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Let's discuss the RE15 Sewers ....

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  • #31
    Tried to determine where these areas, aswell as the spider tunnel - is located.

    Unfortunately in the MZD Build, the sewers only has one map - Drain B2
    In-game - the only areas on this map are highlighted lighter (L Corridor and the flood passage)

    The top half is from the game map itself - I just assumed the images on the right would fit there? I may be totally wrong - not to mention the door is missing on the map
    Last edited by RaccoonSurvivor; 06-02-2013, 03:07 PM.
    "I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"


    • #32
      Originally posted by Darkness View Post
      lol. hey hey, I hope you seriously know its 1.5 not 15
      i know, i'm just poking fun at the topic lol. was feeling bored


      • #33
        Originally posted by RaccoonSurvivor View Post
        Tried to determine where these areas, aswell as the spider tunnel - is located.

        Unfortunately in the MZD Build, the sewers only has one map - Drain B2
        In-game - the only areas on this map are highlighted lighter (L Corridor and the flood passage)

        The top half is from the game map itself - I just assumed the images on the right would fit there? I may be totally wrong - not to mention the door is missing on the map
        Very good! That's exactly where most of us agree to put those images (and video clips) of Leon fighting all those civilian zombies. They don't call it the Zombie Tunnel for nothin.'

        The image of Leon shooting the spider belongs in the Pump Room. That's located in the room directly below the tunnel where Leon fights the zombies (the Bridge Tunnel) and above and to the right of the Central Hub. That image comes from the 80% build; neither the RDTs nor the backgrounds appear in the MZD build. Its door is the last one on the right on the upper catwalk of the Central Hub.

        I'll have the first of my Sewers videos linked to the RE15 videos thread later today. It will cover the Lower Canal (Arrival Area), the Save Room, the Central Hub Corridor (first visit), the Central Hub, and the East Tank Control Room and Deck (first visit). Central Hub recreated backgrounds by biohazard_star, "smoke-and-mirrors" video clips of the Central Hub and Control Room made possible by the combined talents of Martin (Dark) Biohazard, Leo2236, and biohazard_star.

        ADDENDUM - I now have the second Sewers video ready. It covers the West Tank, Spider Tunnel, and Main Pump Room. Central Hub and West Tank recreated backgrounds by biohazard_star, "smoke-and-mirrors" video clips of both made possible by the combined talents of Martin (Dark) Biohazard, Leo2236, and biohazard_star.

        I've also got a somewhat revised version of my proposed Sewers "walkthrough" ready for download. Here's the link:

        ADDENDUM 2 - I now have the third Sewers video ready. It covers the events leading up to the Water Chase cutscene, the fight with the alligators in the West Tank room, the Zombie Tunnel, and the events leading up to the boss fight with the BIG alligator in the East Tank. Same credits as before for the recreated backgrounds and the "smoke-and-mirrors" recreated video clips.

        Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

        The plan for the next video right now is to discuss three different theories as to how Leon gets into the North Canal (so he can exit the stage) - since that's one of the two only remaining "big issues" (by my count) about the Sewers. Big issues - not little nitpicks like item placements and such. That's also the epsiode that will either lead up to or deal with Keiji's Corridor - since I believe that's tied into the development history of the North Canal.

        ADDENDUM 3 - The fourth and final RE15 Sewers video is now up. I think it speaks for itself.

        This will be my last RE15-related video for a while, unless something develops. I'm uncomfortable being so far ahead of the Team's work, and there are some fans who think I may be spoiling whatever they're going to do. That is not and never was my intent - and they know that - but I think there's something to what they're saying. Besides - the community pretty much has all the pieces they need to reconstruct the rest of RE15, and what's still missing can (mostly) be extrapolated either from what happens in the back half of RE2 or from the actual RE15 game data that's been amassed by fans. It was RE15's RPD and Sewers that we needed to straighten out - and hopefully, thanks to the help that many of you have given me, we've just about done that. So enjoy as always, and I hope we've managed to answer most of your questions about the Sewers.
        Last edited by RMandel; 06-07-2013, 07:17 PM.


        • #34
          I still really wish we could get some great info on what the original gator fight consisted of


          • #35
            I have a lot to say about this topic, but it's late, so I'll start here:

            Originally posted by RMandel View Post
            The final-form Spider Tunnel is retained (early promo trailers).
            This is something that I've yet to be entirely convinced of. Yes, one of the Hyper Playstation Remix videos (volume 3) depicts unmistakable Era-5 gameplay within this corridor, but given the unveiling of the Drains B2 map and considering which areas were documented by Kim's source (or perhaps more importantly, which ones were not), I've no reason to believe that the "Spider Tunnel" wasn't merely kept on-board as a test room to be removed upon the game's completion.


            Originally posted by RaccoonSurvivor View Post
            Tried to determine where these areas, as well as the spider tunnel - is located. I just assumed the images on the right would fit there? I may be totally wrong - not to mention the door is missing on the map
            First of all, you won't find the Spider Tunnel on this map because it belongs to the first (or alpha) stage of Sewer development.

            Secondly, I believe that the "Zombie Corridor" shown in the right side of your image connects the Northwest "baby gator" Tank with the Central Tank (or hub). My strongest evidence is the distance from the door to the closest perpendicular wall; it seems to be a match (unless someone can prove me wrong).


            For those who haven't seen it in the old Sewer thread, I have a map here that I made shortly after the MZD release (perhaps it might clear things up or raise more debate):

            EDIT: I just noticed that RMandel had provided a link to this map within his initial post anyway.

            I also have a full 3D SketchUp model to which biohazard_star has since contributed generously, but the measurements were made before I had acquired Orin's clean bitmap rips containing the pixel-perfect rulers. Thus, the measurements and geometry ratios are a bit off (though negligible in degree), but I'd still like to revise the 3D model. I am also considering building the Drains stage in UDK (as I had done with the RPD).
            Last edited by Enigmatism415; 06-13-2013, 08:33 AM.


            • #36
              Originally posted by Deathlygasm View Post
              I still really wish we could get some great info on what the original gator fight consisted of
              Same, I speculate that it was harder and in more of an enclosed space. It was obviously in a giant water tank as opposed to the easily escapable corridor. If you have ever played the RECO for half life then you'll know what I mean by I think it was similar. Except instead of drowing it you have to shoot it until it dies.


              • #37
                guys sorry if this question?Why the sewers of 2 versions of resident evil (1.5 is resident evil 2) there are no rats, the true bearers of the t-virus on raccoon city? It would be interesting to introduce them as small enemies to defeat, killing one of them and very easy but hard to kill them when they are in groups to ' esempiò (the Compsognathus dino crisis series).


                • #38
                  Originally posted by geluda View Post
                  Interestingly the muddled up background is called L Tunnel 2, the first of which being the Drains L Tunnel, so why would a room be named after something if it was older and more obsolete? It might be obsolete, but I'm not all so certain that it's older than L Tunnel, unless it was Team IGAS who named it L Tunnel 2.
                  Older or not, the newer portion of the "LTunnel2" RDT (which had partially overwritten the "green ledge corridor") depicts an alternate version of the "flood corridor". This becomes obvious upon closer inspection, as the two rooms are identical (save for the wall and floor skins, camera angles, and low ducts).

                  Originally posted by geluda View Post
                  The problem I have in the L Tunnel is that there are three ladders, one ladder leads to 11B Garage B, one leads to 10B Outdoor A, and the last leads to 300 Site A. The last one absolutely can not lead to 300 Site A, because why would it? If that was the case one could simply go down the ladder into L Tunnel at the first opportunity, cross the water and skip the whole sewer section going directly to the factory. That ladder at the end of 200 L Tunnel must lead back up into B1 and take you to some other section of the sewers.
                  That ladder leads to the northwest tank, which features baby alligators and a floating-box puzzle. The two-tiered Drains B2 map clearly illustrates this.

                  Originally posted by geluda View Post
                  If I was to say, I'd say that all these sections of the sewers, or the majority of them, were all intended for final. So my impression is, that B2 is the Drains and B1 is the sewers. You start by going down into B2 from either 11B Garage B if playing with Leon and 10B Outdoor A if playing with Elza. Both Leon and Elza start on B2 in the Drains but cross to the other side and make their way back up into B1 into the green sewer system. From there they make their way round the system through various rooms and corridors, passing the 207 Spider Tunnel, until they reach the top of the water tank and find a key to open the double doors in 200 L Tunnel. They then make their way back through the sewers until they reach L Tunnel again where they open the doors and the water drains. Inside they find and fight the Alligator boss, after which they then gain access to the Factory.
                  The green sewer system and the brown/grey sewer system represent completely distinct designs, as B.Zork has strongly implied and with which I strongly concur. If the official Drains B2 map alone isn't enough to convince you, then the partially overwritten state of "LTunnel2" should make it quite clear that the green areas were on their way out.
                  Last edited by Enigmatism415; 06-13-2013, 08:38 AM.


                  • #39
                    Even the Spider Tunnel? The Spider Tunnel featured in late era media footage, it was clearly still in consideration and not phased out of the build at that point in development. I trust the opinions of those in the know, but I'm not entirely convinced that the green sewers were entirely phased out of post-PSM era stages of development.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by geluda View Post
                      Even the Spider Tunnel? The Spider Tunnel featured in late era media footage, it was clearly still in consideration and not phased out of the build at that point in development.
                      I understand what you're saying, and indeed the "spider tunnel" is playable in at least one Era-5 build (the Hyper Playstation Remix Vol. 3 video confirms this). However, take care not to mistake playability with finality. As this room had already been fully textured and operational (with the spiders crawling out of the ducts), it's rather probable that the room persisted temporarily as a disconnected test room, which was intended to be ultimately removed upon the game's completion. Aside from this one excerpt of video footage, all evidence points to this area being a constituent of the original sewer design, which we know was in the process of being overwritten in the PSM build. To integrate it into the final sewer design would require brute force; it simply doesn't fit, and that particular room demands three multistory portals, none of which are visible on the legitimate Drains B2 map.


                      By the way, this old post of mine illustrates one of my earlier observations regarding the flood corridor rather well:

                      Last edited by Enigmatism415; 06-14-2013, 12:02 AM.


                      • #41
                        I see. So what is the purpose of the long corridor with the metal sheet (bridge)? On the map in the MZD build it isn't clearly obvious what the room is intended for, how you get in, where it leads or how you get out. That's the one room that is a real mystery to me.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by geluda View Post
                          I see. So what is the purpose of the long corridor with the metal sheet (bridge)? On the map in the MZD build it isn't clearly obvious what the room is intended for, how you get in, where it leads or how you get out. That's the one room that is a real mystery to me.
                          The canal arrangement and door placement strongly suggest that this "bridge" corridor connects the northwest "baby gator" tank with the "central hub". Examine the map and compare the central tank's northern door placement with that of the "bridge" corridor (of which there are two publicly known versions, both with the same door placement).

                          Compare this 3D model that I designed (using the legitimate Drains B2 map as the blueprint) with actual screenshots of this corridor (one earlier version, one later version). Notice the door placement:

                          Click image for larger version

Name:	3Dcompare.png
Views:	1
Size:	157.7 KB
ID:	403102Click image for larger version

Name:	Sewer_hall04_04.png
Views:	3
Size:	178.9 KB
ID:	403100Click image for larger version

Name:	Sewer_hall03_02.png
Views:	3
Size:	151.9 KB
ID:	403101

                          Now, it's damn near impossible for me to get the angle exactly right (even IGAS has trouble with this now and again), but it's in the ballpark at least. I don't want to rule out the possibility that the "zombie / bridge" canal is actually the northern canal, but this seems less likely as that room does not feature any doors on the Drains B2 map. If it does turn out to be the northern canal, however, then this is likely one of the final destinations in the Sewer chapter.

                          If someone with perspective-matching software can help me out here, I think that we'd all benefit from determining where this corridor does and doesn't belong.
                          Last edited by Enigmatism415; 06-14-2013, 12:52 AM.


                          • #43
                            Enig's got a point about the Spider Tunnel. The only place you can conceivably connect the Spider Tunnel is that funky little L-shaped hallway in the Baby Gator Room - the one that was added for the 80% build. That's not on the Drains B2 map in the 40% build, but it exists in Kim's lone still from the 80% build. There's two big problems with doing that, however. First, it's a "green" room - but it's placed high up, even higher than the "brown" rooms. Logically that doesn't make sense. Maybe they stuck it there as a test room, as Enig thinks? Maybe it was going to get a "brown" makeover? Who knows? Second, the lower part of its "L" - the section running in front of the Crate Room - would cut directly across and into the top of the North Canal. Perhaps it did at one point - there's a big dent halfway down Keiji's Corridor that could be used to hand-wave this away in any playable Sewers reconstruction, even though I don't think it would match up if you tried to do an accurate map. *sigh* If only we knew more about the 80% build's final design for the North Canal. RE2's "long green corridor" is the only guide we have for that right now, but it's a dangerous one - as you all know - due to what was changed for RE2.

                            Oddly enough, we have almost all the backgrounds for the Zombie Tunnel in the three (or four) video clips that exist for them - unless they're representative of different builds or eras. They appear to match up where Enig and bio placed it on the Drains B2 map. There's a single door at each end and the bridge in the middle. One end has a plain wall texture (that's the end I connected to the Baby Gator Room in my videos), while the other end has a wall-mounted breaker box (the Central Hub end in my videos). While the evidence isn't conclusive, it's pretty strong - with the only real argument being which end is which? (laugh) And I'm still puzzling over that bridge, or whatever it's supposed to be. It reminds me a lot of the grate and gate smack in the middle of RE2's "long green corridor," for some reason. It seems to serve no purpose ... and yet it MUST have one. I ignored it in my "walkthrough" videos, but it's there for a reason. I just wish I knew why.
                            Last edited by RMandel; 06-14-2013, 04:39 AM.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by geluda View Post
                              I see. So what is the purpose of the long corridor with the metal sheet (bridge)? On the map in the MZD build it isn't clearly obvious what the room is intended for, how you get in, where it leads or how you get out. That's the one room that is a real mystery to me.
                              If you're speaking of the northeast corridor, which is the longest corridor on the Drains B2 map and features no visible portals, biohazard_star and I believe that the Time Bomb item is planted within the northwest "baby gator" tank once it is drained later in the game. This would essentially blow a hole in the wall that separates the northwest tank from the northeast corridor.

                              Originally posted by RMandel View Post
                              The only place you can conceivably connect the Spider Tunnel is that funky little L-shaped hallway in the Baby Gator Room - the one that was added for the 80% build. That's not on the Drains B2 map in the 40% build, but it exists in Kim's lone still from the 80% build.
                              It's highly unlikely that the "spider corridor" is connected to the L-shaped corridor seen at the rear of the northwest tank because that corridor didn't even exist until Era-5, whilst the "spider corridor" most likely originates from the second or third era. Thus, such an important connection would have been illustrated in the fourth era (PSM) Drains B2 map, but instead we find that the sub-corridor hadn't even been conceived at that point. The portals of the "spider corridor" most likely led to perfectly sensible destinations in the original sewer design, and once that design was replaced by the later one, the fully functional room could only be reached by room hopping with the debug menu or through temporarily erroneous door assignments.

                              Forgive me if this is blasphemous, but I'm even starting to think that the "zombie / bridge" corridor may have been merely a "proof-of-concept" or demo room and not a part of the final sewer layout. It doesn't really seem to fit perfectly anywhere, and in the later version of this corridor, the door has a pipe running right across it. It's also designed like a "miniscule" version of the L Corridor ('l' instead of 'L'). Don't get me wrong, I mostly believe that it is indeed a part of the final sewer design, but I just wanted to throw the idea out there for people to chew on. Maybe IGAS can shed some light on this issue if they have any more reliable information (if they're willing to share any, that is). I could try asking Kamiya, but if trends continue, I won't get a response (at least not a fruitful one).


                              • #45
                                ^^ Kamiya will just give his usual response of not wanting to talk about the game and calling it a piece of shit. I mean I can't really blame the guy he gets harassed all the time about this stuff....

