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Resident Evil Mysteries/Inconsistencies Inquiry Thread

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  • #76
    Judging from the lack of activity in this topic, I guess we can safely say that the series has no true plot inconsistencies?

    Things are going to be a little more boring without information to find and myths and mistranslations to bust.


    • #77
      I have a -kinda long- hypothesis that I wanted to discuss some time ago, based on five points about the scenario "End of the Road" occurring in some sort of an alternative reality, but, since I know how things end here, better to not post anything and save some time and drama.
      The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase


      • #78
        In remake when lisa knocks out the the player in the cabin she drags them down by the fireplace. When player comes to only THEN she tries to attack them. If it is the possibility that she didn't attack the player when they were knocked out because she thought they were dead the case, then why would she have moved them by the fireplace?

        In RE2 Leon wore, from what I understand a combat police uniform. It was not a swat uniform of some sort. Why is he the only person in the entire town to be wearing it? This confused me greatly as a child and I just accepted the fact he was a high ranking police officer of some kind. Leon was too special to be wearing this uniform compared to everyone else's everyday joe clothing. There should have been a few police zombies/marvin wearing the uniform. It would be important to see that Leon is just another cop just like everyone else, he just so happened to be wearing a combat uniform arriving into town.

        In RE3 when you first go into the office, Jill sees Marvin and, it seems, presumed hes dead/cannot be saved. When you are on the way out, hes gone. There is no reason they needed to move him because she already gave up on him. So why did he leave? Where did he go? Everywhere else is boarded up. Did he wake up and go toward Jill's location, getting into either the film develop or archive rooms?*
        Im not too sure, when exactly does the events of RE2 take place during RE3? Between the point of defeating the nemesis at the clock tower by the infected Jill and the point of gaining control of Carlos? What does Carlos and the nemesis do during those 24 hours? Is nemesis trying to find Rebecca/Chris/Barry? I'm assuming Nikolai is off terminating UBCS members.
        Dario mentions that hes daughter was killed by zombies.
        Click image for larger version

Name:	Clock_Tower_dead_girl.png
Views:	1
Size:	290.6 KB
ID:	403597
        Wouldn't it be interesting if this was her?

        *Capcom could have EASILY remedied his limited location access/boarded up door inconsistency by NOT HAVE THE DOORS BOARDED UP. Jill WORKS at this police station. She knows how the building is set up. If the player would attempt to open up doors that wouldn't lead to the STARS office, text preventing the player from accessing the area would pop up saying "I don't need to go here, I need to get my equipment from the STARS office!" Attempting to hide somewhere in the station would have been unsmart anyway because she knew the nemesis was looking for her, she could corner herself. Also they could have avoided the whole Marvin situation in the first place by
        Click image for larger version

Name:	R11202.JPG
Views:	1
Size:	188.4 KB
ID:	403598
        having that office door on the left, which is always open, closed. Jill is in a hurry, she doesn't want to search every room.

        In CV, rockfort island self destructs, then visited by Chris. Exploring within the buildings, it appears that the bomb impacts are in VERY random locations within the architecture. A good amount of the building seems fine and not extremely life threatening of an detonation. Machinery is still partly functioning and clearly not much of the organisms nor sorts of information were destroyed. What was the point of installing the self-destruct feature?
        When Steve and Claire escape the island, other survivors were able to escape on multiple planes also, presumably from other locations of the island, inaccessible from the player. Along with Claire and Steve, these planes were also locked on fixed flight course. Did these survivors land safely at the Antarctica base, dismount then proceed into the sleeping quarters before Claire and Steve, getting mutilated in their sleep by zombies/moth during Claire and Steve crash landing and getting knocked out?

        This one is common but not mentioned-William Birkin's mutation was quite inconsistent. He is dealt multiple bullet wounds, penetrating his coat, front and back. Immediately after injecting himself, he gains claws and seemed to depend on them to kill the USS. Then by the time the player meets him in RE2, he doesn't have claws yet nor does he have the bullet holes in his shirt (which is fixed by REDC). He is also much smaller when the player sees him pre first mutation right before the battle. It almost seems like he JUST injected himself prior to that fight when he was infected for.. what 24 hours?

