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Resident Evil Mysteries/Inconsistencies Inquiry Thread

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  • #46
    Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
    2) Most common "problem" with the translations is just inconsistencies and not so much mistranslations. Yes, the Japanese sometimes "says the same", but you'll figure out there's a huge difference between translating Term A as Translation A in one text and as Translation B in another, to then find yourself in needing Translation A exclusively for Term B ('cause one is more direct and less all-encompassing)
    I'm still surprised that despite the mountain of examples, there are still people who try and claim there is no problem in the series translations. Denial at its finest.


    • #47
      Doesn't one RE background show the beta door for the evidece room in one angle and the retail door in another?


      • #48
        Originally posted by Dracarys View Post
        Of course not, just need to follow this simple guide/set of rules.

        1.) Pick and choose what to decalre as canon, including stating the same thing is both canon and non-canon as it suits the personal argument at the moment in time.
        2.) If you source anything in english then it is a horribly translated mess and this is the only argument you need why it isn't canon, even if the original japanese says the same thing.
        3.) If a game creator says something that crushes your idea of canon then he is an idiot and doesn't know what he is talking about and that statement is to be ignored, except other times when you source a quote from him and he is unquestionably right, always.
        4.) Something is either entrely canon, or entirely non-canon, except when you need source the later half of a sentence as canon, but not the first half which is non-canon.
        5.) You interpret everything wrong, even stuff clearly obvious with multiple sources, others interpret everything right, just because.
        6.) That idea you're thinking based on various sources, it is wrong because someone else already made up their mind about it.

        If you see anything wrong with these rules then the problem is YOU, because RE has the most consistant story and lore to ever exist.
        Yes, we should have the book of laws and rules for a perfect RE universe understanding

        Well, but it wasn´t my intention to discuss the canon, I was trying to say that, despite what we accepted as canon and what not, there are still some details contradicted or changed between different sources, and there is where I see inconsistency.
        More so, still when there is no contradiction, there are plot related things which are perfectly accepted as fact but they are still inconsistent, simply because they are unconvincing, weakly explained or even escaping the common sense sometimes, aka plot holes, retcons and deus ex machinas.
        But, on the whole, it works quite well, better than another franchises.
        Last edited by Lanzagranadas; 07-15-2013, 12:18 PM.
        The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase


        • #49
          Zero genuine plot inconsistencies or contradictions have been shown in this thread yet. Everything mentioned thus far has been explained.
          PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


          • #50
            I tried to move the giant bell in the clock tower as Jill and got "it doesn't seem like it can be moved with a woman's strength" (in Japanese). Does anyone recall what it says in English?

            Also, the door to the Evidence Room in BH3 Sourcenext is the same one used in the Media Room in BH1.5 regardless of vantage point.


            • #51
              Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
              Regarding some points:

              2) Most common "problem" with the translations is just inconsistencies and not so much mistranslations. Yes, the Japanese sometimes "says the same", but you'll figure out there's a huge difference between translating Term A as Translation A in one text and as Translation B in another, to then find yourself in needing Translation A exclusively for Term B ('cause one is more direct and less all-encompassing)

              4) Regarding canon, what is and what is not and all that, I shall once again tell people to look at the The Star Wars Holocron. The Star Wars "bible" in terms of how they treat all things canon and how they'll "selectively" exclude certain elements from the canon and what decides which source takes priority. Certain game companies, including Capcom, have been known to utilize big glossaries/encyclopedias like that for some of their franchises, and I doubt Resident Evil is no exclusion, going by all the interviews with writer staff and such.
              It's a known fact that STAR TREK creator Gene Roddenberry kept a copy of the fan-produced Star Trek Concordance in his office bookcase for handy reference for years ... even after he started dumping on fanon and selectively rejecting parts of his own creation (the Animated Series, for instance) there towards the end that had helped to establish that very canon. Another good example of "it's canon now - no, it's not - well, maybe part of it ... okay, all of it ... no, wait ..."
              Last edited by RMandel; 07-16-2013, 08:44 PM.


              • #52
                Didn´t know about the Star Wars Holocron, I´ll give it a reading.

                But I guess nothing compares to the DC universe :

                The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase


                • #53
                  I remember Prime Blue once proposed that the series had like, seven different canons.

                  Those were dark times.
                  PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                  • #54
                    I'd forgotten that "chart" - It contained a full overview of which titles were possible and which were not based on the in-game variable outcome/endings of the early games and such, didn't it?


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
                      I'd forgotten that "chart" - It contained a full overview of which titles were possible and which were not based on the in-game variable outcome/endings of the early games and such, didn't it?
                      Yeah, separated by writers too. I don't think there was any real reasoning to it, as everything was taken into account whether it was intended to be canon or not.
                      PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                      • #56
                        There probably has been an explination for it but the police station section in RE3, who bordered up everything and who took them all down by the time leon/claire got there?


                        • #57
                          Let's just pretend it was Marvin and the Outbreakers.


                          • #58
                            ^ Or .. ya know - the whole zombie invasion that happened hehe

                            Same with the (table?) barricading the door leading back to the licker hallway in RE3 - this has fallen against the wall in RE2 as if the door was pushed through from the other side..

                            That's how I always saw it .. there are more zombies in RE2 after Jill killed a ton of em in 3 - so makes sense the zombies did it in their hordes.
                            Obviously the massive barricades outside the RPD in 3 can't be explained in any way.. Hmmm
                            "I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
                              Let's just pretend it was Marvin and the Outbreakers.
                              Yeah, they should of mentioned it in the file that you pick up next to marvins body. would of been an easy explination something like "I had to border/block off some doors because the police station has become totally infested"


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by Don Piano View Post
                                There probably has been an explination for it but the police station section in RE3, who bordered up everything and who took them all down by the time leon/claire got there?
                                I have absolutely never understood the potential complaint here.

                                The police boarded them up. The zombies broke them down. Where is the problem?
                                PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium

