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Resident Evil Mysteries/Inconsistencies Inquiry Thread

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  • #91
    There's also the 1966/1967 discovery date of Progenitor. Like the 1982/1983 issue and the BIO5 ages, it was a single-digit typo caused by the fact that the first appearance of the error happened to be in the Catalysis book timeline that was copy-and-pasted into several other sources, such as Archives. The editors of the Kaitai Shinsho and Perfect Capture guides didn't want to question CAPCOM's material, so they wrote around 1967 for a long time.

    Then Tsukasa Takenaka corrected it to 1966 in BIO5's files.
    Last edited by News Bot; 02-21-2014, 10:16 AM.


    • #92
      Yes, although the Progenitor discovery date in the original Biohazard Archives is actually December 1966 if you check the timeline section. But as you said the other references to it in the same book say 1967 because of the copy and paste job from older sources.
      "I've got 100 cows."
      "Well I've got 104 friends."


      • #93
        Lucia Rosso was meant to be a character in another game, but I can't say anything more right now.
        Lemme guess, she was supposed to make a guest appearance in Outbreak?
        Seibu teh geimu?


        • #94
          Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
          Lemme guess, she was supposed to make a guest appearance in Outbreak?
          Nope, this game never got released.
          PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


          • #95
            Originally posted by News Bot View Post
            "How things end here"? You mean you constantly get proven wrong? Grow up.
            No, I mean you constantly turning each thread into a fight about what´s canon and what not, and constantly trying to smash other people´s thoughts because you think everyone that doesn´t agree with you says bullshit. I grew up, not sure about you, looking at some of your posts.

            Your aknowledge about the RE universe doesn´t give you the right to treat other people, or their way of thinking, as bullshit. This thread would be funnier without you and your constant replies and attempts to make everyone besides you look wrong.
            The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase


            • #96
              There has been no fight thus far. Someone not agreeing with you is not a fight. You're the one bringing drama in by pouting and saying "I'd post something but don't wanna look wrong." I don't smash other people's thoughts. If someone is wrong, they are wrong. If it's bullshit, it's bullshit. Threads don't have to be funny, and frankly, if everyone besides me is wrong, so what? Again, if you can't handle being wrong on the Internet, you need to grow up.
              PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


              • #97
                Man, "you need to grow up", "you´ve proven wrong", "you say bullshit", it´s all the stuff you use to throw when someone doesn´t agree with you, you simply cannot stop trying to denigrate others, and I´m not talking specifically about this thread.
                If you think I brought drama with my previoust post, well, I didn´t mentioned you, it was you who took it personal and started the flame again by quoting and attacking me directly by saying "You mean you constantly get proven wrong? Grow up". If you don´t want to fight, you could have just ignored that post, but you do like to fight.

                You might think that everyone not following you is a dumb, or someone who wants to invalidate your work, and I´m neither none of that, so don´t stay allways on the defensive because you´re not the center of the world. And if I think something doesn´t make sense, then doesn´t make sense for me, I don´t need someone saying me: "That´s how it is, it doesn´t matter what you think".

                You´ve been several times disrespectful to others, probably because you have sort of inmunity given by your constant contributions, but such behavior would lead to warnings and even bans in most forums, so you obviously abusse of that immunity. I didn´t have any problem with any person in any forum except for you, and I don´t think we could say the same about you.
                The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase


                • #98
                  I say those things because they are true. Otherwise I wouldn't say them. I don't ignore people who spread incorrect information.

                  People can be wrong. I've been wrong plenty of times in the past. I don't pretend to be immutable considering all of my information comes from sources, it depends entirely on whether those are right or wrong. You have been wrong multiple times in this very thread. Me pointing out that you are wrong is not disrespectful, it's a statement of fact. I have no immunity here, I've been given many infractions and temp-banned many times. Factually wrong again.

                  In your own words...

                  correct me if I`m wrong
                  (also I get cranky and lack patience, don't take it personally)
                  Last edited by News Bot; 02-21-2014, 03:25 PM.
                  PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                  • #99
                    what happened to Rebbecca ? I mean after re1 did she quit S.T.A.R.S and just leave forever ?
                    I know Caliban cove doesn't count , I always had a soft spot for her , I was hoping capcom would of kept her on and used her like mei ling in MGS1 and maybe made her BSAA field medic.

                    maybe we might here of her in re7 but I doubt it lol.

                    RE7 better have claire. she would be the perfect choice for survival horror again , since she doesn't work for BSAA she wont have access to shit loads of weapons so she could only pick up what she finds again.

                    also that girl you said was going to be in another game that never came out , was the game that was going to be re3 with hunk on a ship ?
                    or just another scraped idea ?


                    • Originally posted by chrisliam2 View Post
                      what happened to Rebbecca ? I mean after re1 did she quit S.T.A.R.S and just leave forever ?
                      I know Caliban cove doesn't count , I always had a soft spot for her , I was hoping capcom would of kept her on and used her like mei ling in MGS1 and maybe made her BSAA field medic.

                      maybe we might here of her in re7 but I doubt it lol.

                      RE7 better have claire. she would be the perfect choice for survival horror again , since she doesn't work for BSAA she wont have access to shit loads of weapons so she could only pick up what she finds again.

                      also that girl you said was going to be in another game that never came out , was the game that was going to be re3 with hunk on a ship ?
                      or just another scraped idea ?
                      1) Nobody knows, not even CAPCOM. They didn't write anything for her.
                      2) A different scrapped idea.
                      PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                      • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                        1) Nobody knows, not even CAPCOM. They didn't write anything for her.
                        2) A different scrapped idea.
                        ah okay thanks for that then , so technically she could still make an appearance story wise , at least I could use her in re5 mercs and 3ds mercs lol.


                        • She could, it's really just up to CAPCOM's scenario writers.
                          PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                          • Did this scrapped game become something else that was released, or was it abandoned altogether? And if it's the latter is it a game that is commonly known in the community?
                            "Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."


                            • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                              She could, it's really just up to CAPCOM's scenario writers.
                              she would be in her middles 30's by now wouldn't she ? would be nice to see how she has aged. maybe one day lol when I'm an old man .


                              • Originally posted by Graco View Post
                                Did this scrapped game become something else that was released, or was it abandoned altogether? And if it's the latter is it a game that is commonly known in the community?
                                Abandoned and completely unknown to the community.
                                PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium

