Originally posted by Mr.BioHazard
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Potential storylines for the future
Originally posted by alexdz View PostBecause what RE needs is to be like every other zombie apocalipse franchise.
Originally posted by Mr.BioHazard View PostIt would be similar to the Walking Dead, whats wrong with that?
Resident Evil needs better writers capable of playing with the series strengths, biological experiements and conspiracies mixed with horror elements. Scraping the whole world the series is built upon for a Walking Dead/Wolrd War Z clone is not a good solution.
Originally posted by Grem View PostI still don't understand why you say that. I'd like to see a junkie with these kinds of leather jackets or classy shirts.
Frankly, I always found Jill to be completely dull.
She was worse in RE3 than in that game. A trained police officer wearing a mini-skirt and a tube top during a zombie outbreak? *facepalm*
I agree with you on Chris, though.
But this:
Feels more sexual than this?
I feel the same. I didn't really like Jill's clothing in 3, which is why I'd quickly get the first play through over and unlock her other clothing options. The outfit didn't make sense for the situation she knew she was in, didn't really mesh with her personality, and, honestly, is kinda trampy.
Yes, the battle suit was...sensual, but at least it makes sense for someone in a biological terrorism situation.
Originally posted by ccrogers15 View PostLeon in RE6 looked like a complete junkie, jill was awesome from RE1-RE5, and chris was cool until RE1-RE5.
Chris was destroyed in RE5 with the inclusion of his firetruck arms, jill in RE5 became oversexualized, then later she starting with ORC and RER became a completely different person, and leon became a junkie in re6.
IMO the best versions of these characters, are Jill in RE3, Leon in RE2 and Chris in RE CV.
Chris felt down to earth and human in RE CV, Jill was sassy and cool in RE3 (Which she should of been considering her ordeal), and leon in RE2 felt normal and felt human, unlike his hotheaded super ego self in RE4.
If anything Leon aged the best of all the characters. This "junkie" look you keep claiming is just circumstance at best. He was wearing street clothes when his stuff happened and actually changed into a pretty cool looking uniform during the second half. The only junkie-ish looking thing about him is that he needs a shave but all things considering thats the last thing that'd be on his mind.
Chris, Yeah in 5 he looked terrible all roided up. But at least RER and 6 made an attempt at fixing him by scaling him back down. Then again they can't seem to keep a consistent model for this character eh? I actually did not care for his CV design since they made him look younger than Claire which did not seem right at all.
Jill- I didn't mind her design after 5 considering she was brainwashed by then. In fact her 3 design bugged me the most. I mean yes it was the middle of summer but I'm pretty sure she still had her STARS uniform on hand and could have easily worn a modified version of it.
But thats just my opinion ya know?
Well i did notice that Chris in RE6 sort of slimmed down, which was better by a mile than his RE5 look.
Anyways, the leon junkie look im talking about may sound a bit harsh to the character, but looking at his face, the facial hair stubble, and the hair, the combo makes you think: "I bet that guys hair smells like a dirty washrag".
Leon with stubble is better than Leon with no stubble. He at least doesn't look like the pretty little fairy of perfection he usually does.PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium
Originally posted by News Bot View PostLeon with stubble is better than Leon with no stubble. He at least doesn't look like the pretty little fairy of perfection he usually does.
I had a name that i always laugh about for the RE Retribution movie leon: Emo Bobblehead.
I find Leon from RE6 much better than his RE4 version with his silly jokes, and more closer to his serious look from RE2 without being such a motionless inexpressive character he was in Degeneration.
And honestly, I`ll never understand what`s the problem with Chris`s arms, his fighting style is the brute strenght so it`s reasonable if he has huge muscles, Leon and other characters have been training under different combat styles that doesn`t need to build up such muscles.
Agree with Jill, hope they bring back her remake/RE5 look if she is going to appear in a future.
But anyway, I don`t want to see this characters in a near future game, we have enough of them for now, just hope new faces and maybe some forgotten characters for next RE.Last edited by Lanzagranadas; 05-18-2013, 11:02 PM.
Originally posted by ccrogers15Feels more sexual than this?
Nowadays we have sexy characters everywhere, and Jill RE5 is nothing compared to how Jill RE3 was perceived back then.Last edited by Grem; 05-19-2013, 07:05 AM.