        Originally posted by News Bot View Post
        The Outbreak scenarios were meant to have a cohesive "canon" to them with each character given a spotlight, but as only ten out of the twenty scenarios were ever released, the narrative doesn't make much sense. So it's mostly a player choice thing.

        None of the scenarios themselves are contradictory at all.
        There is 1. In end of the road, the apple inn's front door is smashed in like from the end of hellfire. There is an additional fire wall put up a few feet inside. Why is it when you go inside the front lobby there is no fire damage whatsoever, no smoke, and the ladder isn't down? I figured they would have at least had the ladder down but broken, preventing the player from going up, like what happens to the one in the boiler room a couple of minutes after the hellfire scenario starts.
        Last edited by NEOMEGA; 02-21-2014, 12:54 AM.


        • #79
          Originally posted by NEOMEGA View Post
          In RE3 when you first go into the office, Jill sees Marvin and, it seems, presumed hes dead/cannot be saved. When you are on the way out, hes gone. There is no reason they needed to move him because she already gave up on him. So why did he leave? Where did he go? Everywhere else is boarded up. Did he wake up and go toward Jill's location, getting into either the film develop or archive rooms?*
          Im not too sure, when exactly does the events of RE2 take place during RE3? Between the point of defeating the nemesis at the clock tower by the infected Jill and the point of gaining control of Carlos? What does Carlos and the nemesis do during those 24 hours?
          Nemesis sustained such damage during the fight with Jill that he needed time to recover, which is why he ran away from Jill. Then Jill becomes unconscious, and Carlos carries her to the Clock Tower chapel to recover. After this, the entire story of RE2 plays out. During this time, Nemesis mutates from the damage (which is why he looks different the next time you see him) and Carlos is most likely busy keeping Jill safe while she's unconscious.

          Originally posted by NEOMEGA View Post
          Dario mentions that hes daughter was killed by zombies.
          Wouldn't it be interesting if this was her?
          Nope, that's not her. I haven't played in a while, but if you go back towards the warehouse during a certain point in the game, you hear a scream and see Dario's daughter running away from zombies and into the alleyway that leads to the warehouse. Unfortunately, when you enter the alleyway, you see that she has been killed by a zombie. Only a few feet away from the warehouse where her father was.


          • #80
            Originally posted by Renard View Post
            Nemesis sustained such damage during the fight with Jill that he needed time to recover, which is why he ran away from Jill. Then Jill becomes unconscious, and Carlos carries her to the Clock Tower chapel to recover. After this, the entire story of RE2 plays out. During this time, Nemesis mutates from the damage (which is why he looks different the next time you see him) and Carlos is most likely busy keeping Jill safe while she's unconscious.

            Nope, that's not her. I haven't played in a while, but if you go back towards the warehouse during a certain point in the game, you hear a scream and see Dario's daughter running away from zombies and into the alleyway that leads to the warehouse. Unfortunately, when you enter the alleyway, you see that she has been killed by a zombie. Only a few feet away from the warehouse where her father was.
            Thats the time frame I figured it happened in. Its just awkward to wonder what the conscious cast is doing during a massive 24 hours downtime, besides sleeping that is. Thats a juicy gap that could have/can be used in a outbreak scenario or a RE3 remake.

            After listening to the cutscene again I realize that Dario said LOST not SEE her get killed. I always figured he saw her die, seeing that it would make more sense for his character to not want to go back out because he broke down. If shes just lost then hes just a coward to not attempt to try and find her. He could still mean a lost causality though, how are you sure thats her?


            • #81
              Originally posted by NEOMEGA View Post
              After listening to the cutscene again I realize that Dario said LOST not SEE her get killed. I always figured he saw her die, seeing that it would make more sense for his character to not want to go back out because he broke down. If shes just lost then hes just a coward to not attempt to try and find her. He could still mean a lost causality though, how are you sure thats her?
              I thought the same too at first. But he may have just assumed that she was dead after seeing the devastation and lack of survivors. He doesn't mention discovering her body in the diary he leaves, but I think he just assumed his whole family died. It'd be nice to have the Japanese script. Now I'm not too sure if she is his daughter or not. I thought it was just assumed lol. Here are her textures if you want 'em, she does bear a resemblance to him.

              Last edited by Renard; 02-21-2014, 02:44 AM.


              • #82
                Regarding Leons RE2 Uniform .. we know it was his 1st day on the job - maybe his uniform was just newer than everyone elses in the precinct.
                Kevins matches Leons in Outbreak slightly - and again, is a varient of all the other cops in the building at the time..

                Maybe the other cops have just been there longer? So have an older style uniform? Or was Leon in a different job role altogether from them?? Not SWAT but..
                "I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"


                • #83

                  No bandages !


                  • #84
                    ^ Never noticed that before ahaha .. guess I wasn't looking for mistakes though

                    As for RECV and the planes going to the Antarctic - I always assumed (swear I read somewhere too) they they were some people were infected and fled on the planes.. obviously ending up at the same base, turning into zombies, and attacking everyone in sight.. Infection was probably there to begin with, but they deffo didn't help.
                    "I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by Lanzagranadas View Post
                      I have a -kinda long- hypothesis that I wanted to discuss some time ago, based on five points about the scenario "End of the Road" occurring in some sort of an alternative reality, but, since I know how things end here, better to not post anything and save some time and drama.
                      "How things end here"? You mean you constantly get proven wrong? Grow up.

                      Originally posted by NEOMEGA View Post
                      In remake when lisa knocks out the the player in the cabin she drags them down by the fireplace. When player comes to only THEN she tries to attack them. If it is the possibility that she didn't attack the player when they were knocked out because she thought they were dead the case, then why would she have moved them by the fireplace?

                      In RE2 Leon wore, from what I understand a combat police uniform. It was not a swat uniform of some sort. Why is he the only person in the entire town to be wearing it? This confused me greatly as a child and I just accepted the fact he was a high ranking police officer of some kind. Leon was too special to be wearing this uniform compared to everyone else's everyday joe clothing. There should have been a few police zombies/marvin wearing the uniform. It would be important to see that Leon is just another cop just like everyone else, he just so happened to be wearing a combat uniform arriving into town.

                      In RE3 when you first go into the office, Jill sees Marvin and, it seems, presumed hes dead/cannot be saved. When you are on the way out, hes gone. There is no reason they needed to move him because she already gave up on him. So why did he leave? Where did he go? Everywhere else is boarded up. Did he wake up and go toward Jill's location, getting into either the film develop or archive rooms?*
                      Im not too sure, when exactly does the events of RE2 take place during RE3? Between the point of defeating the nemesis at the clock tower by the infected Jill and the point of gaining control of Carlos? What does Carlos and the nemesis do during those 24 hours? Is nemesis trying to find Rebecca/Chris/Barry? I'm assuming Nikolai is off terminating UBCS members.
                      Dario mentions that hes daughter was killed by zombies.
                      Wouldn't it be interesting if this was her?

                      *Capcom could have EASILY remedied his limited location access/boarded up door inconsistency by NOT HAVE THE DOORS BOARDED UP. Jill WORKS at this police station. She knows how the building is set up. If the player would attempt to open up doors that wouldn't lead to the STARS office, text preventing the player from accessing the area would pop up saying "I don't need to go here, I need to get my equipment from the STARS office!" Attempting to hide somewhere in the station would have been unsmart anyway because she knew the nemesis was looking for her, she could corner herself. Also they could have avoided the whole Marvin situation in the first place by
                      having that office door on the left, which is always open, closed. Jill is in a hurry, she doesn't want to search every room.

                      In CV, rockfort island self destructs, then visited by Chris. Exploring within the buildings, it appears that the bomb impacts are in VERY random locations within the architecture. A good amount of the building seems fine and not extremely life threatening of an detonation. Machinery is still partly functioning and clearly not much of the organisms nor sorts of information were destroyed. What was the point of installing the self-destruct feature?
                      When Steve and Claire escape the island, other survivors were able to escape on multiple planes also, presumably from other locations of the island, inaccessible from the player. Along with Claire and Steve, these planes were also locked on fixed flight course. Did these survivors land safely at the Antarctica base, dismount then proceed into the sleeping quarters before Claire and Steve, getting mutilated in their sleep by zombies/moth during Claire and Steve crash landing and getting knocked out?

                      This one is common but not mentioned-William Birkin's mutation was quite inconsistent. He is dealt multiple bullet wounds, penetrating his coat, front and back. Immediately after injecting himself, he gains claws and seemed to depend on them to kill the USS. Then by the time the player meets him in RE2, he doesn't have claws yet nor does he have the bullet holes in his shirt (which is fixed by REDC). He is also much smaller when the player sees him pre first mutation right before the battle. It almost seems like he JUST injected himself prior to that fight when he was infected for.. what 24 hours?

                      There is 1. In end of the road, the apple inn's front door is smashed in like from the end of hellfire. There is an additional fire wall put up a few feet inside. Why is it when you go inside the front lobby there is no fire damage whatsoever, no smoke, and the ladder isn't down? I figured they would have at least had the ladder down but broken, preventing the player from going up, like what happens to the one in the boiler room a couple of minutes after the hellfire scenario starts.
                      1) Lisa knocked them out and went to do something else, then came back to them. She's not a Zombie.
                      2) To set Leon apart from everyone else, which is more vital than making him blend in, from a character design perspective. Kevin Ryman wears the same outfit, again to set him apart.
                      3) Marvin's model being moved is not a plot issue. Carlos was off fending for supplies. Nemesis was recovering from the wounds sustained in the previous battle. Dario's daughter wasn't killed and she does not appear in the game at all. There were... other plans for her.
                      4) There's no real reason they shouldn't have boarded the doors up. From a gameplay point of view, it prevents the player wasting time. From a plot point of view, it shows that the station had been somewhat secured but later compromised.
                      5) HCF limited the bomb. The other survivors died on impact.
                      6) Birkin's first form is able to extend and retract the claws at will. They only become permanent in his second form. Also, the team that created the CG movies was not the actual development team, they were outsourced. G-Virus mutations often become faster and more dramatic with injury (but the very nature of mutations is mostly random).
                      7) Level design. Not plot.
                      Last edited by News Bot; 02-21-2014, 03:54 AM.
                      PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                      • #86
                        1) I like to think that Lisa was going to rip off the character's face with some very hot tools, hence she put them next to the fireplace. She left to prepare the tools and when she came back, the character woke up and escaped.
                        2) I thought there was a canon explanation for this though ? Like, Leon was sent this special uniform as a prototype uniform, kind of like Chris' alternate STARS uniform. Don't remember where I read that though.
                        3) I also liked to think that the girl killed near the warehouse was Dario's daughter. Dario would have heard her scream, realized that she was alive, and then came out of his hiding place to find her, but they both got eaten by zombies at the same time. Again, no proof at all, just a pet theory. Now tell us Newsbot, what are you hiding from us ? Is Lucia Rosso, the Lucia from RE Gaiden ? :p


                        • #87
                          That is a plausible explanation for Lisa. To be honest there's no problem with the scene, some people just expect her to be a Zombie that can't wait to tear someone apart.

                          Leon was sent that uniform before he arrived for his job, yes. It's probably the only uniform he had, honestly.

                          Dario is killed because he gave in to fear and panicked when he heard the Zombies coming in, so he tried to escape. He failed, though. The girl killed outside the warehouse is just a random girl. Just like the girl in the Umbrella commercials.

                          Lucia Rosso was meant to be a character in another game, but I can't say anything more right now.
                          PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                          • #88
                            Are you sure? Dario and the girl have the same hair and eye color and have a similar facial structure, especially the eyebrows. Who is this mystery girl then? And why was she heading to the warehouse (other than to escape the zombies)?


                            • #89
                              Originally posted by Renard View Post
                              Are you sure? Dario and the girl have the same hair and eye color and have a similar facial structure, especially the eyebrows. Who is this mystery girl then? And why was she heading to the warehouse (other than to escape the zombies)?
                              100% positive. She is just a random civilian.
                              PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                              • #90
                                The only series inconsistency I can really think of is the old Alexander Ashford disappeared in 1982 or 1983 issue. We know it was actually 1983 but supplemental text to this day still lists his disappearance as 1982 in several sources which is taken from copy and paste jobs of old, outdated texts which causes confusion to those not overly familiar with events.

                                This is the only genuine oversight by the developers that I can think of.
                                "I've got 100 cows."
                                "Well I've got 104 friends."

