meant to be finished shortly after it was created .


              • #22
                So would I. Hint Hint 1.5 team, Hint Hint.

                Seems the 1.5 team is getting the hang of the engine. They have done a good job so far. Zero on the RE2 engine would be awesome.
                I for one just wouldn't mind the team finishing 1.5.
                Last edited by Ohmycod; 05-16-2013, 08:20 AM.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by drunkdog View Post
                  You mean, you think it's out there. There has been nothing that indicates this proto build has leaked and it probably never will. 1.5 is a different story all together, as it was a game quite far into production, pretty much done. RE0 N64 wasn;t meant to be finished shortly after it was created .
                  Yeah, wasn't it scrapped at 20% or so? They thought it wouldn't fit onto the N64 cartridges, maybe they could've done so but didn't ponder it enough. I don't know why people are wanting this to leak, if anyone even has it. We got Resident Evil 0 on the gamecube.

                  It's pretty nice in the 1.5 build that was leaked, they worked on numerous areas in the game at that point of development( it was an insider only industry demo?). I wonder if the team is happy with that, not needing to create more areas in the game that would've been otherwise not there.


                  • #24
                    How far do you think it got? From what i seen the only existing pictures and videos are of the train. Do you think they ever got past the train? At least to the testing facility?


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by drunkdog View Post
                      You mean, you think it's out there. There has been nothing that indicates this proto build has leaked and it probably never will. 1.5 is a different story all together, as it was a game quite far into production, pretty much done. RE0 N64 wasn;t meant to be finished shortly after it was created .
                      I mean it is out there thankyou, I think I remember a video file being ripped from it and posted somewhere some years ago, so there is that, plus other things.
                      Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Dracarys View Post
                        I mean it is out there thankyou, I think I remember a video file being ripped from it and posted somewhere some years ago, so there is that, plus other things.
                        PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                        • #27
                          I never found RE0 that engaging anyway, even when it was first announced for N64. I think it has to do with it being a prequel, I dunno. I had hoped it would have covered the events surrounding Bravo team instead. At that point though I was wanting to see the next installment aimed at Spencer and Umbrella's final moments.
                          "Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."


                          • #28
                            I like RE064 Style, but to be honest I would hae rather had it on PSX than N64, and you know why ?
                            Darkness : Tactical reload wasn't even in deadly silence LMAO
                            ^ Lol ...


                            • #29
                              It should of been on PS1 as a prequel.
                              Mainly due to the fact that, The original game never came to 64, and if this released it would of been kinda odd.
                              If it was developed for PS1 it would of released. The 64 had a trash storage media. Less than 100MB for a cart compared to 700MB disks. What would you as a developer choose?

                              We all could of played this had it come to a console with up to date (at the time), storage medium.

                              It would of been cooler anyways. I had a softspot for the classic RE game graphics. REO looked beta in the 64 version than the gamecube version.
                              Imo graphics dont make everything.
                              Last edited by ccrogers15; 05-17-2013, 02:23 AM.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Dracarys View Post
                                I think I remember a video file being ripped from it and posted somewhere some years ago, so there is that, plus other things.
                                Only "new" footage that has shown up of RE0 N64 dates back to nearly 10 years ago, when former RE community regular Deacon Willis put up handycam footage of it from Tokyo Game Show, along with handycam footage of Resident Evil on GBC and some other buttery Code: Veronica footage.

                                Originally posted by ccrogers15 View Post
                                It should of been on PS1 as a prequel.
                                Mainly due to the fact that, The original game never came to 64, and if this released it would of been kinda odd.
                                If it was developed for PS1 it would of released. The 64 had a trash storage media. Less than 100MB for a cart compared to 700MB disks. What would you as a developer choose?
                                If I was a Japanese console developer in the late 90s and wanted to make RE0 with the design docs it had and legacy the series have; The N64 would've been the obvious choice. As pointed out before, space is not as big a restriction as people seem to think it is. The PS1 era Resident Evil games uses an archaic method for storing background renders and you can crunch that background render file size down quite a lot, same goes for standard compression of the otherwise uncompressed 3D models and texture data on the PS1 games. XA streams for audio are gigantic compared to the same quality MP3 encodes with Factor 5's N64 SDK kit. Not sure what Angel Studios (Rockstar San Diego) used for Resident Evil 2 on N64 for its FMVs, as I don't remember if Factor 5's version of the DivX codec was only for the GameCube or not. Yeah. RE2 N64 "took a hit" in some departments, but keep in mind that you're looking at a 2 disc game crunched to a single 64MB cartridge, done cheaply as an outsourced and rushed port job.

                                In general, when it comes to the 90s big 3 and storage medium sizes, the Penis argument really is valid; it's not the size that matters, but how you use it.

                                Additionally, the biggest reason for going cartridge on RE0 is what Capcom themselves stated was the reason; The swapping system, enabling them to seamlessly swap between two characters in two different rooms, without loading time. Something that technically would've been very tricky to pull off on the same scacle on the PS1 without it severly limiting the game.

