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Potential storylines for the future

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  • Potential storylines for the future

    In this topic, lets discuss some of our ideas as to where the series could go in terms of plot.

    Outside of the family plot, I'd have to say the series has the most potential in the
    "What measure is a human and what qualifies one as such a being?"

    You see, we could have the various tyrants, bio weapons, or even a new amalgamation in the vein of Alex mercer from prototype, gain sentience and lead us, the players, through a story which seeks to answer the above mentioned plot.

    Sadly, unless naughty dog, eidos, or some other quality story maker comes to help the series, I doubt capcom would ever try their hand at such a tale.

  • #2
    sentient BOWs?


    • #3
      You know, James Marcus is already kind of like Alex Mercer himself.


      • #4
        The only ongoing plot element I really care about at this point is Alex Wesker and his intentions. Especially considering that he achieved Spencer's original goal and now he has simply vanished. Does he ultimately have good intentions or is he evil as well?

        Sadly I believe they're just going to abandon him altogether.
        "Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."


        • #5
          I know, not the most popular idea, but I implore you to keep an open mind.
          For example, look at kikaider: the animation.
          It told the tragic story of jiro, the kikaider who, over the course of the series, became human despite starting as a robot.
          Resident evil could have such a tale, if it'd only explore such an area instead of sticking to the "bioterrorism occurs, either regular civilians handle it or someone from some sort of agency handles it."


          • #6
            Heres one capcom would likely use knowing them:

            "Chris injected more steroids in his arm and because a tank from left 4 dead. He then became infected and was an ubertank. Claire Redfield and Jill Valentine must team up to stop uberchris until he takes over the world. In the end, chris is dead, something explodes, jill cries, explosion again, credits."

            The end.

            After the end, Sheva DLC is introduced for 89.99 and its already on disk. You must help sheva find herself a new friend, because nobody likes her annoying self.
            WHen she finds her friend, he dies after he is crushed by a mutated turd thing. Ada wong, who is no longer asian, shoots sheva in the face and she dies. Ada then says: "I am ada wong", and it sounds like: "I ate a wong".
            Last edited by ccrogers15; 05-17-2013, 04:17 PM.


            • #7
              Remnants of Umbrella's rival company
              Alex Wesker
              Ada's organization

              Enough to keep the series going for a while.
              PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


              • #8
                I was hoping RE6 would give more information about the rival company Wesker was working for, it seemed to me that from trailers that might have been the case (maybe just me though) but sadly we got the sad fangirl story they gave us, the only thing missing was fucking tentacles combined with Ada. I want more links to the past and resolve some of the holes left.

                Each new instalment has added more questions then answers and it's already turning a cluster-fuck of a story into a even wider gap. In my opinion RE4 did the right thing and brought the story into a new generation, Umbrella as we knew them was gone and it was time to move on.

                Let's move on again before things get even worse...


                • #9
                  They can work on Alex Wesker, the Family, Tricell, the mysterious and never revealed Ada`s plans. I just hope they don`t forget Alex.
                  The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase


                  • #10
                    Bring back some forgotten characters for once.


                    • #11
                      Honestly, flow the way of the movies. 6 almost did it.

                      I would love the idea of like a WHOLE country or even the world just ravaged by zombies where there are like certain outposts for people to safely live (one ironically would be where Raccoon City was). I mean listen, now the games are just becoming cat and mouse. They are NEVER going to stop Bio attacks. Id say for the next few games have all the surviving main characters return. Having one or two sacrifice themselves to save everyone or some BS like that. But I'd want it like waking dead style. Yeah have tons of zombies but really have it focus on the characters and their survival and the struggles they face (ala Resident Evil Extinction)


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Darkness View Post
                        Bring back some forgotten characters for once.
                        And destroy them like they did chris, leon and jill?

                        Chris looks like a firetruck now, leon looks like a junkie and jill now has a completely new face and look.
                        They are destroying the characters.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by ccrogers15
                          And destroy them like they did chris, leon and jill?
                          I thought Leon was much better in RE6 than he was in the past and Jill was never great to begin with. They just butchered Chris' looks by giving him huge arms.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Grem View Post
                            I thought Leon was much better in RE6 than he was in the past and Jill was never great to begin with. They just butchered Chris' looks by giving him huge arms.
                            Leon in RE6 looked like a complete junkie, jill was awesome from RE1-RE5, and chris was cool until RE1-RE5.
                            Chris was destroyed in RE5 with the inclusion of his firetruck arms, jill in RE5 became oversexualized, then later she starting with ORC and RER became a completely different person, and leon became a junkie in re6.

                            IMO the best versions of these characters, are Jill in RE3, Leon in RE2 and Chris in RE CV.
                            Chris felt down to earth and human in RE CV, Jill was sassy and cool in RE3 (Which she should of been considering her ordeal), and leon in RE2 felt normal and felt human, unlike his hotheaded super ego self in RE4.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by ccrogers15
                              Leon in RE6 looked like a complete junkie
                              I still don't understand why you say that. I'd like to see a junkie with these kinds of leather jackets or classy shirts.

                              jill was awesome from RE1-RE5
                              Frankly, I always found Jill to be completely dull.

                              jill in RE5 became oversexualized
                              She was worse in RE3 than in that game. A trained police officer wearing a mini-skirt and a tube top during a zombie outbreak? *facepalm*

                              I agree with you on Chris, though.
                              Last edited by Grem; 05-18-2013, 09:04 AM.

