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Resident Evil Mysteries/Inconsistencies Inquiry Thread

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  • #16
    I have one that not even News Bot can fathom...

    Why the hell is the RPD's reception office a metre higher than the waiting room?! This has always blown me away.


    • #17
      I don't factor level design in with the plot personally, but it's a pretty funny gaffe.
      PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


      • #18
        Originally posted by News Bot View Post
        I don't factor level design in with the plot personally, but it's a pretty funny gaffe.
        Yeah, I was just going by the title of the thread in a literal sense...


        • #19
          ^ Hahaa .. OMG yeah hehe

          Also, played RE3 again the other day and noticed something funny in the backgrounds.
          Not sure if it only applies to the Dreamcast port or not but, in the RPD Main Hall - as people know, the electronic doors are boarded up.
          But looks like someone at Capcom forgot the wood in one of the backgrounds - take a looksie here.

          "I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"


          • #20
            What file does it mention Christine Henri and Loire Village in?


            • #21
              Originally posted by TheOrganization View Post
              What file does it mention Christine Henri and Loire Village in?
              This one.

              Henry and the village have a lot more background in the drama album I'm translating. Should be done by the end of the week.
              PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


              • #22
                oh cool, sounds interesting. Are the drama albums considered canon?


                • #23
                  Only very specific elements from them are canon. The general stories are not, but in the Ada one for example, details on the transportation of the G-Virus from America to France can be considered canon as they don't contradict anything and flesh out other details a bit more.
                  PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                  • #24
                    OK, here I go with a few examples. Maybe some clues and evidences from a reliable source work better than an endless discussion:

                    Case 1: G sample

                    Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                    Timing wasn't an issue, "G" was a goopy mass for a while before attacking the train (this is most likely when she recovered the tissue fragment, I highly doubt she chased down a fucking train)
                    Wesker´s Report says: ( )

                    We immediately hurried to recover the pendant Leon threw away, but it was recovered by HUNK, the only survivor of the recovery unit sent by Umbrella.
                    Unavoidable. Our remaining option was to bring back Birkin, who'd become a monster, as an experimental specimen.
                    We re-deployed Birkin against Claire in order to obtain his combat data.
                    Although Birkin was defeated by Leon and Claire, we collected the G-Virus from his remaining corpse.

                    RE Archives says: ( )

                    A sample of the G-Virus was hidden in the pendant owned by Sherry, William's daughter. Based on that information, Ada searched in Raccoon City where Zombies roamed. And then she met Leon S. Kennedy, who was also by chance looking for an escape method there, and schemed to use him. By pretending to cooperate with Leon, she successfully obtained the pendant at last.

                    Case 2: Date of Special Forces Vs Tyrants T-103

                    Kawamura said: ( )

                    The U.S. government, keen in acquiring Umbrella's top scientist and the research data for the latest B.O.W., quickly agreed to send in a team of U.S. special ops forces to extradite Dr. Birkin. Learning of this development, Umbrella airlifted six Tyrant B.O.W.s into the industrial area of the city (per scenes from BIO 2), where they fought with the U.S. special ops team. The special ops team waged a heavy battle, but was annihilated before they had a chance to use their anti-B.O.W. weapon, a rail gun called "Paracelsus' Sword". (The Tyrants were also annihilated, as you would know if you've played the final stage of BIO 3.)

                    BH3 Official guidebook says: ( )

                    The Special Forces wiped out in the factory were dispatched for the purpose of seizing the newly developed "G-virus" and to protect its developer, but went up the lift to the disposal plant far from the destination because there was no intelligence on the actual facility. (They invaded from the underground frieght train route). But at the same time, Umbrella had already caught the leak in intelligence and ordered that all remaining Tyrants be dropped at the disposal plant after one T organism was dropped on the police station. The consequence was that the Special Forces and Tyrants were lost in grand simultaneous attacks and the virus was recovered by the Umbrella Security Service, who gained total control of the laboratory in the meantime.

                    Case 3: Date of USS mission

                    Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                    The U.S.S. infiltrated the laboratory on September 23.
                    RE2 says: ( )

                    Patrol Report
                    September 20 9:30 PM
                    Reporter: Sergeant Neil Carlsen
                    In response to a report that there was a lurker in the sewer on the outskirts of Raccoon City, I searched through the sewer. I discovered a suspiscious looking person. I attempted to question them, but they escaped.
                    The following were discovered at the scene.
                    ・Plastic explosive - small amount
                    ・Timed electric fuse
                    ・9x19mm parabellum bullet cartridge
                    ・Infrared scope (use is impossible from damage)

                    RE Outbreak File 2 says: ( )

                    A general inspection of the sewer is to be carried out for almost the whole area of Raccoon City on September 20th from late at night one o'clock to five o'clock in the morning. Based on this, please adjust the tap-water supply to 1/5 of the normal levels during the above-mentioned time.
                    In addition, a specialty gas for cleaning is used during the inspection work and please be advised that the general public is prohibited from entering the sewer system.

                    And BH2 Official guide book says: ( )

                    23 (WED) Umbrella ruins Raccoon City. <Chief's Diary>
                    → The chief receives this report from Umbrella HQ, rather than from William. In addition, from the fact that Umbrella special forces made a preliminary inspection of the sewers on the 20th, it is not certain whether William was attacked on the 20th or 23rd. Moreover, there is a large scale leak of t-virus at the same time which leads to this tragedy in Raccoon City.
                    Last edited by Lanzagranadas; 06-10-2013, 11:46 PM.
                    The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase


                    • #25
                      1) Wesker is clearly talking about one of his forms being defeated, as I said.
                      2) Yes, Ada obtains the pendant. As I said. Leon takes this sample from her similar to how he takes Annette's, and he throws it away. HUNK recovers it.
                      3) The U.S. Army Special Forces arrived in the city on September 23.
                      4) The U.S.S. conducted recon in the sewers on September 20. The actual infiltration of the laboratory took place on September 23.
                      PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                      • #26
                        You can have it 100% clear, but the inconsistency/mistake/little difference is still there:

                        "...the Special Forces and Tyrants were lost in grand simultaneous attacks and the virus was recovered by the Umbrella Security Service, who gained total control of the laboratory in the meantime."

                        " is not certain whether William was attacked on the 20th or 23rd."

                        And I also see something weird here (both from Wesker´s Report):

                        "...We re-deployed Birkin against Claire in order to obtain his combat data." (We -Wesker- re-deployed Birkin? How could Wesker control G-Birkin?)

                        "By contrast, Umbrella, which had become frantic in order to conceal the incident, deployed a Tyrant. They planned to eliminate Leon and Claire, who were investigating the truth."
                        (So: Umbrella magically discovered that two ordinary and unknown citizens were hidden in the RPD and thought they were capable not only of survive in that hell but also find their secret lab, investigate them and reveal the truth, so they sent a Tyrant just to kill them.)

                        It doesn`t look natural to me, and I could assume Capcom thought the same, because that line about Leon and Claire was removed on the re-release of Wesker´s Report. The Tyrant sent after G-Virus is much more believable.
                        The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase


                        • #27
                          Dear god.

                          1) The U.S.S. infiltrated the lab while the U.S. Special Forces were sent to the abandoned plant. There's no inconsistency there, Kawamura just summarized the entire situation (Tyrants didn't attack the Special Forces until the 29th).

                          2) It is certain when William was attacked. It initially wasn't in BH2 (the source of that line), but later sources confirm that it was the 23rd. The manual of BH3 and the official series timeline in particular clarified as such.

                          3) You're taking it too literally. Nobody controlled Birkin. What he means is that they recorded him while he fought.

                          4) The Tyrant was sent to eliminate survivors in general. It's Wesker who knows about Leon and Claire.
                          PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                          • #28
                            ^ I swear to god that RE2 Tyrant thing is BS.

                            He was deployed by Umbrella into RPD to locate and retrieve a G - Sample (the one Sherry has in her pendant, which Ada can find)

                            Hence why he persues either Sherry (he goes for Claire when she tossed the pendant, and then follows it into the iron smelting pool)
                            That's how I see it anyway - makes more sense, and the motive is in the game at least.. He's obviously gonna kill anyone in the way though, like Nemesis does to Carlos etc
                            "I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by RaccoonSurvivor View Post
                              ^ I swear to god that RE2 Tyrant thing is BS.

                              He was deployed by Umbrella into RPD to locate and retrieve a G - Sample (the one Sherry has in her pendant, which Ada can find)

                              Hence why he persues either Sherry (he goes for Claire when she tossed the pendant, and then follows it into the iron smelting pool)
                              That's how I see it anyway - makes more sense, and the motive is in the game at least.. He's obviously gonna kill anyone in the way though, like Nemesis does to Carlos etc
                              God's not going to like you.

                              This aircraft will infiltrate Raccoon City airspace under virus contamination and drop T1 organism on the Raccoon Police Department.
                              This will successfully allow the complete elimination of survivors in the police department.
                              Recovery of the G-Virus sample was its objective, yes. However, the fact remains that it is a B.O.W. designed to kill people, and to Umbrella, it was strategically dropped in the police department knowing that it would murder any poor bastard in its way. It's a far cry from Nemesis-T, which would otherwise ignore people unless they are preventing it from reaching its target.
                              Last edited by News Bot; 06-11-2013, 02:16 PM.
                              PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                              • #30
                                I understand what you already explained two or three times, I was just pointing those sources that mislead some details.
                                It´s not the same to say: "T-103 was sent to kill survivors and recover the G-Virus" than "They (Umbrella) planned to eliminate Leon and Claire, who were investigating the truth." which would involve Umbrella had either intel on Leon and Claire or a spy in the RPD monitoring them. I know that this never happened, but it can bring a wrong idea on anybody else who read that.
                                Also Leon and Claire where not there to investigate Umbrella, they were just focusing on survive as any other normal citizen and what they discovered about Umbrella activities was just by coincidence.
                                It`s not just me, some sentences from Wesker´s Report as well as a few files or books can lead to confusion or wrong interpretation.
                                Nevermind, I could continue this all along, but guess this is not the right place to state a point of view.
                                Last edited by Lanzagranadas; 06-11-2013, 04:38 PM.
                                The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase

