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Let's discuss the RE15 Sewers ....

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  • Let's discuss the RE15 Sewers ....

    I want to thank everyone for their positive response to my latest Leon's game walkthrough videos. Some of you asked if you could help with the next batch. Well, here's your chance. As you know, the Sewers are apparently the most disorganized and confusing part of RE15 to someone who's new to the topic. There has been a lot of discussion about them over the years, fueled largely by a lack of good data. The release of the MZD build by Team IGAS earlier this year helped to answer many of those questions, but also raised some new ones. This brings us back to the one question that remains ever since the existence of RE15 became known - how were the Sewers supposed to play?

    Before I do any videos of Leon's game in the Sewers, I'd like to hear your thoughts and opinions. I'd like to gather everything together that we know outside of the current restoration effort(s) and nail it down as best we can. Not only would this help me with my videos, it might prove of use to others ... such as Team IGAS, Martin Biohazard, the team over the RE 123 Modding Forums trying to port the game to the RE2 engine, and any other PMODders out there. It would also definitely help the newbies among our ranks - those who haven't been involved in the RE15 effort like some of us have - or as deeply and as long as some of you.

    So, before we begin, let's pool our data. Here's some resources to start out with that I've put together to share with you. If I got anything wrong, please let me know. If you've got anything you want to share, post it here. And while I can't keep the occasional controversy from intruding ... well ... let's keep it to a minimum, shall we?


    RE15 Sewers Visual Data Dump v1.0 (YouTube)

    RE15 Sewers proposed walkthrough v1.0

    RE15 Sewers updated maps (see the proposed walkthrough)
    Map 1 -
    Map 2 -

    Enigmatism415's original Sewers (Drains) walkthrough map

    And even though they're now quite obsolete, here's some of Black Crow's old hypothetical Sewers maps ... for nostalgia purposes, if nothing else.

    Last edited by RMandel; 05-29-2013, 07:42 AM.

  • #2
    Nice work mate Enjoyed watching the 1.5 Visual Data dump.


    • #3
      an interesting topic, since the sewers are the most mysterious part of the game.
      Last edited by Carnivol; 05-29-2013, 05:31 PM.


      • #4
        RMandel your 1.5 videos are superb, i've been looking at them, i just watched the dead station, the better door screens and text helping tie it in are very nice.


        • #5
          "fixed" the thread. Hope you don't mind me censoring your post a little, Rick. Let's keep this on topic, guys. I'll week ban anyone who even remotely derails it the same way as the first time.

          Also, the sewers are indeed an interesting subject, since they seem to be the most changing aspect of RE2 between all development stages.


          • #6
            Posted elsewhere but might as well be posted here too since you're interested in this section of the game.

            Here's some points about the Spider Tunnel. There is clearly a missing room in this sewer system that leads up to the shutter platform, perhaps a stairwell of some sort. As we can see, the shutter functions but the box does not remain in the room when you warp back. Can you tell by looking at RDT data whether there are "working" ledge boundaries where the shutter is? Perhaps the box puzzle would be completable should the ledge boundary actually be working and you could drop down to complete it. It would be interesting to try and piece together a map of this alternative sewer system. This room is an odd one as there is only one way in, and a puzzle which is required to get out, which indicates that there is more than simply a stair well beyond that door.

            Funnily enough I could swear I've already seen a play through of this sewer system on YouTube way back in 200X when I first started researching 1.5 on Bioflames long before this leak, as well as other unidentified RE beta rooms, I've definitely seen that shutter room before, although that's for another story.
            Last edited by Guest; 05-29-2013, 05:48 PM.


            • #7
              It's clear you push that box off the ledge after you open the shutter, what's the purpose of it though? push it off in to the spider area so you can climb back up ?


              • #8
                damn, last i heard there was RE 6.. but RE 15, I wonder if it'd get that far lol

                sorry, I just wanted to post something :x


                • #9
                  Originally posted by SinValentine View Post
                  damn, last i heard there was RE 6.. but RE 15, I wonder if it'd get that far lol

                  sorry, I just wanted to post something :x
                  lol. hey hey, I hope you seriously know its 1.5 not 15


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by drunkdog View Post
                    It's clear you push that box off the ledge after you open the shutter, what's the purpose of it though? push it off in to the spider area so you can climb back up ?
                    It's used to reach this high catwalk beside the canal. You can simulate the effect of climbing the box by interacting with one of the spider vents to trigger an air jesus glitch, then press the action button near the ledge to climb up.
                    Click image for larger version

Name:	00000526.png
Views:	1
Size:	111.0 KB
ID:	403005

                    @geluda - the spider tunnel could be connected to this, door types notwithstanding (they seem to keep getting constantly revised). You'd just need a room/hallway to connect the doors on the lower passageway:
                    Click image for larger version

Name:	00000197.png
Views:	1
Size:	107.0 KB
ID:	403006
                    Seibu teh geimu?


                    • #11
                      star where are you getting all these screens?


                      • #12
                        Would not be a total surprise if He has a build of the game more complete than the released and never said so. The RE community is crazy like that.


                        • #13
                          The images that biohazard_star is posting is on both the vanilla build and the WIP build. They are from room 201. This is from a much older version of the sewers.
                          My Head-Fi Page


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by ccrogers15 View Post
                            Would not be a total surprise if He has a build of the game more complete than the released and never said so. The RE community is crazy like that.
                            Uh, no. It's more like you've been living under a rock. The MZD build has been picked clean apart of its assets for a while now. Maybe you should do some detective work, like what the cool dude in your avatar does.

                            star where are you getting all these screens?
                            DB posted a rip of the game's background files a while back. Dunno if the download is still up, but you could always just rip them yourself, since there is now a working file extractor for the .iso.
                            Seibu teh geimu?


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
                              Uh, no. It's more like you've been living under a rock. The MZD build has been picked clean apart of its assets for a while now. Maybe you should do some detective work, like what the cool dude in your avatar does.

                              DB posted a rip of the game's background files a while back. Dunno if the download is still up, but you could always just rip them yourself, since there is now a working file extractor for the .iso.
                              Dude... it was only a joke. Jesus. Click image for larger version

Name:	SmileySuicide.gif
Views:	1
Size:	2.6 KB
ID:	403007

                              You people on this forum take things way to seriously compared to other forums i frequent.
                              Last edited by ccrogers15; 05-30-2013, 01:09 AM.

