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Resident Evil Mysteries/Inconsistencies Inquiry Thread

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  • Can you diverge any details? The console it was to appear on, possible returning characters, if it made it to development how long did it "live", etc.
    "Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."


    • All I can really say is that it was intended for the PlayStation 2, never made it into development (impossible from a technical perspective) and featured many returning and new characters. Consider it similar to Yoshiki Okamoto's "Sengoku BIOHAZARD" and "BIOHAZARD DASH" plans.

      Assuming DASH ever existed of course.
      Last edited by News Bot; 02-21-2014, 04:14 PM.
      PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


      • Interesting, thanks for that.
        "Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."


        • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
          1) Lisa knocked them out and went to do something else, then came back to them. She's not a Zombie.
          2) To set Leon apart from everyone else, which is more vital than making him blend in, from a character design perspective. Kevin Ryman wears the same outfit, again to set him apart.
          3) Marvin's model being moved is not a plot issue. Carlos was off fending for supplies. Nemesis was recovering from the wounds sustained in the previous battle. Dario's daughter wasn't killed and she does not appear in the game at all. There were... other plans for her.
          4) There's no real reason they shouldn't have boarded the doors up. From a gameplay point of view, it prevents the player wasting time. From a plot point of view, it shows that the station had been somewhat secured but later compromised.
          5) HCF limited the bomb. The other survivors died on impact.
          6) Birkin's first form is able to extend and retract the claws at will. They only become permanent in his second form. Also, the team that created the CG movies was not the actual development team, they were outsourced. G-Virus mutations often become faster and more dramatic with injury (but the very nature of mutations is mostly random).
          7) Level design. Not plot.
          1-Right. She isnt a zombie. I consider her to be just marginally smarter than the average zombie. This little segment of knock out was a question of slight curiosity. It could be nothing at all but I guess this point was magnified in a game due to very little to no visible flaws.
          2-I understand he is marked to be different but to be a unique one and only is a bit much. Being able to see others wearing the suit does not need to be common at all, I would have just loved to be reminded that these zombies were not much different from myself. I did know, but forgot at the moment with Kevin having the same suit, minus the under sweater and elbow pads Leon is wearing (a bit much, Leon). That was a very acceptable decision and I'm happy they showed us the core suit.
          3-Right but going out of their way to move him in the first place wasn't needed either. Just a decision that gives query.
          4-This was my initial feelings, I like to believe that the fat cop shown in the helicopter crash cutscene and any predetermined corpses like the policeman pecked to death on the second floor or the body in the west office, right before the emergency outside stairwell-bodies you can't see as jill, to still be alive by that point, having some control of the station still. However if they are gonna go that far it would have been nice to see come npc officers Jill could have brief convos with like Kevin does in outbreak. As it currently was, it felt unnecessary to have the doors been boarded up for a strong visual consistency. But the boarded up doors factor wasn't what I was trying to get at in that post anyway. Its just a minor thing.
          5-So there are still active bombs in the foundation?
          6-Ehhhh...the CG lack of communication thing sounds more like it.
          7-Again they didnt need to cause speculation by adding the fire wall considering that was the theme of that scenario. There was no reason to add a fire door there when they could have just used the actual door.
          Last edited by NEOMEGA; 02-21-2014, 09:31 PM.


          • 1-Right. She isnt a zombie. I consider her to be just marginally smarter than the average zombie. This little segment of knock out was a question of slight curiosity. It could be nothing at all but I guess this point was magnified in a game due to very little to no visible flaws.
            She's quite a bit smarter than a Zombie.

            3-Right but going out of their way to move him in the first place wasn't needed either. Just a decision that gives query.
            It would be weird to have Nemesis stomp all over his unconscious body.

            5-So there are still active bombs in the foundation?
            HCF limited the damage by disabling some of the bombs linked to the self destruct system. They didn't get them all.

            6-Ehhhh...the CG lack of communication thing sounds more like it.
            The claws being retractable in his first form is very much the case too.

            7-Again they didnt need to cause speculation by adding the fire control procedures considering that was the theme of that scenario. There was no reason to add a fire door there when they could have just used the actual door.
            Don't think too deeply into level design.
            PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


            • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
              It would be weird to have Nemesis stomp all over his unconscious body.

              Don't think too deeply into level design.
              Thats fine. Marvin could have provided comedic support by shouting out in agony.

              And (over)thinking on stuff like that is kinda natually built into my mindset which was a supporting reason why I decided to go to school for a career in game development. I think I have Silent Hill and super metroid to blame for that.


              • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                1) Nobody knows, not even CAPCOM. They didn't write anything for her.
                2) A different scrapped idea.
                The only bit of info we have on Rebecca after RE0 and RE1 is that she wrote her report on Billy's ''death'' (RE2 EX File), and that she is alive after Raccoon's destruction in RE3 (RE5 surviving members) - I always assumed she just .. skipped town to lead a normal life hahaha

                If only Capcom would bring her back..
                "I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"


                • Barry and Rebecca were planned to be in RE5 Mercenaries mode. There are voice clips for them hidden within the game. But that's nothing story-related, of course.


                  • They are in RE5 Mercenaries Mode. They were added later as DLC along with Josh and Excella in a separate Mercenaries Mode called "Mercenaries Reunion".


                    • Originally posted by Sly View Post
                      They are in RE5 Mercenaries Mode. They were added later as DLC along with Josh and Excella in a separate Mercenaries Mode called "Mercenaries Reunion".
                      Oh. Whoops. I didn't know about the DLC.


                      • Did anybody notice a black square in re3 when you enter the rpd? Its like where the statue is in the hall just look at the back.


                        • In original Resident Evil when we examine Gold Emblem in piano room it says that "It has been used by someone" who used it??

                          In revelations botany book is 3rd edition, which game has the 2nd edition botany book???
                          Last edited by khasho; 03-14-2014, 06:07 PM.


                          • Originally posted by khasho View Post
                            In original Resident Evil when we examine Gold Emblem in piano room it says that "It has been used by someone" who used it??

                            In revelations botany book is 3rd edition, which game has the 2nd edition botany book???
                            1) George Trevor/Oswell Spencer
                            2) There is no second edition in the games. It jumps to 3rd edition so you think there is a second.
                            PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                            • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                              1) George Trevor/Oswell Spencer
                              2) There is no second edition in the games. It jumps to 3rd edition so you think there is a second.
                              Thanks Newsbot for clearing that.

                              I was listening to one of projectumbrella podcast and you were discussing about Biohazard Dash.. It was the first time I heard about it...Who was supposed to be the main playable character in that game?

                              In RE1 when does wesker puts the other character in the cell...starting of the game?? or middle of the game??


                              • Originally posted by khasho View Post
                                Thanks Newsbot for clearing that.

                                I was listening to one of projectumbrella podcast and you were discussing about Biohazard Dash.. It was the first time I heard about it...Who was supposed to be the main playable character in that game?

                                In RE1 when does wesker puts the other character in the cell...starting of the game?? or middle of the game??
                                1) Chris and Jill again. However it is questionable whether "DASH" exists or is just a silly rumor.
                                2) Neither character is put in a cell in the storyline. What you see in the early games generally is not what happens.
                                PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium

