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Resident Evil Mysteries/Inconsistencies Inquiry Thread

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  • So I have two more questions now.
    I never questioned capcom's titling decisions with this series because I went by the common acknowledgment that code veronica was desired by capcom to be the real RE3 while REnemesis's creation was forced the RE3 title due to sony contract. But now that News Bot says thats false, then what was the deal with that then? Were they going to go the castlevania/super mario route and stop giving the entries numeral titles in exchange for "sub" titles just to eventually go against that idea when they named the next game RE4? Shouldn't the las plagas RE be rightfully called Resident Evil 5? Or some title like Resident Evil:The Las Plagas Adventure?

    My second question is too much of a topic changer to but in this post. I'll just post it some other time.
    Last edited by NEOMEGA; 05-10-2014, 06:03 PM. Reason: RERERER


    • The BIOHAZARD series has never had any exclusivity contracts. At most, it has had "gentlemen agreements", but these are not obligations or promises.

      BIO1.9 was retitled BIO3 for creative reasons. CAPCOM wanted a trilogy on the PlayStation because it suited their sales, and they had already moved the real BIO3 to the PlayStation 2. On top of that, they felt that the title of "1.9" would hurt sales of that game, so the change of titles served several purposes.

      CODE:Veronica was NEVER "the real BIO3." This is a misconception based on something Mikami once said in an interview about CV feeling more like a sequel than Last Escape... which is just stating the obvious, considering the latter was initially a side-story episode to BIO2. This doesn't mean CV was intended to be BIO3. In truth, BIO3 was in development before CV, which began development as a love letter to Sega fans to make up for CAPCOM's refusal to port BIO2 to the Sega Saturn. The basic idea behind its design was to return to the "reclusive horror" of BIO1, since the team felt that sequels tend to fail with the third title, so they wanted to go back to the feeling of the first title.

      Fact is, the numerals/subtitles don't mean jack shit. They are not a reflection of importance and are handed out pretty freely depending on circumstances within the company.
      PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


      • You sorta misread my post, when I said "whats the deal with that then" it meant to my first statement about questioning capcoms title confusion. You didn't need to restate that is was false, I remember from your previous posts.
        Anyway it always just bothered me considering by pacing of the series, code veronica is MUCH more deserving of the title re4 then the complete spinoff vibe the gamecube re4 had. I mean, clearly the titles decisons aren't ground breaking but its still nice from the collection perspective, orderly feeling to have it stick to one way and not flip flop. Right Metal Gear?


        • Ah sorry, it's a little late haha.

          CV wasn't numbered at all because it was initially planned as a Dreamcast exclusive. Then by the time they realized they wanted to port it, BIO4 was already being developed. It just wasn't very... economical to rename it. Otherwise they would've had BIO4 and BIO5 out within the same year. Of course, then BIO4 got scrapped and redone a few times.
          PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


          • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
            CV wasn't numbered at all because it was initially planned as a Dreamcast exclusive.
            Thats it. That makes perfect sense and now I completely understand the reasoning
            . End of that topic.


            • So I dunno if this was already answered (and Im sure it was) but what happened to Jill in RE6? I find it extremely odd to just not have her mentioned at all....


              • Originally posted by Mr.BioHazard View Post
                So I dunno if this was already answered (and Im sure it was) but what happened to Jill in RE6? I find it extremely odd to just not have her mentioned at all....
                Nothing happened.

                She is not mentioned because they will likely use her in the future and don't want to limit future writers.
                PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium

