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Resident Evil Mysteries/Inconsistencies Inquiry Thread

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  • #31
    Again, taking it too literally. Also; the line about the Tyrant being sent was removed altogether in the updated edition of Wesker's Report. I never said they were there to investigate Umbrella, nor does Wesker's Report.

    A point of view is fine, but don't get uppity if you're proven wrong.


    • #32
      Are all of the events in the Outbreak games considered cannon in the same vein that both RE2 a&b/b&a scenarios (or at least individual parts) are considered "cannon"? I imagine all of the events in the games couldn't possibly have taken place with the same characters in a short period of time. So I'm assuming some infinite, "alternate universe" angle in being used to justify their ability to be everywhere at once.

      Also, is there anything in the Outbreak scenarios that could possibly be contradictory to the RE lore given you judge them on a case by case basis? Like, say, the "Below Freezing Point" scenario?


      • #33
        Originally posted by Lead belly View Post
        Are all of the events in the Outbreak games considered cannon in the same vein that both RE2 a&b/b&a scenarios (or at least individual parts) are considered "cannon"? I imagine all of the events in the games couldn't possibly have taken place with the same characters in a short period of time. So I'm assuming some infinite, "alternate universe" angle in being used to justify their ability to be everywhere at once.

        Also, is there anything in the Outbreak scenarios that could possibly be contradictory to the RE lore given you judge them on a case by case basis? Like, say, the "Below Freezing Point" scenario?
        The Outbreak scenarios were meant to have a cohesive "canon" to them with each character given a spotlight, but as only ten out of the twenty scenarios were ever released, the narrative doesn't make much sense. So it's mostly a player choice thing.

        None of the scenarios themselves are contradictory at all.
        PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


        • #34
          Wow! I don't think I ever knew it was supposed to have 20. Sounds like I have some good reading to look forward to on the subject . I guess it also means if Capcom were to make a third game, then they'd still have plenty of material to work off of. Kudos!
          Last edited by Lead belly; 06-11-2013, 08:14 PM.


          • #35
            I always wonder about those unreleased Outbreak scenarios, I always hoped that the relationship between Yoko and Monica would be explained a little bit


            • #36
              I guess Yoko hides more than what the game shows. She appears as a normal college student but she also worked on Birkin´s lab. Her dress in Outbreak scenario intro hints some kind of scrapped plot related mistery and her name also appeared in a subject test list from an Umbrella experiment...
              The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase


              • #37
                well yes, base cells had been taken from her body for use in the Tyrant program, and Umbrella researcher Greg Mueller was somehow involved


                • #38
                  Originally posted by TheOrganization View Post
                  well yes, base cells had been taken from her body for use in the Tyrant program, and Umbrella researcher Greg Mueller was somehow involved
                  I'm pretty sure this is completely made-up.

                  She was involved in a t-Virus administration experiment. The purpose is unknown, but it's the reason she has the slowest infection gauge in the game. She has a higher level of resistance to the virus because she was exposed to it in 1996. An "accident" occurred during the experiment, and Mueller wiped her memory of it (incidentally, he did the same to Alyssa in 1993 when she witnessed the incident at the private hospital).
                  Last edited by News Bot; 06-12-2013, 07:29 PM.
                  PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                  • #39


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Jill Valentine

                      I'm sorry about your daughter, but there isn't gonna be any rescue, we have to get out of here!
                      Did she know about the nuke or something? Granted, most of the UBCS and RPD reserves were slaughtered, but what made her think that the government wouldn't send in a more adept rescue team?


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View Post
                        Did she know about the nuke or something? Granted, most of the UBCS and RPD reserves were slaughtered, but what made her think that the government wouldn't send in a more adept rescue team?
                        She's referring to the fact that the R.P.D. was wiped out and the military had simply sealed off the town. If they intended to send any rescue in they would've done it sooner. Instead, after initial evac attempts by the police and National Guard, they pulled out and blockaded the place. Then pulled out even further after some casualties (which is how Leon and Claire manage to just waltz in).
                        PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Lanzagranadas View Post
                          RE doesn`t have any inconsistencies.
                          Of course not, just need to follow this simple guide/set of rules.

                          1.) Pick and choose what to decalre as canon, including stating the same thing is both canon and non-canon as it suits the personal argument at the moment in time.
                          2.) If you source anything in english then it is a horribly translated mess and this is the only argument you need why it isn't canon, even if the original japanese says the same thing.
                          3.) If a game creator says something that crushes your idea of canon then he is an idiot and doesn't know what he is talking about and that statement is to be ignored, except other times when you source a quote from him and he is unquestionably right, always.
                          4.) Something is either entrely canon, or entirely non-canon, except when you need source the later half of a sentence as canon, but not the first half which is non-canon.
                          5.) You interpret everything wrong, even stuff clearly obvious with multiple sources, others interpret everything right, just because.
                          6.) That idea you're thinking based on various sources, it is wrong because someone else already made up their mind about it.

                          If you see anything wrong with these rules then the problem is YOU, because RE has the most consistant story and lore to ever exist.
                          Last edited by Dracarys; 07-14-2013, 10:48 AM.
                          Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Dracarys View Post
                            Of course not, just need to follow this simple guide/set of rules.

                            1.) Pick and choose what to decalre as canon, including stating the same thing is both canon and non-canon as it suits the personal argument at the moment in time.
                            2.) If you source anything in english then it is a horribly translated mess and this is the only argument you need why it isn't canon, even if the original japanese says the same thing.
                            3.) If a game creator says something that crushes your idea of canon then he is an idiot and doesn't know what he is talking about and that statement is to be ignored, except other times when you source a quote from him and he is unquestionably right, always.
                            4.) Something is either entrely canon, or entirely non-canon, except when you need source the later half of a sentence as canon, but not the first half which is non-canon.
                            5.) You interpret everything wrong, even stuff clearly obvious with multiple sources, others interpret everything right, just because.
                            6.) That idea you're thinking based on various sources, it is wrong because someone else already made up their mind about it.

                            If you see anything wrong with these rules then the problem is YOU, because RE has the most consistant story and lore to ever exist.
                            1) CAPCOM decide what is canon or not. No picking or choosing involved or necessary.
                            2) All English source material is dubious from the get-go. It has to be verified as being accurate to the original Japanese before it can be used as a source.
                            3) No creators have contradicted anything. (Mike Jones is not a creator).
                            4) There are several degrees to "canon."
                            5) This is often true, with examples in this thread.
                            6) ???

                            The series is one of the most consistent in the industry (moreso than say, Metal Gear). However, that doesn't mean there are absolutely zero inconsistencies. Despite that, people grossly exaggerate the actual amount and all supposed inconsistencies in this thread have been disproven. You will find more inconsistencies in level design than plot, and a disconnect between both since the background staff and writers work independently.
                            Last edited by News Bot; 07-14-2013, 02:36 PM.
                            PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                            • #44
                              Regarding some points:

                              2) Most common "problem" with the translations is just inconsistencies and not so much mistranslations. Yes, the Japanese sometimes "says the same", but you'll figure out there's a huge difference between translating Term A as Translation A in one text and as Translation B in another, to then find yourself in needing Translation A exclusively for Term B ('cause one is more direct and less all-encompassing)

                              4) Regarding canon, what is and what is not and all that, I shall once again tell people to look at the The Star Wars Holocron. The Star Wars "bible" in terms of how they treat all things canon and how they'll "selectively" exclude certain elements from the canon and what decides which source takes priority. Certain game companies, including Capcom, have been known to utilize big glossaries/encyclopedias like that for some of their franchises, and I doubt Resident Evil is no exclusion, going by all the interviews with writer staff and such.


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by RaccoonSurvivor View Post
                                ^ Hahaa .. OMG yeah hehe

                                Also, played RE3 again the other day and noticed something funny in the backgrounds.
                                Not sure if it only applies to the Dreamcast port or not but, in the RPD Main Hall - as people know, the electronic doors are boarded up.
                                But looks like someone at Capcom forgot the wood in one of the backgrounds - take a looksie here.

                                I have a copy of RE3 for the PC, and that mistake exists in the PC port aswell.
                                Last edited by Northman; 07-14-2013, 07:01 PM.

