"builds" aren't self-boots on PlayStation platforms. In the old days, you needed "builds" to be flagged as a "master disc" from a mastering lab, in order for it to boot on a debug unit. Modded units don't need that master flag on the disc, but in order to play a build/backup/bootleg (anything not retail, basically) on a debug unit, you need to add a master flag to the disc when burning it. This is true for every single disc based PlayStation system.
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The Tale of 1.5
Originally posted by RMandel View PostWell, if both the MZD build and the Goromacida video are any indication, then the original 40% PVB is a self-booting disc. Remember, it was supposed to be a playable demo for press purposes. Everything we've seen so far indicates that it's self-booting.
Now, the "newsballz" leak of the MZD build over at the 123 forums back in May ISN'T self-booting. What is it missing that the "official" MZD build release has? Sorry if that's a stupid question - I'm an old-timer, and not familar with the PlayStation disc format and bootstrap sequences. Would it be possible to take that new utility by Mark Grass - Disc Smasher, I think - and make it bootable, just like the actual MZD build release? Might be an interesting exercise for anyone wanting to make their own custom RE15 disc. Just curious ....
logo.bin Sectors 0-15
16-22 ??? - Unused sector's used for disc protection tmd and message used in Dino Crisis, RE3 and Thrill Kill?
SYSTEM.CNF Sector 23
PSX.EXE Sectors 24-374
PACK.BIN sectors 375-46326
PACK.STR sectors 46327-end of disc
Carnivol, if that's true, how can the DTL-H1001 boot them no problem without a chip? As I understand, it has code that boot everything, even stuff that does not have a region designation (such as back-ups).
Originally posted by Zombie_X View PostCarnivol, if that's true, how can the DTL-H1001 boot them no problem without a chip? As I understand, it has code that boot everything, even stuff that does not have a region designation (such as back-ups).Last edited by Gemini; 07-15-2013, 02:20 AM.
Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter, also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.
^It's not like any PlayStation centric ISO compiling tool/fake licensing tool publicly available on the web for the past 10~15 years haven't been able to add master flags to any ISO thrown at them (with PS2 support added in 2001/2002 or something - Come to think of it, maybe only the TEST and TOOL units for the PS2 needed the master flag set, while the green and blue PS1 debug units didn't ... it's been a while).
From what I understand, a PS2 TEST console can play any PS1 or PS2 game on it from any region, original or CD-R. To make PS2 games work, you have to copy them to an ISO file and then use a master disc patching utility on it. Once you do that and reburn them, they should work just fine. It also has twice the memory of a regular retail PS2 (similar to a PS1 Debug unit), which makes some games load and play faster.
I've always ran PS2 discs via emulation myself, but that sounds neat for real hardware.Last edited by RMandel; 07-16-2013, 04:44 AM.
TESTs do not load faster or perform better than regular hardware when using retail software on them (unlike the original Xbox' XDK units or overclocked units retail units). Might be possible on a TOOL, but doubt it'd give you any performance advantage beyond the access speed boost from using the virtual drive feature (just like HDloader, basically) But you are correct about TEST units having more system memory.Last edited by Carnivol; 07-16-2013, 11:27 AM.
Originally posted by Carnivol View PostTESTs do not load faster or perform better than regular hardware when using retail software on them (unlike the original Xbox' XDK units or overclocked units retail units). Might be possible on a TOOL, but doubt it'd give you any performance advantage beyond the access speed boost from using the virtual drive feature (just like HDloader, basically) But you are correct about TEST units having more system memory.
...The results were astounding, and definitely noticeable; very fast (instantaneous loading of executable/data) and very desired (I want to do it, too!).I'm a blackstar.
Originally posted by Carnivol View PostSomeone fiddling with a TOOL? Might've been Mugi. She's got a major hard-on for her TOOLs and knows how they work in and out.
Here is the link (I could have sworn he tested game data, too; damn, I'm burnt-out):
I'm a blackstar.
At the start of Leon's battle with Birkin, where is Birkin hiding? on top of the crates or in the alcoves? if you watch the start of the animation it looks as though Birkin is getting up after stepping down from the crates. At the end of Elza's battle he runs off to hide somewhere but you can't see where because your always in the wrong position for Birkin to run without hitting something near the exit door.Last edited by Mikhail; 07-17-2013, 10:42 AM.
Originally posted by Mikhail View PostAt the start of Leon's battle with Birkin, where is Birkin hiding? on top of the crates or in the alcoves? if you watch the start of the animation it looks as though Birkin is getting up after stepping down from the crates. At the end of Elza's battle he runs off to hide somewhere but you can't see where because your always in the wrong position for Birkin to run without hitting something near the exit door.
On top of the crates sounds like the best idea. The warehouse is a pretty spacious place, with lots of room up above for him to wait in hiding. He could've even been watching the characters talking in the forklift room while he was up there.
I'm a bit surprised they didn't include an angle specifically for Birkin jumping down since it would've added a nice touch to his entrance scene.
Last edited by biohazard_star; 07-17-2013, 01:13 PM.Seibu teh geimu?
I think the team needs to change it so it plays the lift panel cutscene as soon as you turn the corner rather than clicking on the panel to activate it, that way you can't accidently see Birkin on the crates by walking up to them, like how Martin activated the Ada van cutscene.Last edited by Mikhail; 07-17-2013, 07:35 PM.