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The Tale of 1.5

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  • #91
    Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
    Not saying you wouldn't live up to your word, but after having helped with or contributed to these types of public donation drives several times a year for the past decade, the general reoccuring pattern in all of them has been that people rarely do pay anything at all and those with the largest mouths tend to vanish for the exact duration of the donation drive.

    Also, THIA tried to do a public check back in 2007 for a pretty big prototype (probably the same we're looking at now) -- results were ... not exactly shockingly surprising, but still disappointing
    My donation was laughably low back then, being a poor college student with no money vs being a poor college student with some money occasionally now hah. But hey, good on me for actually saying an amount I could have contributed back then.

    But yeah, the amount of money lost on those RARE betas for the 64 is enough for me. People can throw around whatever amount of money they say they will contribute all that they want, but Carn and I both know that when it comes time to pay up, even if days later, suddenly it's a big deal. Still waiting on hundreds from people who said "Sure, this weekend" or "After payday."
    Last edited by Borman; 06-03-2013, 10:10 PM.


    • #92
      Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View Post
      For the final build, I'll take out any loan required. Five figures easy, and it would be worth it to bring this whole saga to an end.
      If the "80" percent build or any other build that is finish further then 80 percent appears, PM me with info and I'll also kick in a nice chunk as well.


      • #93
        i would buttfuck donald trump for the bioflames build.


        • #94
          I have $500 set aside for prototype material. I've dipped into it before to buy builds of other games from people. I'd gladly chip in if the 80% build shows up.
          My Head-Fi Page


          • #95
            I suppose the non-monetary variable is to whom it would appear (or at least what kind of person). If even the PSM curator was unwilling to conduct a (serious) public auction of his build, I would imagine that the later-build curators would proceed with even higher caution and secrecy. At the end of the day though, money talks, and the more the louder.

            You'd think we could at least buy some screenshots and videos; I would even settle for a fireside Q&A...


            • #96
              I would imagine that once the IGAS project is released it will become the only version most RE fans even care about. There will be a handful of RE fans who still pursue the 80% build, but a majority of the commotion will have died down. Most of those who are passionate about 1.5 simply wish to play the lost version of RE2. It's the mythical allure of an alternate universe; what could have been.

              Now it's being made into a fully playable game (the ultimate dream) which is way more than anyone could have ever asked for. The only useful thing about the 80% would be more assests for IGAS to use; their project will be far more enjoyable of an experience. And if the assests of the 80% that IGAS aren't privy to are nothing substantial then it really doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things I suppose.

              Only the hardcore collector's and purists will go for the later builds of 1.5. Those in possesion of later builds will either sell for much cheaper than we'd expect to see as of now, or they'll simply hold onto them and we'll never see them. Most of the community won't care. Either way, we'll see what happens in a few years after the restoration is complete.

              Would I like to see the later builds of 1.5 surface? Absolutely. But I have a gut feeling that in the long run after I've played the IGAS project I simply won't care, and the ghost of 1.5 will be put to rest.
              Last edited by Graco; 06-04-2013, 02:29 AM.
              "Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."


              • #97
                Originally posted by Graco View Post
                The only useful thing about the 80% would be more assests for IGAS to use; their project will be far more enjoyable of an experience. And if the assests of the 80% that IGAS aren't privy to are nothing substantial then it really doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things I suppose.
                That's just the thing though; the importance of the 80% build to IGAS doesn't just boil down to saving time and effort through the importation of assets into the PSM build, but rather has more to do with simply figuring out what the hell is going on in the game and what everything even looks like. Granted, the Trial Edition backgrounds, Inflames photographs, and various video footage (the magazine scans have offered no additional post-PSM information) have revealed an incredible amount of useful information; just imagine what the restoration project would be like without such media (likely impossible). Taking this into consideration, it's not really the final build's assets themselves that will determine the authenticity of the gameplay experience, but rather what can be seen and heard from them. We have already seen and heard a good chunk of them, but there is likely more to be seen and heard, and presumably quite substantial things at that.

                EDIT: I know it's just empty talk, but I'm trying to stress the importance of seeking evidence from the later builds, and not necessarily the underlying 1s and 0s contained on the disc.
                Last edited by Enigmatism415; 06-04-2013, 02:51 AM.


                • #98
                  Wasn't it that the only thing missing from the 80% build was voice acting and fmv cutscenes? If that's the case then I wouldn't mind playing a round of Russian roulette for it .
                  Last edited by Lead belly; 06-04-2013, 10:47 AM.


                  • #99
                    only a handful of rooms that didn't exist on the bioflames build. According to Bzork no voice acting on it though
                    Game was completable as leon, elza hung at the train i believe, according to inflame's source.


                    • Originally posted by Lead belly View Post
                      Wasn't it that the only thing missing from the 80% build was voice acting and fmv cutscenes? If that's the case then I wouldn't mind playing a round of Russian roulette for it .
                      That's what people assume, but in all honesty I think the Bioflames build is probably a lot more incomplete than people give it credit for.
                      Last edited by Guest; 06-04-2013, 11:29 AM.


                      • When exactly did the Inflames source event happen? With the screenshots and information? I think I heard it was 2001, but when in 2001? Just curious of the time frame. Bioflames posts in their current forum only goes back to 2003, so I can't seem to narrow down a time frame. Most information I've heard on those events are very brief mentions. "Source contacted Kim, claimed to have final version of RE 1.5, sent screenshots, was thinking of giving it to Kim, but then got scared and disappeared, the end." Is pretty much all I see mentioned.


                        • Originally posted by Eteponge View Post
                          When exactly did the Inflames source event happen? With the screenshots and information? I think I heard it was 2001, but when in 2001? Just curious of the time frame. Bioflames posts in their current forum only goes back to 2003, so I can't seem to narrow down a time frame. Most information I've heard on those events are very brief mentions. "Source contacted Kim, claimed to have final version of RE 1.5, sent screenshots, was thinking of giving it to Kim, but then got scared and disappeared, the end." Is pretty much all I see mentioned.
                          If I remember correctly it was 2000-2001, although don't quote me on that.


                          • Originally posted by Eteponge View Post
                            When exactly did the Inflames source event happen? With the screenshots and information? I think I heard it was 2001, but when in 2001? Just curious of the time frame. Bioflames posts in their current forum only goes back to 2003, so I can't seem to narrow down a time frame. Most information I've heard on those events are very brief mentions. "Source contacted Kim, claimed to have final version of RE 1.5, sent screenshots, was thinking of giving it to Kim, but then got scared and disappeared, the end." Is pretty much all I see mentioned.
                            As I understand it, it wasn't Kim's source's to give in the first place; he had received it from a close friend who worked for Capcom and could lose his job over the leak, so it was really him who scared off Kim's source rather than Kim. Kim had another small-time forum before Bioflames that he started in 1999 I believe, but it was eventually retired and Bioflames was born. I didn't even have internet access back then, let alone membership, and I don't think that anyone I know of on THIA was a member of that original forum either (maybe Mark?).


                            • Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View Post
                              Kim had another small-time forum before Bioflames that he started in 1999 I believe, but it was eventually retired and Bioflames was born.
                              Kim had his first website hosted by Geocities - like everybody else, back in the days - before he bought his own domain name and host.
                              You can check it at Wayback Archives:
                              I think that the only surviving members of his first forum and members of THIA are Rombie, Alzaire, and me. And Kim himself, of course
                              Bloodborne: my Facebook page and my Youtube page


                              • lol geocities, the late 90s, early 2000s.

                                We don't even know if that build is still out there,or that guy that worked for capcom took it back and smashed it or something, who knows. though the team talks about knowing more than whats in the 40% build, and according to Zork the bioflames build has no voice acting, makes you wonder.

