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The Tale of 1.5

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  • #76
    ..The age of reason wanted her mysteries; she took refuge in What she created was a mystery of banality..

    Overdue post but RE 1.5 was the final piece of the puzzle for me.. I definitely don't feel much need to come on here anymore It was a fun, few years though. Other than RE 1.5 I enjoyed the old you are cordially invited thread the most I think Drinking way past bed time has its moments.. Thanks to everyone who participated


    • #77
      Last edited by Deus Flux; 01-21-2014, 07:50 AM.


      • #78
        Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View Post
        I've been waiting for a good old fashioned THIA circle jerk... It's certainly more uplifting than the successive "shitstorms" these parts are known for.
        In a way, a shitstorm has brought us all together.

        To those who put their money, hard work and knowledge towards 1.5, thank you.


        • #79
          Correct me if I`m wrong, but now we know that the vanilla build and any build prior to the IGAS work is totally unplayable, fullfilled with glitches and bugs, there is no chance for oportunists to sell anything, I mean, if IGAS are the only team who can turn the 1.5 into something playable, and they are doing it for free, who would be so stupid now to pay for an unplayable inferior build? This shouldn`t be a problem anymore, right?
          Last edited by Lanzagranadas; 06-03-2013, 12:18 PM.
          The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase


          • #80
            Originally posted by Lanzagranadas View Post
            Correct me if I`m wrong, but now we know that the vanilla build and any build prior to the IGAS work is totally unplayable, fullfilled with glitches and bugs, there is no chance for oportunists to sell anything, I mean, if IGAS are the only team who can turn the 1.5 into something playable, and they are doing it for free, who would be so stupid now to pay for an unplayable inferior build? This shouldn`t be a problem anymore, should it?
            Considering a copy is currently on eBay, I'd say yes.


            • #81
              As I am a collector on my own, I can assure you that any proto/beta/alpha/gamma/x/y/z version (aka content or function) in its original medium (form as original era dev cd-r, dev cart, test cart) has a value, sometimes skyrocketing high. Usually original function without original form is worthless collection item. It's like owning a photo of mona lisa picture. However, i would not mind owning ISO copy of rare gems. The ebay auction lacks form for sure. Whether it has a function; i doubt. I doubt enough not to bid on it.

              Now, as of continuing the form-function paradigma, one can understand what makes some members little bit upset and wanting vanilla build. MZD release classifies as modified function without original form. to some of you like this:

              However, to those, who see it as such, let me seed you another idea, its like old broken vase, a function of Air Jesus is no enjoyable function. IGAS is restoring its function to something complete and enjoyable. A fully working vase if you like. You can put even water into it. So having at the end restored working function without original form as ISO (but as its only form - thus being original) is the best outcome in view of old time collector.
              Last edited by Marvin; 06-03-2013, 02:23 PM.
              ja i am made of dur butter and you are worth 2k monies


              • #82
                Sure every beta has its value, but knowing that IGAS said they`re going to release the original, unmodified, glitchy and buggy build along with their completed modified version, and given the fact that we already calmed our anxiety with a playable build after 15 years, thanks to them, who is so desperate now to pay hundred or thousends of dollars to a swindler on eBay for something we somehow already played and we are supossed to get in both its final an its very primitive form when all this ends?
                Last edited by Lanzagranadas; 06-03-2013, 03:25 PM.
                The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase


                • #83
                  Originally posted by Borman View Post
                  In this thread, a bunch of people who have never paid a dime for an unreleased game. I, too, have lost hundreds of dollars, not to this, but to other games, all for nothing. There is a reason why quite a few of the people actually capable of finding games like this are bowing out.
                  Most of us were never offered paying for it. I could have afforded to pay a good chunk of it back then.


                  After reading that apparently what was playable last year is about all there is to it, I'm glad I was excluded.
                  Last edited by The_15th; 06-03-2013, 03:38 PM.


                  • #84
                    Originally posted by The_15th View Post
                    Most of us were never offered paying for it. I could have afforded to pay a good chunk of it back then.
                    Not saying you wouldn't live up to your word, but after having helped with or contributed to these types of public donation drives several times a year for the past decade, the general reoccuring pattern in all of them has been that people rarely do pay anything at all and those with the largest mouths tend to vanish for the exact duration of the donation drive.

                    Also, THIA tried to do a public check back in 2007 for a pretty big prototype (probably the same we're looking at now) -- results were ... not exactly shockingly surprising, but still disappointing


                    • #85
                      Back in 2007 I promised 300$, and it's still a valid offer if someone creates a donation system


                      • #86
                        I agree with Rick. I can kick in 200


                        • #87
                          For the final build, I'll take out any loan required. Five figures easy, and it would be worth it to bring this whole saga to an end.


                          • #88
                            Haha, yeah, if there was some kind of known way to acquire the final build this 40% version would be the least of my problems. But from what we know the restoration project would still be necessary to turn it into something really playable.


                            • #89
                              Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
                              Haha, yeah, if there was some kind of known way to acquire the final build this 40% version would be the least of my problems. But from what we know the restoration project would still be necessary to turn it into something really playable.
                              True, but boy would it speed things up. So far we seem to be studying Egyptian without the Rosetta Stone.


                              • #90
                                Hmmm, definitely getting interesting...
                                I'm a blackstar.

